Showing posts with label Kayla Garnet Rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kayla Garnet Rose. Show all posts

December 6, 2023

Sappho's Delights

Sappho’s Delights: Poems 1984 - 1997

A delicious collection of feminist and lesbian poetry that chronicles the adventures of a young baby crone as she crosses the country and discovers home.

These tasty morsels span almost a decade. From coming out as bisexual during high school in Maryland, a frisky four years of college in Connecticut (with an interim in zesty California), a healing year in Northern Idaho, participating on the Global Walk for a Livable World (where she walked from Los Angeles to Flagstaff, Arizona), living as a lesbian separatist, as well as opening the feminist bookstore in Santa Cruz, California.

Friends, lovers, cats, and companions are celebrated through poems, haiku, songs, ramblings, and even some blues. Dip your toes into the honey!

April 13, 2022

Ready to Quit Smoking for Good?

Smoking is an interesting habit - people quit smoking for as many reasons as they started smoking - and absolutely hypnosis is helpful in changing any habit. Hypnotherapy allows you to discover the deeper purpose behind smoking and how to fulfill that purpose in a new, healthier, deeply satisfying way. Because all of this is happening in your own mind, it is always the perfect right solution for you.

Some interesting facts: In breaking smoking cycle, it takes 3 days for the nicotine release; 21 days for the emotional release; and almost 2 years for the plaque build up to clear your arteries. Hypnosis is helpful for the immediate withdrawal symptoms; for processing the release of emotional toxins over the mid range; and for managing/decreasing stress in the long run.

I do a minimum of three sessions over one week to quit smoking for good. The first session is the “getting to know you” session, My intake includes looking at what is your main motivation, your 3 strongest reasons to quit; past success with quitting; support systems in your life; and what affirmations are you making now. Some examples: “I smell fresh”, “ I reach for health” and a personal favorite, “Every breath is a gift”.

During the first session I teach a simple, one minute self hypnosis technique that effectively anchors the feelings of whatever it is that smoking brings you into a part of the body. Repeating the technique while tapping that part of the body instantly brings you to that place, circumventing the need for an actual cigarette.

The second session is almost completely done in trance, and is to quit smoking entirely. This can include imagining all the future situations where you would be tempted to smoke and seeing yourself as a permanent nonsmoker. It also includes visualizing releasing all your smoking paraphernalia, from ash trays to lighters to packs or cartons of cigarettes. This reinforces your self-programming, especially when combined with your anchor.

The last session is a goodbye ritual, acknowledging how Father Tobacco has served you in life, and honoring Spirit of the Plants. I combine Reiki in my sessions, using the energy to further dissolve any stagnation. According to Chinese medicine, grief is stored in the lungs, and often folks who smoke are stuck in some sort of grief, and hypnosis allows for a symbolic death, mourning, and most importantly, moving on to reaffirm life.

Some folks feel it’s about having enough will power, but really I see it as changing wishful thinking into willful thinking. Feel the difference in saying out loud, “I wish I could stop smoking” and “I WILL stop smoking” When you say, “I will” your brain says, “How?” and is all excited to participate. The simple truth is: You will know when it is time to quit. I had one client come to quit smoking, which she did in 3 days, after over a year of weekly hypnotherapy sessions to address the real reason behind her smoking: stress (the proverbial smoke screen). Once she had built up the internal resources to manage her emotions and discovered ways to release her stress in a positive way, she was ready to let go of her smoking habit. Allow yourself all the time you need, and remember to embrace change as a doorway to a more peaceful existence.

I hope this is helpful. Click the Schedule Now button  when you are ready to quit smoking for good!

July 21, 2021

Thoughts on Negativity

Dear Dad,

Thank you for this article, For the New Year Say No to Negativity By John Tierney and Roy F. Baumeister

I found it quite interesting and have shared it with a few clients already.

Specifically, I liked "Post-traumatic stress disorder became common knowledge but not the concept of post-traumatic growth, which is actually far more common. Most people who undergo trauma ultimately feel that the experience has made them a stronger and better person." I feel that often my clients are pretty invested in being a victim, and part of my job is to get them to be invested in being a hero instead - ie, change the script, heal and deal, recognize the lesson in the trauma and then move on.

I disagree with "A single bad event can produce lifelong trauma, but there is no psychological term for the opposite of trauma because no good event has such a lasting impact." I would say that going to Wesleyan was not just a good event, but has still a lasting impact on my life. Interestingly,  I wanted to go to Georgetown but didn't get in, despite this being a "certain win" from the college counselor. I randomly had applied to Wesleyan which was "out of my league" again according to the counselor, but I had visited with Diana the year before and decided to apply as my long shot. 

I am thankful and aware of this good, and of the very good advice you gave me when I got divorced - always be invested in Amber's education. From early childcare doing Montessori the first seven years, Charter schools during junior/high school, to her graduating from UOP, I feel I totally see the good in these decisions and the lasting impact on Amber as well as my life. 

This paragraph is great -"Politicians and journalists tap into primal emotions by hyping threats from nature, technology, foreigners, political opponents—whatever will instantly trigger the brain’s alarm circuits. The presidency of Donald Trump has been a ratings bonanza because it has brought out the worst on both sides. Rarely a week goes by without some new warning that civilization is doomed." 

"The Rule of Four: It takes four good things to overcome one bad thing" was interesting. Certainly one of the strengths in Chip and my marriage is that we are constantly kind, considerate, polite, and supportive. We often talk about "the past" and how amazing our journey has been, as well as reiterate good experiences, mainly traveling together. "Engaging in nostalgia was long considered a sign of depression, but experimenters have repeatedly found it’s a tool not just for appreciating the past but also for brightening both the present and the future. One reason that happiness increases beyond middle age is that older people spend more time savoring good memories instead of obsessing about today’s worries."

Pretty much the only thing we fight about is our kids - which is why prenuptial agreements are our friend (another good piece of advice you gave me before getting married, with a lifetime positive impact). Anyway, besides for having a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, we've also been practicing a technique I adapted from a compassionate communication workshop called CAMRA - we each take turns to say 3 Celebrations, 3 Appreciations, 3 Mournings, # Reassurances, and 3 Action steps. One of my clients calls this "the shit sandwich - put the negative between slices of positive". However, it works because when we start with the celebrations and appreciations, the brain releases the feel-good neurotransmitters (serotonin, endorphins, dopamine). This makes it easier to hear the mournings, which tend to release the fight or flight hormones (adrenaline, testosterone, cortisol). There is an implicit agreement that as we listen to each other, it is not up to us to fix anything. This goes into reassurances, again it's not up to the partner to provide, just to listen. Last is action steps, which implies personal responsibility and the opportunity to stop focusing on the problems (negative) but the solutions (positive). It also has the 1:4 ratio, I notice.

I liked this - "Of all of Mark Twain’s aphorisms, the one with the most empirical support is a bit of wisdom from the title character of Pudd’nhead Wilson: “To get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.” Psychologists call it capitalization and have found that sharing good news is one of the most effective ways to become happier—but only if the other person responds enthusiastically, so make sure you rejoice in your friend’s good fortune (or at least fake it). Sharing good news makes the triumph more significant, so it’s more likely to be recalled later, which is another proven way to boost happiness." This is why I try to post something positive every day on my social media, rather than repeating bad news.

So, there are some thoughts. I hope it has a positive impact on your lawn bowling, just as you have made a long term positive impact in my life.

I love you, Dad,



May 26, 2020

Journey Through the Tarot

Yay! I have finally published my thesis from 2014 - Journey Through the Tarot: An Integrated System for Holistic Health.

A comparison of the traditional Rider-Waite deck to modern day decks demonstrate how the Tarot can act as an integrated tool for holistic health through the use of archetype, symbol, and allegory.

Tarot readings provide a wealth of information and insight to both the lay person and the professional reader. Each card has the capacity to activate wisdom for personal growth and transformation. It is based on a system hat is easy to learn and can be immediately beneficial for healing in a number of levels: physical, emotional, energetic, intellectual, and spiritual.

This book presents a brief history of the Tarot, an explanation of how information is gained from the cards, and an depth examination of both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana in terms of their element, numerology and potential for holistic healing.

I'm excited to share these nuggets of esoteric information and hope that you enjoy, savor, and relish this sampling of the Tarot!

Blessed Be!

May 5, 2020

F is for Family!

I have a new grand-daughter! In her honor I made my second children's book, a special ABC to celebrate alternative, extended, blended, and birth families! Full of nonsense verse and lovingly illuminated, now available on Amazon.

A Sampling:

Welcome to the world, Katherine,
How wonderful you will be!
Because you are the blossom,
Of the most amazing family tree!

K is for Aunt Katie, 
Who Knows that kooky kangaroos,
Only eat kiwis in Kansas,

Never key-lime pie.

Q is for Quebec,
Where it is considered quite quaint,
To quaff quinces quietly,
With the quality queen.

U is for Uncle Charlie and Uncle Chip,
Who ultimately understood,
That upside down umbrellas,
Are useless against unicorns.

With lots of branches,
And as you will see,
A few grafts on the vine,
Helped to create
your unique family ABC’s!

Blessed Be!

April 14, 2020

Rambling Rose News

Hello from Kayla! How are you handling this stressful time? Remember, we're all in this together. I am available for both phone and video conferencing. This includes:

  • Distance Healing with Reiki for deep relaxation, Chakra balancing, and guided meditation
  • Tarot readings to experience insights during this time of immense change
  • Astrology readings - Birth Charts, Transits, and Relationship Charts
  • Mindfulness Coaching for personal growth and transformation
  • Hypnotherapy for stress management and relieving anxiety
Simply click here to book your appointment online. Feel free to text or message me if you do not see a time that works for you.

Stay safe, sane, and sanitized!
Blessed be,

PS Check out my new daily Mini Mindfulness Meditations at!

April 2, 2020

Wash Your Hands!

I really miss volunteering for Toddler Hour down at the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Center. So I made up this little song to sing when our program starts again. Feel free to join in, and remember, spread the love, not the virus!

Stay safe, sane, and sanitized!

March 8, 2020

Power of Imagination

A recent comment on my Simple Self Hypnosis video - "How exactly do you imagine breathing into your knees? That's extremely confusing."

Good question.

If you are visual, you can simply imagine light or a color infusing each area as you breathe in and out. If you're not visual, here is a more kinesthetic approach:

  • Take a moment to notice your breath right now - are you breathing through your nose or mouth?
  • Take a few more breaths. Can your hear it, or feel it at the back of your throat?
  • Take a couple more deeper breaths, notice the fall and rise off your shoulders, collarbones, spine.
  • Breathing deeper, focus on the fall and rise of your chest and diaphragm. Notice bringing in oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide. With every breath, your body brings that to every cell of your being.
  • Another deep, even breath, relax into your belly. Simply pay attention to the natural expansion and contraction of your midriff.
  • The next breath, soften and open your hips by: moving your knees or feet just a bit; rocking gently back and forth; or going into lotus pose from yoga.
  • The same when breathing into your knees. Simply be aware of your body, allow your knees to relax or contract. Clench them together tightly, then release. This will bring oxygen to the muscles by circulating the blood, hence you really are "breathing into your knees."
  • Move your focus down into your feet, shift them if that feels natural, curl your toes, or flex like a super hero flying through the air, whatever works for you.
  • Then bring your awareness to your hands. You can just clench and unclench to the rhythm of your breath, be conscious of what you are hanging on to, what you are willing to let go of in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms.
I hope that's helpful!

February 24, 2020

Focus and Simplify

Focus and Simplify

We live in an ever more complex and complicated world, often run by multi-tasking, wearing many hats, juggling time, and just having way too much on our plate.

Learning to simplify, to let go of what is non-essential to make space for is essential, is not an easy task. We worry we will get bored, or that we are indulging ourselves instead of being more productive. So give yourself permission - it really is okay to sit in the gardfen for an hour with no phone. Clear a workspace (not necessarily your desk) where there is only one project on it - could be an art piece, a jigsaw puzzle, or that last chapter of your book.

Then dedicate the time. It could be one minute or five, those pockets of time we usually waste checking our phones or emails. Let go of the thought "if I don't have an hour (or whatever) then it's not worth it. It is worth it. More importantly, you are worth it. You are worth the time and energy to feel focused and engaged. Oh yes you are!



Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

Click to book your appointment on line:


February 10, 2020

Spell it Out

One of my favorite personal sayings us, "Witches Spell it Out". There is so much power in this, from simply writing something down yo the cathartic proceeds that occurs when we take the time to journal or write a heartfelt letter. The hand maps to the brain, and in the dedication to create clarity there is s pragmatic tool in making sure everyone is on the same page. We all understand the contract. With no loopholes, small print, or other self sabotages/deceits. 

What do you need to spell out, in order to feel not just heard and understood, but respected. Compromise should be the word count promise - not, sure I'll sacrifice myself for uou dear, but the sense of co-promise, as in, what is each person or party committed to for the greatest good? As Rob Brezney states, "You can have anything you want as long as you ask for it in an unselfish tones of voice."

So don't be shy. Write a list, organize your thoughts, express your needs, and find creative ways for them to be met. That is the ultimate magic spell.

   Blessed Be!

January 27, 2020

Casual Dress

I am of the age
That dress casual refers to
Just how much
Cat hair 
Is on my particular outfit
In the moment.

January 13, 2020

Psychic Healing Project

For this project, I decided to practice exercises from The Psychic Healing Book by Amy Wallace and Bill Henken. Specifically: grounding, clearing and aligning the chakras. I worked on myself three times over three days, then with regular clients over two weeks. All of us found it very useful, energizing and powerful.

For my self, I found it best to do the exercises while sitting outside on the deck in the fresh air, aware of the blessing of California sunshine, drawing its energy deep into my being. Afterward, I would do some weeding to literally touch the earth.

In the grounding exercise, I noticed that sending energy down the tailbone was very different from sending in through my legs and feet. There was a tingling in my sacrum and I could feel the earth energy rise with each inhalation. In the clearing and aligning exercise, I found that sending orange light into each of the chakras felt quite refreshing. At the end of the meditation, I pushed the energy out my crown chakra to create a fountain of light around me, visualizing any chinks in my aura becoming whole and filled until I felt surrounded in a golden bubble. I noticed having lots of energy for the rest of the day.

The next two practice sessions each went a little longer, a little deeper. I experienced feelings of contentment and well being. I also experienced being able to stay in one chakra for a longer time, exploring colors, organs, smells, glands, feelings of imbalance and flashes of insight - that "aha!" feeling, of knowing what I need to do next for myself, spanning from going to acupuncture for a spring tune-up to including grapefruit in my diet at this time. It was a great way to start each day and set intentions for my self and my clients.

For the second part of the project, I worked with a good friend and an ongoing client of mine. This client has been a weekly reiki and hypnotherapy client for about 18 months. Six years ago her teenage son was shot and killed. Her affirmation is, "I had a life before, I will have a life again". The first practice went well, I certainly felt more grounded and present. The second session was really powerful.

Usually, I start at the client's feet and ground them to the earth. This time I followed the exercise from the book. After having my client take in a few deep cleansing breaths, I began by running energy from dropping down from the base of her spine into the center of the earth, while gently touching her feet. Here we invited the earth energy to rise up through these roots to the sole's if her feet, through her bones, muscles, tissues, atoms and into each of the chakras, along her spine as well as hands and feet.

In a regular chakra tuning, I would visualize the color that intuitively or traditionally corresponds to that particular chakra. This time I kept with visualizing the orange light from the center of the earth, coming up through the soles of my feet and through my body into my hands, and thus into the soles of my clients' feet. The energy was red and brown, and I had the impression of roughly hewn statues and carvings before my eyes, reminiscent of Mayan carvings, very tactile. When moving through each of her energy centers, I would experience visions that I would verbalize, all the while thinking, "just be an open channel."

When I reached the crown chakra, I had the client open to all of the celestial, universal and heavenly energies to meet with that earth energy and to pour its wisdom and universal healing energy through her in any way that would be beneficial now. At this point, I stopped speaking until the end of the appointment.

Normally, this client will talk nonstop the entire session. From the moment we began she was completely silent, following my words and clearly going deeper and deeper into a trance. I observed her eyelids flicker, breathing become more even and shallow, body clearly relaxing. I began to move up her body, moving from feet to knees to hips, touching lightly and feeling the pulses shift and change. My feet were tingling like crazy, as was my tail bone, with every inhalation I could feel pulling up that rich, red, brown earth energy and moving it easily into Joanne's body. With each exhalation, I felt the cool blue and violet, more wispy energies from the heavens, infusing her esthetic body. Behind my closed eyelids, I could easily see her aura, black to begin with then pulsing bright red.

When I got to her head, I sat down on a stool and place my hands on her face. I noticed I was pressing in a little, so consciously started to lighten my touch. The lighter my touch, the more I could feel our molecules melting away, and my fingers began to dissolve into her face. I had that moment of complete oneness, and as I breathed on her crown chakra I knew I was breathing into my self. I could scan down her body and easily see her skeleton, although bright green, with red spots flashing here and there. I wasn't aware of golden energy to send them, so just continued yo channel the reiki for the highest good.

I moved down her right side, touching her shoulder and hand. Here I had a vision that she was bailing out a life boat full to the brim with salt tears with a tea spoon. Suddenly she gabbed a toy bucket instead. The pint of view shifted, and you could see many people in the lifeboat, all helping her bail it out. Now her choice was whether to rejoin the cruise or head off to new waters.

I moved back down to her feet. I got down on my knees and held her ankles while sending orange  light down her body, which was appearing electric blue. I stood up and very deliberately began squeezing on her feet and toes, bringing her back into her body, waking up every part slowly and gently. I gave her a long time to reorient then checked in after she drank some water.

She said she had never gone so deep, but it felt like being gently cupped and supported rather than being dropped. Three days later we met again to check in. She was in good spirits and was involved in creating a memorial mural for her son the surfer as well as a blood drive in his honor.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to practice this technique with six hypnotherapy students, several clients and as a part of my morning meditation with my life partner. I have experienced the effects on all levels - astral, esthetic, physical, emotional, mental - and have been deeply grateful to do what I would consider a spring clearing of the soul, releasing emotional and mental clutter in particular, making way for increased energy and vitality.

Blessed be.

December 30, 2019

Hummingbird Magic

Hummingbird Magic

This morning I heard a noise in the hallway. My cat, the calico, had caught a hummingbird! I picked it up in my hands, went outside onto the deck, and did a backward count from a hundred. I could feel its' little heart against my fingers.

At about count thirty, the other cat came and rubbed against my legs. The hummingbird shot out of my hands, turned and hovered about two feet in front of my face, then shot up into the locust tree. There were a few feathers on my pant leg so I picked one up, held it for the last count down to zero.

When I opened my eyes, the hummingbird was still in the tree, then just zipped off into the sky. It felt like such a blessing. To me, hummingbirds represent joy, and I had this feeling of holding joy in my hands, praying for joy, and seeing joy have a new life. Extremely potent hummingbird magic!

December 16, 2019



Have you heard of trichotillomania? It is the compulsion to pull out your eyelashes, eyebrows or hair. I had a 14-year-old client come in, who had been engaging in this habit for about a year. Her smart parents decided to try hypnosis instead of putting her on medication. She stopped completely after just five sessions!

Hypnotherapy helped give her the insight that she was dealing with the stress of her parent's divorce (one year ago, hmmm) and she felt she was being "picked on". We discussed nervous energy being just that, energy, and she decided she'd rather pick on a guitar than pick on herself. She discovered she could take the turmoil in her heart and put it into words and music, allowing her an amazing way to share and express her feelings.

This is why I love what I do - guiding folks to discover their own solutions, for truly all healing is self-healing, and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

December 2, 2019

Pre-Surgery Hypnosis

Pre-Surgery Hypnosis

I worked with a client who had lost one of his eyes to cancer. He was going to have an intensive surgery procedure to seal the empty socket shut so that he could go back to surfing. He was going to be sedated for ten days and in the hospital for thirty days.

We did eight sessions of "acu-hyp" - hypnosis during an acupuncture session. He focused on letting go of his anger at the failure of his five past surgeries and the stress of his divorce, as well as affirming that he had always been a fast healer and that his body would respond to the new grafts.

Well, he was only sedated for one day and out of the hospital in ten days! You can imagine the enormous savings on the hospital bill. It is amazing to me that insurance will not pay for hypnosis when it is so effective in accelerating the healing process.

If you or someone you know is going into surgery, consider the benefits of hypnosis as a part of your process. Feel free to call or email with any questions!

November 18, 2019

Reclaiming Hypatia

I've been doing art projects that have been on my mind for years, including painting this statue from Philippa Bowers, which was part of a Goddess fountain when I had my cafe. About two-foot-tall, glazed in a matt green, cradling a large vibrant purple amethyst cluster, We named her Hypatia after the greek mathematician, who was killed by having her flesh flayed with oyster shells.

We would add a few drops of bleach each week to the fountain water, to keep down bacteria. After a dozen years, bleach deposit both built up and began to decay parts of her face and body, as well as loosening the crystals in her belly. After I closed Herland, Hypatia came to live in my garden, along with an assortment of other broken nosed and gently damaged goddesses. 

Being flayed was a feeling I related to, and during those dozen years, I got over a dozen tattoos. Much of this was a reclaiming of my body, my beliefs, and my standards of beauty. A way to be comfortable in my skin. Everyone has scars on the inside - mine are on the outside, and they are pretty, colorful, and make for good stories.

Now I'm experiencing a new body image issue, that of becoming the crone, the hag, the elder. What does it mean to age gracefully? What does it mean to express my authentic self? I am questioning dying my hair, working to accept my buddha belly (now I know why it's called "middle" age), while pondering the delight in creases, folds, and wrinkles. 

So I decided to paint Hypatia, to reclaim her as a symbol of my croning. Her hair is silver white, with a crown of pearls and roses. I will begin detailing more of her face and body next. I'm also painting a wooden stand to a marble table that she might sit on, and a ceramic cat from my daughter's garden. I like working like this, on a few projects at once, since as the paint is drying on one thing I can paint another one. 

Someday I'll invite you over to my kooky painted house. There are lots of murals, but also lots of furniture, lampshades, even the toilet is painted. Keep making beauty, keep making art!

October 21, 2019

Calling All Preschoolers! Toddler Hour at the Sanctuary Center!

Come enjoy weekly preschool adventures at the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center, with book readings, show-and-tell, singing songs, and crafts!

Wednesday Mornings, 10-11 am

Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center
35 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz

October 18, 2019

What is the correlation between Meditation and Hypnosis?

Recently I received a comment on my YouTube video, A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique: What is the correlation between meditation and Hypnosis?

That's a good question! Both are relaxing; both help reduce stress, and both tend to lead the brainwaves to go down into theta - about 3-5 cycles a second.

There are many forms of meditation, although most are familiar with the concept of following one's breath to feel calm and centered, or allowing one's thoughts to just drift by, with simple awareness, but no attachment to the thoughts themselves. 

Hypnosis also takes many forms, but in essence is a relaxed, focused state of concentration known as going into trance (or the zone). In this state, the mind is open to suggestion, can review past traumas with emotional distance for healing purposes, and reinforce any positive habits or patterns that the client wants, whether the perfect golf swing or giving a public speech. 

In many ways, hypnosis is a guided meditation that has a specific intention. Some examples: age regressions or past life regressions; meet ancestors/guides; change a habit; hypnobirthing; experience emotional freedom; receive messages from the body; pain management; reduce insomnia, etc.

The correlation between them is they are both ways to experience more calmness and peacefulness, allowing the body to get out of "fight-or-flight" and back into the parasympathetic nervous system. They are both wonderful ways to create the mind-body connection as well as more mindfulness; manage emotions rather than having emotions manage you; and for many people, a spiritual practice offering comfort, guidance, and insight.

September 24, 2019

My Artists Creed

I once heard that there is no word for “art” in Bali because they simply make everything beautiful. Every Thing – every single bed, hidden doorway, ceramic flower pot, ubiquitous chamberpot – is somehow artistic, in its own way. I’m not sure if this is true, but it certainly could be my creed – Make everything beautiful. If I can’t paint it, I’ll put a sticker on it. If it is ugly, I’ll refurbish or get rid of it. If nothing else, I’ll put glitter on it. Oh yes, I will.
I can always tell when one of my clients is doing better, because they ask, “Has this always been here?” This could refer to the art-deco murals of trees in the front room, a lampshade carefully strung with lost earrings and broken pearls, the toilet in the guest bathroom that has been painted like sea kelp using enamel paints. No longer lost in their internal landscape of depression, anxiety and gloom, they take a moment to look around, perk up, observe their surroundings, become truly aware – and hopefully inspired, if not simply mindful. The random look of joy on their faces, a pleasant reminder for me that even though I am used to all this by now – it is a moment of wonder, a feeling of curiosity if not incredulity, a feeling of infinite possibility. My own mindful moment.

And the answer? Well, some twenty years ago, after going through a divorce and deciding to cancel cable TV, I found that I spent a lot of time worrying about my child or feeling frustrated by daily chores. Creating art, creating beauty, was a way to transform, to channel my energy into what I now call prayer – out of my suffering, grief, and depression, let something lovely be born. Khalil Gibran says, “Work is love made visible.” And as a result, let me be more present – with my child, my clients, my self.

And so every room is painted – I’m talking the resplendent four seasons became my hallway, gold and silver stars grace the ceilings, meticulous stencils of ripe red roses and palest lavender wisteria are a sharp contrast to the spongy backgrounds of blackberry bushes and underwater dreams. Embellished glass kitchen cabinets sing their songs with art-deco dragonflies, purring pussy willows, and golden outlines. Bored, I moved on from the big canvasses of white walls to the more intricate details. First, transformed common garden statues into marvelous radiant beings to celebrate my cronehood, then transcribed my horrible handwriting into cryptic runes onto tarot decks, and all along (yes, of course, this is Santa Cruz)- hosted a couple dozen new tattoos to inscribe art on my body, the ultimate illuminated manuscript.

I balk when people ask if I’m an artist (let alone a writer). I certainly am a dabbler, willing to try, to experiment. I perceive art as a lifestyle – much like being a Vegan, a Surfer, or my myth of the Balinese. While I don’t spend my time thinking about tofu, the temperature of the water, or whatever story someone s making up about me – I do try to create beauty, every day, in every way. As simple as a reworded email, as complex as the center of the Dolores Rose, who springs forth every January despite the chill to infuse my being with the scent of hope.

I struggle with that voice in my head says, “It’s not art if it’s not making money”. But it is beauty, and it is pleasing, and I know it makes this tiniest, tiniest, tiniest slice of this particular corner of the world an even better place. This is something I believe in, a practice, my particular artist's creed.

Blessed Be.

August 15, 2019

Managing Stress & Anxiety Naturally


Lavender - The “Angel of Healing and Purification” (Neil S. Cohen) lavender is the most gentle and versatile of essential oils. Antiseptic, antibacterial, it enhances both the physical and psychic immune systems. Soothes the mind, heart and soul. Invites guidance, brings clarity, peace of mind, emotional balance.

Bergamot Orange - brings light, brightness, and cheerfulness. Has a normalizing effect - can either be sedating or uplifting. Regulates appetite, boosts the immune system, steadies nervous system, balances cycles. (Earl Grey Tea is flavored with bergamot.)

Grapefruit - calms the nervous stomach, aids in digestion, eases depression and moodiness. Clears the mind. Inspires confidence, joy, and cheerfulness.

Lemon - Why do you think they call it lemonade? Think Lemon- Aid, without all the sugar! Lemon strengthens the third chakra, solar plexus, place of will and empowerment. Energizing, purifying, uplifting. A digestive aid, liver tonic, helps regulate systems.

Chamomile - imagine putting a daisy chain around your heart. Soothing, gentle, calming, Chamomile tends to the inner child, offering comfort and reassurance. Helps with feelings of being overwhelmed. Promotes inner peace and security.

German Blue Chamomile - has the same properties, but it’s distinctive blue color also enhances the third eye, intuition, and visualization. Use sparingly, it may dye your skin.


Hematite - silver/grey, sometimes magnetic. Absorbs negativity. Very grounding, calming, encourages willpower, concentration, trust, and balance.

Onyx - black or brown. Increases vitality, energy, stamina, endurance, self-control. Encourages contentment.

Sugilite - dark purple, turns black over time as it absorbs energy. Soothes the mind, enhances conscious awareness, channeling, and healing. “Helps the idealist and the extremely kindhearted to remain unhurt by the shocks of the world.” -Dolfyn

Peridot - green. Soothes the heart. Renewing, comforting, relaxing. Increases intuition, recuperative abilities, and stress reduction. Said to heal the healer.

Rose Quartz - pink. Balances and comforts the heart. Enhances self-love, tolerance, and forgiveness. Fosters tenderness, gentleness, and peacefulness.

Other Recommendations
Bach Rescue Remedy - available as drops or spray, a combination of flower essences to reduce trauma - Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic, Impatiens to mollify irritation and impatience, Clematis to combat inattentiveness, Star of Bethlehem to ease shock, and Cherry Plum to calm irrational thoughts.

St. John's Wort - takes time to accumulate before feeling any effect, anywhere from a week to a month. Promotes an even emotional keel, feelings of being able to manage one’s emotions rather than having them manage you.

BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast. Easy to eat and digestible when one is upset or has no appetite. Other easy foods: yogurt, boiled eggs, smoothies. Choose smart comfort foods to nourish yourself rather than indulging your inner child.

YouTube Videos
Simple Self Hypnosis Technique

Chakra Balancing

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, nor is it a substitute for medical attention. Please consult your doctor first for any allergies, or do a skin patch test.