Showing posts with label Chakras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chakras. Show all posts

June 21, 2023

Cord Cutting

Go to the basement and find the

Box marked Material World, pull out

Seven cords, one for each

Chakra. Create safe space

Remember to breathe

Invite in


Twist, braid, infuse, ruminate, marinate, invoke, brine

Tying the knot, untying the bindings

Sometimes more like a snarl

Start at the crown

Begin to cut

Back to


A computer cable for the seventh. No

More meetings of the mind. Wire

Cutters slice clean through. Delete

Text threads, social media

Remove the ring

Boar’s nose


Fine silver chain for the sixth. Now

Each link snipped with fingernail clippers

Never saw eye to eye

Mint floss for taking 

The Fifth. Let’s 

Keep it 


Easily move to the fourth. Gossamer filament

Single singed horsetail strand burnt between

Stubborn candles, broken violins, heart

Strings cauterized. Now the 

Third, Solar plexus

Place of 


You have none over me. Use the 

Sharpest knife. Mince the leather, not 

Your words. Second chakra, belly 

No severed umbilical cord

More underwater cable

Could take 


First chakra, red ribbon, satin from baby

Blanket, silky soft, single thread simply

Dissolve in light. Notice the

Instrument may be blunt

To get all

The way 


January 13, 2020

Psychic Healing Project

For this project, I decided to practice exercises from The Psychic Healing Book by Amy Wallace and Bill Henken. Specifically: grounding, clearing and aligning the chakras. I worked on myself three times over three days, then with regular clients over two weeks. All of us found it very useful, energizing and powerful.

For my self, I found it best to do the exercises while sitting outside on the deck in the fresh air, aware of the blessing of California sunshine, drawing its energy deep into my being. Afterward, I would do some weeding to literally touch the earth.

In the grounding exercise, I noticed that sending energy down the tailbone was very different from sending in through my legs and feet. There was a tingling in my sacrum and I could feel the earth energy rise with each inhalation. In the clearing and aligning exercise, I found that sending orange light into each of the chakras felt quite refreshing. At the end of the meditation, I pushed the energy out my crown chakra to create a fountain of light around me, visualizing any chinks in my aura becoming whole and filled until I felt surrounded in a golden bubble. I noticed having lots of energy for the rest of the day.

The next two practice sessions each went a little longer, a little deeper. I experienced feelings of contentment and well being. I also experienced being able to stay in one chakra for a longer time, exploring colors, organs, smells, glands, feelings of imbalance and flashes of insight - that "aha!" feeling, of knowing what I need to do next for myself, spanning from going to acupuncture for a spring tune-up to including grapefruit in my diet at this time. It was a great way to start each day and set intentions for my self and my clients.

For the second part of the project, I worked with a good friend and an ongoing client of mine. This client has been a weekly reiki and hypnotherapy client for about 18 months. Six years ago her teenage son was shot and killed. Her affirmation is, "I had a life before, I will have a life again". The first practice went well, I certainly felt more grounded and present. The second session was really powerful.

Usually, I start at the client's feet and ground them to the earth. This time I followed the exercise from the book. After having my client take in a few deep cleansing breaths, I began by running energy from dropping down from the base of her spine into the center of the earth, while gently touching her feet. Here we invited the earth energy to rise up through these roots to the sole's if her feet, through her bones, muscles, tissues, atoms and into each of the chakras, along her spine as well as hands and feet.

In a regular chakra tuning, I would visualize the color that intuitively or traditionally corresponds to that particular chakra. This time I kept with visualizing the orange light from the center of the earth, coming up through the soles of my feet and through my body into my hands, and thus into the soles of my clients' feet. The energy was red and brown, and I had the impression of roughly hewn statues and carvings before my eyes, reminiscent of Mayan carvings, very tactile. When moving through each of her energy centers, I would experience visions that I would verbalize, all the while thinking, "just be an open channel."

When I reached the crown chakra, I had the client open to all of the celestial, universal and heavenly energies to meet with that earth energy and to pour its wisdom and universal healing energy through her in any way that would be beneficial now. At this point, I stopped speaking until the end of the appointment.

Normally, this client will talk nonstop the entire session. From the moment we began she was completely silent, following my words and clearly going deeper and deeper into a trance. I observed her eyelids flicker, breathing become more even and shallow, body clearly relaxing. I began to move up her body, moving from feet to knees to hips, touching lightly and feeling the pulses shift and change. My feet were tingling like crazy, as was my tail bone, with every inhalation I could feel pulling up that rich, red, brown earth energy and moving it easily into Joanne's body. With each exhalation, I felt the cool blue and violet, more wispy energies from the heavens, infusing her esthetic body. Behind my closed eyelids, I could easily see her aura, black to begin with then pulsing bright red.

When I got to her head, I sat down on a stool and place my hands on her face. I noticed I was pressing in a little, so consciously started to lighten my touch. The lighter my touch, the more I could feel our molecules melting away, and my fingers began to dissolve into her face. I had that moment of complete oneness, and as I breathed on her crown chakra I knew I was breathing into my self. I could scan down her body and easily see her skeleton, although bright green, with red spots flashing here and there. I wasn't aware of golden energy to send them, so just continued yo channel the reiki for the highest good.

I moved down her right side, touching her shoulder and hand. Here I had a vision that she was bailing out a life boat full to the brim with salt tears with a tea spoon. Suddenly she gabbed a toy bucket instead. The pint of view shifted, and you could see many people in the lifeboat, all helping her bail it out. Now her choice was whether to rejoin the cruise or head off to new waters.

I moved back down to her feet. I got down on my knees and held her ankles while sending orange  light down her body, which was appearing electric blue. I stood up and very deliberately began squeezing on her feet and toes, bringing her back into her body, waking up every part slowly and gently. I gave her a long time to reorient then checked in after she drank some water.

She said she had never gone so deep, but it felt like being gently cupped and supported rather than being dropped. Three days later we met again to check in. She was in good spirits and was involved in creating a memorial mural for her son the surfer as well as a blood drive in his honor.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to practice this technique with six hypnotherapy students, several clients and as a part of my morning meditation with my life partner. I have experienced the effects on all levels - astral, esthetic, physical, emotional, mental - and have been deeply grateful to do what I would consider a spring clearing of the soul, releasing emotional and mental clutter in particular, making way for increased energy and vitality.

Blessed be.

August 5, 2019

Self Blessing Ritual

Self Blessing Ritual 

Too Blessed to be stressed 
Too anointed to be disappointed - Unknown

 Anoint yourself each day with this simple ritual. You can use essential oils, perfume, holy water, or just tap your fingers on the points if you prefer to not use any scents. You don’t need much, a little goes a long way. During the day you might catch little whiffs which will remind you of starting the day feeling clear in your intentions.

 Please do consult your doctor first for any allergies, or do a skin patch test. Remember, less is more.

 Start by placing just a couple of drops on your fingertip, and begin by tapping each of these spots using these affirmations:

Crown of Head: I am balanced in my mind. I am focused and engaged in creative and productive ways.

Third Eye: I am balanced in my vision. I allow myself to dream and I follow through on my best ideas.

Behind the Ears and Bottom of the Throat: I am balanced in my communication. I listen attentively and I speak my truth compassionately.

Along the Sternum: I am balanced in my heart. I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

Solar Plexus: I am balanced in my power. I am here to empower others and I am empowered by everything.

Top of Belly: I am balanced in my belly. I take in what I need to be healthy and I let go of what no longer serves me.

Bottom of Belly/top of pubic area (do not put essential oils in or on vagina!): I am balanced at the root of my being. I attract what I need and all my desires are fulfilled.

Behind the Knees: I am balanced in my bones. I have structure and I am flexible.

Around the Ankles: I am balanced on my path. I am grounded and centered. I know what steps to take.

Back of the Neck: I am balanced in my sense of security. I am safe. I am protected.

Lower Back: I am balanced in my boundaries. I know where I begin and where I end. I know my limits.

Each Wrist: I am balanced in my needs. I am willing to give and I am willing to receive.

Blessed Be.

April 2, 2018

Did You Know That The Easter Bunny Loves Reiki?

Yes, even the Easter Bunny hopped on over for a little spring tune-up with Reiki. Reiki is a gentle way to restore energy, release blockages, and experience more flow in the subtle bodies.

Much like acupuncture or acupressure, where the practitioner is stimulating or calming points along the meridians of the body, in Reiki, the practitioner uses their hands to connect the client with the abundant universal life energy that is always available to us through a light touch or energetic pass.

Similar to jump-starting a car, Reiki is a wonderful way to recharge your inner core so that you can feel restored and regenerated. It is a complementary modality that can assist the body in its inherent healing capacity as well as restore harmony and balance on every chakra level. I often combine Reiki with a guided meditation or hypnotherapy, which can be recorded.

Because one is fully dressed and the touch is so light, Reiki feels very safe for folks who are too sensitive to receive bodywork, whether that's because of fibromyalgia, cancer, recent surgery, etc. or have come from a history of sexual or physical abuse.

Animals respond very well to Reiki, as do babies and children. More and more we see Reiki in hospitals as an adjunct therapy. Indeed, many nurses are trained in Reiki as a part of their continuing education.

So hop on over for a Reiki session today for a spring cleaning on the soul level so that you can bloom, thrive, and grow!



Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

Click Here to book your appointment online!

July 12, 2017

Experiencing Abundance on Every Chakra

Experiencing Abundance on Every Chakra Level
  • Feel blocked in attracting what you truly desire?
  • Want to come from a place of generosity instead of being in survival mode?
  • Interested in being more focused and engaged in creative and productive ways?
If the answer is yes, then hypnosis is right for you! Going beyond the sweet smell of success, learn how to engage all of senses and every chakra level. Bring a journal and a pen.

Engage both your right brain and your left brain in an interactive program with Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD, Certified Hypnotherapist, designed to activate greater abundance and prosperity into your life.

 Loosely based on the book, The Medicine Woman’s Guide to Being in Business for Yourself: How to Live by Your Spiritual Vision in a Money-Based World by Carol Bridges, these meetings are open to all women and men seeking to create more affluence while maintaining a high level of integrity and a spiritual focus. We will focus on creating abundance and prosperity through guided meditations, interactive exercises and community synergy.

"Dear Kayla, Thank you for your astute, compassionate and perceptive guidance through my ... journey and leading me to such empowering gifts. You always step up as an incredible ally in my personal evolution. Namaste." -Linda Kimball Grace, Nurturing Body, Mind and Spirit, Santa Cruz, CA

Schedule an Online Appointment 

February 1, 2017

Chakra Balancing Affirmations

I am balanced in my mind.
I am focused and engaged in creative and productive ways.

I am balanced in my vision.
I allow myself to dream and I follow through on my ideas.

I am balanced in my communication.
I listen attentively and I speak my truth compassionately.

I am balanced in my heart.
I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

I am balanced in my belly.
I am beauty and I am laughter.

I am balanced in my boundaries.
I take in what I need and I let go of what no longer serves me.

I am balanced at the root of my being.
I attract what I need to grow and I fulfill all my desires.

Blessed Be.

(kgr 2006)

June 25, 2014

Chakra Balancing Meditation

Chakra balancing meditation video with Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, Reiki Master. Experience feeling balanced at each energetic level of your being.

July 18, 2013

Joy of Reiki

Unfold your Joy with Reiki
Joy of Reiki

Energy creates energy. I love giving reiki sessions as they always leave me feeling uplifted and charged. The more reiki I give, the more I want to give.

It is a profound and intimate way to connect with another human being, both humbling and glorious. I am always filled with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation, truly blessed that out of all the Reiki practitioners in the area, this person came to see me. I honor that divine connection and opportunity to be in service, to create more joy and to have more peace in my life and on the earth.

Click here for more information on Reiki in Santa Cruz. Please use the contact page to schedule your Reiki appointment.

July 3, 2013

Feeling Out of Whack? Try Grounding, Cleaning and Aligning the Chakras

Mercury retrograde brings up a lot for everyone, and I notice it is not just cars that are our of alignment during this period. Backing up your computer is always a good thing to do, but what about rebooting your energetic being?

I decided to practice the exercises from The Psychic Healing Book by Amy Wallace and Bill Henken. Specifically: grounding, cleaning and aligning the chakras. I worked on myself three times over three days, then with a regular clients over two weeks. Both of us found it very useful, energizing and powerful.

For my self, I found it best to do the exercises while sitting out side on the deck in fresh air, aware of the blessing of California sunshine, drawing it's energy deep into my being. Afterwards I would do some weeding to literally touch the earth.

In the grounding exercise, I noticed that sending energy down the tailbone was very different from sending in through my legs and feet. There was a tingling in my sacrum and I could feel the earth energy rise with each inhale. In the clearing and aligning exercise, I found that sending orange light into each of the chakras felt quite refreshing. At the end of the meditation, I pushed the energy out my crown chakra to create a fountain of light around me, visualizing any chinks in my aura becoming whole and filled until I felt surrounded in a golden bubble. I noticed having lots of energy for the rest of the day.

The next two practice sessions each went a little longer, a little deeper. I experienced feelings of contentment and well being. I also experienced being able to stay in one chakra for a longer time, exploring colors, organs, smells, glands, feelings of imbalance and flashes of insight - that "aha!" feeling, of knowing what I need to do next for myself, spanning from going to acupuncture for a spring tune up to including grapefruit in my diet at this time. It was a great way to start each day and set intentions for my self and my clients.

Then I worked with an ongoing client of mine. This client has been a weekly reiki and hypnotherapy client for almost two years, grappling with the recent death of her son. Her affirmation is, "I had a life before, I will have a life again". The first practice went well, I certainly felt more grounded and present. The second session was really powerful.

Usually I start at the client's feet and ground them to the earth. This time I followed the exercise from the book. After having my client take in a few deep cleansing breaths, I began by running energy from dropping down from the base of her spine into the center of the earth, while gently touching her feet. Here we invited the earth energy to rise up through these roots to the sole's if her feet, through her bones, muscles, tissues, atoms and into each of the chakras, along her spine as well as hands and feet.

In a regular chakra tuning I would visualize the color that intuitively or traditionally corresponds to that particular chakra. This time I kept with visualizing the orange light from the center of the earth, coming up through the soles of my feet and through my body into my hands, and thus into the sole's of my clients feet. The energy was red and brown, and I had the impression of roughly hewn statues and carvings before my eyes, reminiscent of Mayan carvings, very tactile. When moving through each of her energy centers, I would experience visions which I would verbalized, all the while thinking, "just be an open channel."

When I reached the crown chakra, I had the client open to all of the celestial, universal and heavenly energies to meet with that earth energy and to pour it's wisdom and universal healing energy through her in any way that would be beneficial now. At this point I stopped speaking until the end of the appointment.

Usually this client will talk nonstop the entire session. From the moment we began she was completely silent, following my words and clearly going deeper and deeper into trance. I observed her eye lids flicker, breathing become more even and shallow, body clearly relaxing. I began to move up her body, moving from feet to knees to hips, touching lightly and feeling the pulses shift and change. My feet were tingling like crazy, as was my tail bone, with every inhalation I could feel pulling up that rich, red, brown earth energy and moving it easily into Joanne's body. With each exhalation, I felt the cool blue and violet, more wispy energies from the heavens, infusing her esthetic body. Behind my closed eyelids, I could easily see her aura, black to begin with then pulsing bright red.

When I got to her head, I sat down on a stool and place my hands on her face. I noticed I was pressing in a little, so consciously started to lighten my touch. The lighter my touch, the more I could feel our molecules melting away, and my fingers began to dissolve into her face. I had that moment of complete oneness, and as I breathed on her crown chakra I knew I was breathing into my self. I could scan down her body and easily see her skeleton, although bright green, with red spots flashing here and there. I wasn't aware of golden energy to send them, so just continued yo channel the reiki for the highest good.

I moved down her right side, touching her shoulder and hand. Here I had a vision that she was bailing out a life boat full to the brim with salt tears with a tea spoon. Suddenly she gabbed a toy bucket instead. The pint of view shifted, and you could see many people in the lifeboat, all helping her bail it out. Now her choice was whether to rejoin the cruise or head off to new waters.

I moved back down to her feet. I got down on my knees and held her ankles while sending orange light down her body, which was appearing electric blue. I stood up and very deliberately began squeezing on her feet and toes, bringing her back into her body, waking up every part slowly and gently. I gave her a long time to reorient then checked in after she drank some water.

She said she had never gone so deep, but it felt like being gently cupped and supported rather than being dropped. Three days later we met again to check in. She was in good spirits and was involved in creating a memorial mural for her son the surfer as well as a blood drive in his honor.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to practice this technique with six hypnotherapy students, several clients and as a part of my morning meditation with my life partner. I have experienced the effects on all levels - astral, etheric, physical, emotional, mental - and have been deeply grateful to do what I would consider a spring clearing of the soul, releasing emotional and mental clutter in particular, making way for increased energy and vitality.

Blessed be.

October 3, 2012

7 Affirmations for Inner Balance

I am balanced in my mind.
I am focused and engaged in creative and productive ways.

I am balanced in my vision.
I allow myself to dream and I follow through on my ideas.

I am balanced in my communication.
I listen attentively and I speak my truth compassionately.

I am balanced in my heart.
I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

I am balanced in my belly.
I am beauty and I am laughter.

I am balanced in my boundaries.
I take in what I need and I let go of what no longer serves me.

I am balanced at the root of my being.
I attract what I need to grow and I fulfill all my desires.

Blessed Be.

(kgr 2006)