A Collection of Cats, Facts, and Whiskers
Kayla and Amber Rose are wise in the ways of cats. No subtlety escapes their eyes. Full of humor and insight, this small book reveals much in its short pages. Well worth the time.
show me yes
show me no
show me
I don't know
third time
patch slips
not going to
fix this
rub bellies
lube jellies
warm up
cool down
tired of weeping
not sleeping
Changing Woman: Poems 2007 - 2016
Kayla used to be a priestess of Aphrodite, but she was such a bitch - all those lessons in love, including jealousy, heartache, misery, and despair. Now she is the Priestess of Laphrodite, Goddess of the Belly laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, but as far as Kayla was concerned, it's also the best lube. Reflecting a time of questing and questioning for our Baby Crone, she changes careers, discovers online dating, and fuels her passion for blogging.
Full moon, lunar eclipse
Sun on my descendant, moon on my rising
What does it mean
To have the full blaze of the sun
Ye to be eaten
By earth's shadow
Spit up, vomited,
Regurgitated on the other side
Either way
I howl
I show
I'm different
Sun a shield at my back
Protecting my tender entrails
Soft belly
The moon a mirror
Facing outwards
While I murmur the stories
All see their own reflection
If the words are sung right
And you ask the right questions
I am in the Earth's shadow
Eating a blood orange
No longer in the limelight
Prenumberal rebirth
A small voice whispers
Take pride, put yourself out there
Embrace being different
How else can
We experience sameness
Astrology is not prophetic
More like
Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2023
It was 112 degrees
As we sped through the valley
Calculating every minute
Before visiting hours were over
To curl my tongue
Around your name
My minds script
Saying I meditate
Is like
Saying I exercise
Begs questions
What form
How often
What does it bring
I don't usually
Blurt out my story
As I sort
Plastic macro
Charismatic fauna
Into plastic bins
But when I saw your
Pearlescent fingernail polish
I knew I was safe
What do I need
I don't know
It will come to me
Just like the crows
They act as if
There's something
I need as I compost
Pulling the sour yellow
Oxalis bursting
Next year's deep
Brown seed
Lemon verbena
Always exuberant, sassy
I hear my mom's voice
Only retired people
Spend their time
Pruning the
Tiny daddy-long-legs on
My knee, are you
Papa “Leg”-ba
Dad joke
He whispers
Don't give away the farm
Go slow
Little turtle
Go slower
Welcome the Tower
Clean slate
See the
Grease trap, broiling over.
Old faded couch, peeling like a bad tan.
Mincing down the street, the cat looked smashing.
Peeling off her mask was the first step.