Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

April 14, 2020

Rambling Rose News

Hello from Kayla! How are you handling this stressful time? Remember, we're all in this together. I am available for both phone and video conferencing. This includes:

  • Distance Healing with Reiki for deep relaxation, Chakra balancing, and guided meditation
  • Tarot readings to experience insights during this time of immense change
  • Astrology readings - Birth Charts, Transits, and Relationship Charts
  • Mindfulness Coaching for personal growth and transformation
  • Hypnotherapy for stress management and relieving anxiety
Simply click here to book your appointment online. Feel free to text or message me if you do not see a time that works for you.

Stay safe, sane, and sanitized!
Blessed be,

PS Check out my new daily Mini Mindfulness Meditations at!

April 2, 2020

Wash Your Hands!

I really miss volunteering for Toddler Hour down at the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Center. So I made up this little song to sing when our program starts again. Feel free to join in, and remember, spread the love, not the virus!

Stay safe, sane, and sanitized!

October 18, 2019

What is the correlation between Meditation and Hypnosis?

Recently I received a comment on my YouTube video, A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique: What is the correlation between meditation and Hypnosis?

That's a good question! Both are relaxing; both help reduce stress, and both tend to lead the brainwaves to go down into theta - about 3-5 cycles a second.

There are many forms of meditation, although most are familiar with the concept of following one's breath to feel calm and centered, or allowing one's thoughts to just drift by, with simple awareness, but no attachment to the thoughts themselves. 

Hypnosis also takes many forms, but in essence is a relaxed, focused state of concentration known as going into trance (or the zone). In this state, the mind is open to suggestion, can review past traumas with emotional distance for healing purposes, and reinforce any positive habits or patterns that the client wants, whether the perfect golf swing or giving a public speech. 

In many ways, hypnosis is a guided meditation that has a specific intention. Some examples: age regressions or past life regressions; meet ancestors/guides; change a habit; hypnobirthing; experience emotional freedom; receive messages from the body; pain management; reduce insomnia, etc.

The correlation between them is they are both ways to experience more calmness and peacefulness, allowing the body to get out of "fight-or-flight" and back into the parasympathetic nervous system. They are both wonderful ways to create the mind-body connection as well as more mindfulness; manage emotions rather than having emotions manage you; and for many people, a spiritual practice offering comfort, guidance, and insight.

August 15, 2019

Managing Stress & Anxiety Naturally


Lavender - The “Angel of Healing and Purification” (Neil S. Cohen) lavender is the most gentle and versatile of essential oils. Antiseptic, antibacterial, it enhances both the physical and psychic immune systems. Soothes the mind, heart and soul. Invites guidance, brings clarity, peace of mind, emotional balance.

Bergamot Orange - brings light, brightness, and cheerfulness. Has a normalizing effect - can either be sedating or uplifting. Regulates appetite, boosts the immune system, steadies nervous system, balances cycles. (Earl Grey Tea is flavored with bergamot.)

Grapefruit - calms the nervous stomach, aids in digestion, eases depression and moodiness. Clears the mind. Inspires confidence, joy, and cheerfulness.

Lemon - Why do you think they call it lemonade? Think Lemon- Aid, without all the sugar! Lemon strengthens the third chakra, solar plexus, place of will and empowerment. Energizing, purifying, uplifting. A digestive aid, liver tonic, helps regulate systems.

Chamomile - imagine putting a daisy chain around your heart. Soothing, gentle, calming, Chamomile tends to the inner child, offering comfort and reassurance. Helps with feelings of being overwhelmed. Promotes inner peace and security.

German Blue Chamomile - has the same properties, but it’s distinctive blue color also enhances the third eye, intuition, and visualization. Use sparingly, it may dye your skin.


Hematite - silver/grey, sometimes magnetic. Absorbs negativity. Very grounding, calming, encourages willpower, concentration, trust, and balance.

Onyx - black or brown. Increases vitality, energy, stamina, endurance, self-control. Encourages contentment.

Sugilite - dark purple, turns black over time as it absorbs energy. Soothes the mind, enhances conscious awareness, channeling, and healing. “Helps the idealist and the extremely kindhearted to remain unhurt by the shocks of the world.” -Dolfyn

Peridot - green. Soothes the heart. Renewing, comforting, relaxing. Increases intuition, recuperative abilities, and stress reduction. Said to heal the healer.

Rose Quartz - pink. Balances and comforts the heart. Enhances self-love, tolerance, and forgiveness. Fosters tenderness, gentleness, and peacefulness.

Other Recommendations
Bach Rescue Remedy - available as drops or spray, a combination of flower essences to reduce trauma - Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic, Impatiens to mollify irritation and impatience, Clematis to combat inattentiveness, Star of Bethlehem to ease shock, and Cherry Plum to calm irrational thoughts.

St. John's Wort - takes time to accumulate before feeling any effect, anywhere from a week to a month. Promotes an even emotional keel, feelings of being able to manage one’s emotions rather than having them manage you.

BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast. Easy to eat and digestible when one is upset or has no appetite. Other easy foods: yogurt, boiled eggs, smoothies. Choose smart comfort foods to nourish yourself rather than indulging your inner child.

YouTube Videos
Simple Self Hypnosis Technique

Chakra Balancing

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, nor is it a substitute for medical attention. Please consult your doctor first for any allergies, or do a skin patch test.

March 15, 2017

Why do People use Hypnotherapy?

Since 1986 I have been reading the cards, charting the stars, leading people to their deepest and most heartfelt visions. I see tarot and astrology as a map, where my role is to be a guide, and people have free will and free choice to create direction in their lives. Yet people would stay stuck, at the crossroads, in their own emotional blocks or perceived limitations, which is how I came to be interested in hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis involves inviting a state of trance, a state of relaxed focused concentration, where one is more open to suggestion, particularly if they are your own suggestions. The solution always lies within, and my role is to facilitate my client discovering deep insights into their current situation, providing an opportunity for personal growth and change.

Psychotherapy is a wonderful tool, but can feel akin to taking a salt shaker and pouring it into your hand, examining every crystal, every traumatic or painful event, one by one, which can take years and years for the healing to occur. Hypnotherapy is chucking it over your shoulder, allowing for completion, closure, and willingness to stop perpetuating being a victim but to become one's own hero and best ally instead, to change one's inner critic to become one's inner coach instead.

My clients have ranged from seven year olds having nightmares to seventy year olds wanting to feel confident to pass their drivers test. A few other cases include:

  • A client trying to decide whether to leave their marriage of twenty years used polarity to discover a third solution to the dilemma
  • A pre surgery client who used hypnosis to harness their inner healer cut their recovery time by two thirds
  • An executive trying to decide whether to leave the company or find a new position did a shamanic journey to receive important messages from internal guides
  • A person with test anxiety who needed to upgrade their skills called upon their inner resources, specifically their fifth grade teacher and reinstated a joy of learning
  • A college student who had extreme anxiety after leaving their parents now has anchored the calm they feel with them in their own hands, so at any time they can feel reassured
  • A parent who was traumatized after witnessing their daughter's car getting hit, who wanted to change the "what if" mentality to "what is"
  • Another parent who was quitting smoking as they thought about death twenty times a day and felt guilty about their kids and was in extreme fear of getting cancer, who is now anchored and has a ritual to remind them of feeling deeply content
  • A being who was in touch with their own denial after their spouse entered rehab and has found a method to both contain and get rid of unwanted anger
  • An emergency professional who experienced claustrophobia and panic attacks during their recertification who visualized passing with flying colors
  • A firefighter who had experienced post traumatic stress after falling through a burning floor and discovered that fear was really their friend
  • An entity with anorexia who was learning how to take care and nourish themselves by being in touch with their inner council of beings
  • A client who was applying to go back to school for their masters who was dealing with procrastination and self sabotage, who has been using EFT for self acceptance
  • A person with the compulsion to pull out their eyebrows and eyelashes who reframed this habit to picking the strings of their guitar
  • A human who was getting off of anti depressants and was looking for natural methods to feel balanced and relaxed by learning breath work
  • A person who wanted to experience past life regressions even though this is against their religious beliefs, thinks this will help them find new love
  • A being who had been hospitalized for six months who wanted to learn pain management techniques in order to walk again

Whether you are going through a mid life crisis, Saturn return, feeling overly stressed or just reviewing what would make your life healthier and happier, hypnosis is a tool for you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, and I will teach you techniques to feel calm, tranquil and relaxed; to change unwanted habits into healthier coping patterns, and give you the heartfelt encouragement and one on one coaching to create long term, personal successful solutions.

There is more information on my website, as well as frequently asked questions, and I now have self empowerment videos on Youtube including an introduction to hypnosis and a simple self hypnosis technique. Good clients for me is anyone ready to embrace change for a more peaceful existence by being willing to discover insights and live with more fullness. Call for your appointment today!

August 17, 2016

A Week in the Life of a Santa Cruz Hypnotherapist

I see about ten to fifteen clients a week at my West side office. Here is a sampling of a typical week for a Santa Cruz hypnotherapist:
  • A person who suffers from insomnia. We made a recording they can listen to before bed to relax their body and mind as well as to remember more of their dreams.
  • A parent, releasing grief after the death of their son. We have been doing a Reiki and hypnotherapy combination, biweekly sessions for two years, focused mostly on soul retrieval work. They're now inspired to open a skateboard park to commemorate their son.
  • An initial hypnosis session for a business person interested in transforming stress and rage. We focus on peace and abundance, facing debts, pending divorce, and releasing pains in the neck.
  • A student taking private tarot lessons. They started with weekly hypnotherapy sessions for 15 months, and is using self hypnosis for self empowerment. Now they are enrolled in the ten week program to learn professional tarot reading as a form of income.
  • A regular client who has done monthly tarot readings for two years. This is their check in system and now they are doing weekly hypnosis sessions for deciding on a life path.
  • A professional coming in for astrology lessons, who used hypnotherapy and reiki for personal transformation for the past nine months. Now they are digging deeper while going through job transition and seeking a soul mate.
  • A new client for an astrology reading, who feels controlled by their relationships and seeking self realization and self actualization while creating an interdependent relationship with their new love.
  • A student using hypnotherapy in order to control sugar for weight management/diabetes. Three sessions so far, has been drinking less, discovering new sensualist pleasures instead of food as a life reward
  • An ongoing hypnotherapy client, looking for what makes their heart sing. We have been doing bi weekly sessions for one year now, focused on selling their business and getting in touch with inner council for financial advice. Now they are pregnant and planning on hypnobirthing for a healthy, easy birth and transition into parenthood.
  • An athlete, using hypnotherapy in retraining body mind for sports enhancement. Uses visualization for both ingraining the perfect throw and to let go of any stress both during game and greater stresses in life, such as work, mother in law, inner critic, etc.
  • A freshman in college, terrified of leaving home. We have done monthly sessions for 6 months, using hypnotherapy to anchor feelings of self esteem, love and acceptance.

There is a saying, "Discontent is the first step in progress". My ideal client is ready for change, willing to do the work, and open to new perspectives. I am here to counsel you in joy through experiencing insights for personal change and transformation. Call or email for your appointment today - the time is now!




September 18, 2013

Self Meditate Instead of Self Medicate

When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, usually referred to as the fight or flight syndrome. Muscles tense, breathing becomes shallow, blood is diverted from the stomach and intestines, adrenaline and other hormones are released. We live in a stressful world that includes battling traffic, waiting in long lines, working long hours to pay bills as well as interpersonal relationships, whether parenting a child or taking care of an elder. Just hearing the news and feeling helpless about the situation in Syria can add to feelings of hopelessness, let alone looking at Facebook and reading about a friends pet dying or a favorite couple getting divorced. This type of low grade stress, like a low grade fever, is taxing on the body, causes poor digestion, lack of sleep and generalizing feelings of anxiety, anger, nervousness or depression.

It is no wonder we have a rise in alcoholism, over eating and addiction to prescription drugs, all ways to self medicate in order to experience some degree of comfort or relaxation. However, these are band aid solutions that do little to really alleviate the underlying stress and in fact in the long run only contribute more to one's problems. Learning better coping skills in order to handle stress is a form of emotional intelligence that brings ease, increase energy, creativity and simply joy in life.

Self-hypnosis is a prime way to manage one's emotions rather than letting emotions manage you. Just taking a few deep, calming breaths allows the parasympathetic nervous system to kick back in. Inviting deeper relaxation allows the muscles to relax, endorphins to be released, the blood to go back into the belly and the brain, so thinking is clearer and the whole body operates normally. In fact, twenty minutes of hypnosis is the same as a two hour nap, allowing the cells to regenerate, the mind to recuperate and healing on all levels to occur.

All healing is self healing, and really, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Working with a hypnotherapist merely allows you to be guided deeper inside and facilitates the process. Learning self-hypnosis is a key in each of my sessions so that you can experience feelings of deep calm, confidence, and equanimity no matter what - running late for an appointment, doing public speaking, or being stuck on an airplane with a crying baby. Imagine feeling blissfully detached while stuck in rush hour traffic, or allowing critical comments from a family member at Thanksgiving to simply wash over you like a cool breeze.

Hypnosis also enhances motivation, improves performance, and aligns the body and mind for long term successful solutions. So instead of self medicating, try self meditating. The power is within you, the solutions are deep inside. You can learn a simple self hypnosis technique from my video on YouTube, or come on in for a session to get all the heartfelt encouragement and guidance you need from a trained professional.
   Click here for a short video on Discovering Hypnosis with Kayla Garnet Rose