Showing posts with label clearing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clearing. Show all posts

April 19, 2023

Four Elements Cleanse

Four Elements Cleanse

Start by filing a small glass jar or ceramic jar with kosher salt, Epsom salts, borax or plain table salt.You can add an aromatherapy oil like lavender or bergamot. Shake it well. Hold it in your hands. Infusing it with your intention by saying:

Salt of the earth.

I know my self worth

Crystal transmission

Help me with this transition

Take a pinch and sprinkle it into each corner of the room. Toss some over your left shoulder for good luck. You can also place rose quartz, silver dimes, or healing dirt in the corners, anything representing the earth and its' ability to transform on the physical plane.

Next, sprinkle holy water in each corner to clear emotions. This can be found online, at your local church, or make your own by leaving a crystal or glass bowl outside under the new moon or the full moon for 3 days. Holy water can be infused with crystals, flower petals, and/or aromatherapy oils, as well as your good intentions. Add photographs, power words, or tarot cards placed either on the top or bottom of the bowl. Use it in self-blessing rituals too. Affirm out loud:

Sacred water

Sacred feelings

Release old emotions

For sacred healing

For the element of air, many folks like to burn sage, cedar or pine for their cleansing properties for both the mental and spiritual planes. If you do not like smoke in your dwellings, you can grind the herbs or do pinches of tobacco in the corners. Alternatively, you can use a feather or a (fairy) feather duster to bless the corners. Whisper the words:

With every inhale

I breathe in relief

With every exhale

I breathe out release

For the element of fire, symbolic of your life force and energy, pick a new candle in a color that speaks to you on a chakra level, beeswax preferred. Take an athame (ritual knife) or just a ballpoint pen and carve from bottom to top what is being released from this space or your life as the candle burns it away. 

Then carve from the top to the bottom what you're inviting in as the candle burns down. Walk around the room and poke in the four directions. If you do not want to light candles, use a wand or sacred broom to sweep out the energy from each corner.

Sacred Fire

Come and cleanse

Release the old

And begin again

Stand in the center or power spot of the room. Bless yourself with the four elements. Say:

In the name of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone

I'm here by myself, but I'm never alone

So the ritual is complete

And I am blessed from my head to my feet

Blessed be!

January 13, 2020

Psychic Healing Project

For this project, I decided to practice exercises from The Psychic Healing Book by Amy Wallace and Bill Henken. Specifically: grounding, clearing and aligning the chakras. I worked on myself three times over three days, then with regular clients over two weeks. All of us found it very useful, energizing and powerful.

For my self, I found it best to do the exercises while sitting outside on the deck in the fresh air, aware of the blessing of California sunshine, drawing its energy deep into my being. Afterward, I would do some weeding to literally touch the earth.

In the grounding exercise, I noticed that sending energy down the tailbone was very different from sending in through my legs and feet. There was a tingling in my sacrum and I could feel the earth energy rise with each inhalation. In the clearing and aligning exercise, I found that sending orange light into each of the chakras felt quite refreshing. At the end of the meditation, I pushed the energy out my crown chakra to create a fountain of light around me, visualizing any chinks in my aura becoming whole and filled until I felt surrounded in a golden bubble. I noticed having lots of energy for the rest of the day.

The next two practice sessions each went a little longer, a little deeper. I experienced feelings of contentment and well being. I also experienced being able to stay in one chakra for a longer time, exploring colors, organs, smells, glands, feelings of imbalance and flashes of insight - that "aha!" feeling, of knowing what I need to do next for myself, spanning from going to acupuncture for a spring tune-up to including grapefruit in my diet at this time. It was a great way to start each day and set intentions for my self and my clients.

For the second part of the project, I worked with a good friend and an ongoing client of mine. This client has been a weekly reiki and hypnotherapy client for about 18 months. Six years ago her teenage son was shot and killed. Her affirmation is, "I had a life before, I will have a life again". The first practice went well, I certainly felt more grounded and present. The second session was really powerful.

Usually, I start at the client's feet and ground them to the earth. This time I followed the exercise from the book. After having my client take in a few deep cleansing breaths, I began by running energy from dropping down from the base of her spine into the center of the earth, while gently touching her feet. Here we invited the earth energy to rise up through these roots to the sole's if her feet, through her bones, muscles, tissues, atoms and into each of the chakras, along her spine as well as hands and feet.

In a regular chakra tuning, I would visualize the color that intuitively or traditionally corresponds to that particular chakra. This time I kept with visualizing the orange light from the center of the earth, coming up through the soles of my feet and through my body into my hands, and thus into the soles of my clients' feet. The energy was red and brown, and I had the impression of roughly hewn statues and carvings before my eyes, reminiscent of Mayan carvings, very tactile. When moving through each of her energy centers, I would experience visions that I would verbalize, all the while thinking, "just be an open channel."

When I reached the crown chakra, I had the client open to all of the celestial, universal and heavenly energies to meet with that earth energy and to pour its wisdom and universal healing energy through her in any way that would be beneficial now. At this point, I stopped speaking until the end of the appointment.

Normally, this client will talk nonstop the entire session. From the moment we began she was completely silent, following my words and clearly going deeper and deeper into a trance. I observed her eyelids flicker, breathing become more even and shallow, body clearly relaxing. I began to move up her body, moving from feet to knees to hips, touching lightly and feeling the pulses shift and change. My feet were tingling like crazy, as was my tail bone, with every inhalation I could feel pulling up that rich, red, brown earth energy and moving it easily into Joanne's body. With each exhalation, I felt the cool blue and violet, more wispy energies from the heavens, infusing her esthetic body. Behind my closed eyelids, I could easily see her aura, black to begin with then pulsing bright red.

When I got to her head, I sat down on a stool and place my hands on her face. I noticed I was pressing in a little, so consciously started to lighten my touch. The lighter my touch, the more I could feel our molecules melting away, and my fingers began to dissolve into her face. I had that moment of complete oneness, and as I breathed on her crown chakra I knew I was breathing into my self. I could scan down her body and easily see her skeleton, although bright green, with red spots flashing here and there. I wasn't aware of golden energy to send them, so just continued yo channel the reiki for the highest good.

I moved down her right side, touching her shoulder and hand. Here I had a vision that she was bailing out a life boat full to the brim with salt tears with a tea spoon. Suddenly she gabbed a toy bucket instead. The pint of view shifted, and you could see many people in the lifeboat, all helping her bail it out. Now her choice was whether to rejoin the cruise or head off to new waters.

I moved back down to her feet. I got down on my knees and held her ankles while sending orange  light down her body, which was appearing electric blue. I stood up and very deliberately began squeezing on her feet and toes, bringing her back into her body, waking up every part slowly and gently. I gave her a long time to reorient then checked in after she drank some water.

She said she had never gone so deep, but it felt like being gently cupped and supported rather than being dropped. Three days later we met again to check in. She was in good spirits and was involved in creating a memorial mural for her son the surfer as well as a blood drive in his honor.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to practice this technique with six hypnotherapy students, several clients and as a part of my morning meditation with my life partner. I have experienced the effects on all levels - astral, esthetic, physical, emotional, mental - and have been deeply grateful to do what I would consider a spring clearing of the soul, releasing emotional and mental clutter in particular, making way for increased energy and vitality.

Blessed be.

June 14, 2017

Using Hypnosis for Attracting and Grounding

I had an insight this morning as I clipped my magnetic name tag to my sweater that I tend to put it on the right side. Today I put it on the left, closer to my heart, with the intention of what would I like to attract of course, but one thing I like about magnets is that they also stabilize, the clicking of the magnet to the steel backing means things are in place. Recently I went to Mount Shasta and bought a few sets of magnetized hematite. Hematite is excellent for grounding, clearing, purifying, and cleansing. I am particularly interested in using it for calming nervous energy.

Then I thought how magnets also repel - I encourage my clients to hold hematite magnets in order to both attract health and to repel disease. Magnets can be used to draw things out of your body. Yesterday I thought about "recharging" the hematite pieces, but really it is about "discharging" them. Stones will absorb energy, so cleansing them periodically increases their natural benefits. Bathing them in sea water is optimum, however epsom salts or kosher salts work fine. Other ways to dispel built up energy are putting your stones/magnets sunshine or moonlight (wanted to say moonshine there), or burying them in a plant container. Often I'll pop crystals in my potted plants to really "ground" the energy. Then next season I rotate them as one of my working tools.

While many people are familiar with the "law of attraction," they do not recognize that it is important to be grounded like an electric pole, letting the energy flow through you at your own pace and use what you need to light up your life rather than overloading and blowing a fuse.

As a holistic healer, I encourage all of my clients to look at various modalities, including gemstones, magnets, aromatherapy, Reiki, and hypnosis. For a personal consultation tailored to your specific needs, call, email, or schedule your appointment online now.