July 24, 2024



Coyote, Coyote, Coyote

we have a complex relationship. I have a coyote vertebrae I found out in the desert many years ago. Coyotes recently ate one of my cats, Mango. The trickster, jokester, slyster, heister. 

It has taken me a long time to get this far in this painting, and I see more to do. Meanwhile, I make book covers and remake the pressed wildflowers from the Appalachian trail that my fairy stepson brought me, as well as creating a fra,e for my recently deceased sister-in-law, Carol. Since her death, both of her sons/my nephews have passed, as well as my across-the-street neighbor, Anita - we had been on the same street for thirty years.

Saturn Return in Pisces. Bless astrology for giving me some context, because certainly, I feel my faith has been being tested.

July 17, 2024

Seed Ritual

Seed Ritual

Find some seeds - pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, wildflowers

Whatever floats your fancy

Hold them in your palm and whisper your wishes

Imbue them with your hot breath

Walk around your house, church, or favorite field

Clockwise or counter, notice what feels right

At each of the four directions (and the cross directions)

Throw your seeds, scatter them

To the wind that they may find fertile ground

To the ants to feed the hive mind community

To the squirrels and chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with abundance 

To the birds, who will fly into your dreams 

Invite in the rain 

Release any frustrations, cry 

Welcome the sun f

Feel a sense of energy begin to build.

Trust that you'll be able to weed out 

What is weak or ineffectual 

Focus and simplify 

Nourish your dreams 

As they unfurl from a mere thought to full manifestation 

Shelter your dreams - tell no one 

Until you see sure signs of growth,

Ready for assistance

Immune to criticism

 Of the naysayers

Just like the rose is immune

With its thorns.

Seeds of hope

Seeds of change.

Seeds of peace

And seed money

Flourish into abundance 

Benefiting all the creatures of the earth

This or something better now occurs 

For the greatest good

So mote it be. Blessed be.

July 10, 2024


Paper Whites

Paper Bark


When I was in first grade, living in McLean, Virginia,  I had the biggest crush on Birch, who sat two desks away from mine in the second row. For some reason he wore little wrist sweatbands, maybe to emulate Bjorn Borg, the Swedish tennis champ of the time. We were partnered for the Horah dance at the holiday pagent, but he got sick and I had to dance with Ross instead.

Now when I look at the birch tree in my front yard, I'm aware of the rising sap, the way the Elm is stealing the sun away from it, and the spread of roots from the nearby bottlebrush. Yet it thrives, pushing out new leaves, allowing the bark to peel when need be.

July 3, 2024

F is for Family

F is for Family
Baby Katharine’s Alphabet Adventures

A special ABC to celebrate alternative, extended, blended, and birth families! 

Welcome to the world, Katharine,
How wonderful you will be!
Because you are the blossom,
Of the most amazing family tree!

June 26, 2024



Genes splice

To our delight







"Once in a lifetime...

    Same as it ever was..."

                -Talking Heads

It's hard at the moment to not make a laundry list of the earth's woes. It's not so much a question of "what is happening"but "what am I doing about it?"

And that starts with loving yourself. Making peace with yourself. Change old patterns. Adopt a calm certainty. Notice all of the preparation it takes before emergence. Evolution - life is good, and it will get better. Allow yourself a sense of completion, and fulfillment, kisses on both cheeks, and job well done. A merging, a partnership, all that was unravelled will be knitted together again.

June 19, 2024

It Took Me a Few Times

It Took Me a Few Times

To curl my tongue

Around your name


My minds script

Saying I meditate

Is like

saying I exercise

What form

How often

What does it bring you

We sorted

Plastic macro

Charismatic fauna

Into acrylic bins

I don't usually

Blurt out my story

But when I saw your

Pearlescent fingernail polish

I knew

I was safe

June 12, 2024

Grandma's Got Tattoos


Written and Illustrated by Nona Kayla

Ernesto has been bullied for having a large birthmark on his face. He goes to Grandma for some comfort and words of calm advice. Grandma tells him a story of her own adventures about being different. She sets off on an adventure one day, with her faithful companion, June E. Purr. They overcome storms, blockages, and unusual encounters. Along the way, she meets a helpful pant, a special animal, and a personal guide who all help to build feelings of confidence, resourcefulness, and self-esteem.

Wonderful absolutely wonderful. Historically time and patterns repeat like the ancient art of storytelling, sitting around the campfire or the evening fireplace with full bellies and listening to the storyteller ( the elders), it’s a love message of I believe in you and I unconditionally love you too... The receding pandemic has highlighted these truths of connection. This delightful book should be read to not only children, teens, and young adults but also middle-aged adults too who want to remember dear loved ones or want to find a heart grandmother or grandfather, remember to seek and you shall receive ... Mother Earth is plentiful.. thank you Kayla Nona - Janice Carr

This is a wonderful book for young and old alike. I thoroughly loved the message and the uplifting storyline. Great book. - Justice