Showing posts with label Holistic Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holistic Healing. Show all posts

December 22, 2021

Journey Through the Tarot


Journey Through the Tarot
An Integrated System for Holistic Healing

by Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD

A comparison of the traditional Rider-Waite deck to modern day decks demonstrate how the Tarot can act as an integrated tool for holistic health through the use of archetype, symbol, and allegory.Tarot readings provide a wealth of information and insight to both the lay person and the professional reader. Each card has the capacity to activate wisdom for personal growth and transformation. It is based on a system hat is easy to learn and can be immediately beneficial for healing in a number of levels: physical, emotional, energetic, intellectual, and spiritual.This book presents a brief history of the Tarot, an explanation of how information is gained from the cards, and an depth examination of both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana in terms of their element, numerology and potential for holistic healing.

Now available in hardcover as well as paper and kindle editions!

August 15, 2019

Managing Stress & Anxiety Naturally


Lavender - The “Angel of Healing and Purification” (Neil S. Cohen) lavender is the most gentle and versatile of essential oils. Antiseptic, antibacterial, it enhances both the physical and psychic immune systems. Soothes the mind, heart and soul. Invites guidance, brings clarity, peace of mind, emotional balance.

Bergamot Orange - brings light, brightness, and cheerfulness. Has a normalizing effect - can either be sedating or uplifting. Regulates appetite, boosts the immune system, steadies nervous system, balances cycles. (Earl Grey Tea is flavored with bergamot.)

Grapefruit - calms the nervous stomach, aids in digestion, eases depression and moodiness. Clears the mind. Inspires confidence, joy, and cheerfulness.

Lemon - Why do you think they call it lemonade? Think Lemon- Aid, without all the sugar! Lemon strengthens the third chakra, solar plexus, place of will and empowerment. Energizing, purifying, uplifting. A digestive aid, liver tonic, helps regulate systems.

Chamomile - imagine putting a daisy chain around your heart. Soothing, gentle, calming, Chamomile tends to the inner child, offering comfort and reassurance. Helps with feelings of being overwhelmed. Promotes inner peace and security.

German Blue Chamomile - has the same properties, but it’s distinctive blue color also enhances the third eye, intuition, and visualization. Use sparingly, it may dye your skin.


Hematite - silver/grey, sometimes magnetic. Absorbs negativity. Very grounding, calming, encourages willpower, concentration, trust, and balance.

Onyx - black or brown. Increases vitality, energy, stamina, endurance, self-control. Encourages contentment.

Sugilite - dark purple, turns black over time as it absorbs energy. Soothes the mind, enhances conscious awareness, channeling, and healing. “Helps the idealist and the extremely kindhearted to remain unhurt by the shocks of the world.” -Dolfyn

Peridot - green. Soothes the heart. Renewing, comforting, relaxing. Increases intuition, recuperative abilities, and stress reduction. Said to heal the healer.

Rose Quartz - pink. Balances and comforts the heart. Enhances self-love, tolerance, and forgiveness. Fosters tenderness, gentleness, and peacefulness.

Other Recommendations
Bach Rescue Remedy - available as drops or spray, a combination of flower essences to reduce trauma - Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic, Impatiens to mollify irritation and impatience, Clematis to combat inattentiveness, Star of Bethlehem to ease shock, and Cherry Plum to calm irrational thoughts.

St. John's Wort - takes time to accumulate before feeling any effect, anywhere from a week to a month. Promotes an even emotional keel, feelings of being able to manage one’s emotions rather than having them manage you.

BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast. Easy to eat and digestible when one is upset or has no appetite. Other easy foods: yogurt, boiled eggs, smoothies. Choose smart comfort foods to nourish yourself rather than indulging your inner child.

YouTube Videos
Simple Self Hypnosis Technique

Chakra Balancing

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, nor is it a substitute for medical attention. Please consult your doctor first for any allergies, or do a skin patch test.

February 15, 2017

Reiki in Hospitals

More and more hospitals are incorporating Reiki, and many nurses add reiki to their repertoire as a part of their continuing education. The power of loving and intrinsic touch clearly benefits healing, and I am sure we will see more and more people learning to use Reiki in assisted living facilities, dentist offices, rehabs and sports medicine facilities.

One of the simplest ways to think about Reiki is to imagine holding newborn preemies in hospitals. We all know that preemies. thrive from being touched. Having a Reiki treatment brings us that sense of security, comfort, and a deep human connection.

Reiki is extremely beneficial for people who are sensitive to touch, for example people with fibromyalgia, going through chemotherapy, or who were traumatized by sexual or physical abuse and could still use this light and loving touch as a part of their healing process. Reiki sessions are done fully clothed and can be done either in person or over a distance.

Call or email for more information.

December 21, 2016

7 Tips for Weight Management with Hypnosis

Ho ho ho, it's the holidays and the time of overeating is upon us! Here are some simple tips to manage compulsive eating in this time of excess.

According to Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, the healthiest individuals who live the longest are not necessarily the thinnest people, but interestingly enough, folks who remain a consistent weight in their adulthood. Many of my clients, as well as myself, have experienced the effects of yoyo dieting, fad exercises, or the expense of some new miracle supplement. Sure, you lose weight - but usually it comes back, plus more.

Simply, your body will think you are starving, and as soon as possible and in the most insidious of ways, will pack on as much "stored fuel" ie fat in case their are lean times ahead. I am 50 years old, and in my adult life my weight has ranged from 98 to 170 pounds. Over the past four years I have lost 38 pounds. Weight management goes both ways - being too thin is dangerous to your heart and health just as much as obesity.

What are the mechanics of weight management? There are seven components:
  • Start with self-acceptance (EFT) - If you never gained or lost another pound in your life, could you love and accept your body? Change only begins once we truly accept where we are, in the present moment. Hypnosis can help with that acceptance.
  • Calories In - It really is about how much, when, and what you are eating, including empty calories like alcohol and how much water you take in. Hypnosis helps by changing "comfort eating" into healthier, more active habits.
  • Calories Out - We all hate exercise but love to feel strong and active. You need to watch out for getting bored in your workout routine. Always start with baby steps and avoid unrealistic goals, be reasonable. Hypnotherapy is effective for setting reasonable, achievable, and healthy routines.
  • Sleep - Deep relaxation is beneficial for all healing. People who sleep four to six hours a night do not lose weight. Not enough sleep contributes to cortisol retention, which translates directly into belly fat. Learning self-hypnosis will help you fall into a deep, easy, restful sleep where you can dream yourself back to your natural, genetically programmed weight.
  • Stress - Once again think "cortisols," when we're in fight or flight we release neurotransmitters that make the body store feul in case of danger. When you learn to de-stress, ie: get back into the parasympathetic response system through relaxation, it is easier to maintain your optimum weight. Learning a simple self hypnosis technique can help manage stress and emotional eating.
  • Genetics - Ancestry is a big part of our weight management. Honor your culture and work within your genetic blueprint. Love your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Past life regressions can often create a feeling of oneness in the body.
  • Age - I am now in the joys of menopause. Who knew how much one's metabolism could change over time. Hypnosis can help regulate one's eating habits, daily activity, and sleep schedule in order to find balance and effectively age gracefully. Remember, fiber is our friend! "high-carbohydrate diet - but it is only effective if the carbohydrates that are consumed are from high-fibre, unprocessed sources".
Remember, the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results, please call for your appointment or click on the "schedule now" button to start controlling your weight instead of letting your weight control you.

August 20, 2014

Good Habits

Spiral in to your Self, Spiral out to the Universe
As a part of my Adventures in Detoxing, I decided to create some good habits, As the saying goes, "the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results." Some of these I implemented daily, some weekly or monthly. Doing self-hypnosis was the best way to really ingrain these habits in my mind and make them feel natural and organic to my being.
1) Purify -

  • Wash face and body
  • Sunscreen
  • Brush and floss teeth
  • Brush hair
  • Apple Cider Vinegar daily
  • Supplements
  • Essential oils

2) Nourish -

  • Drink pure water
  • Green tea
  • Whole grains and foods
  • Raw foods
  • Fruits and juice
  • Veggies and legumes
  • Omega 3 oils
  • Fast regularly

3) Be Active -

  • Walk
  • Bike
  • Hike
  • Dance
  • Mow or Garden
  • Vacuum or clean house
  • Stretch, yoga

4) Rest and Relaxation -

  • Sleep
  • Nap
  • Read for pleasure
  • Play games, puzzles
  • Watch videos
  • Listen to music, preferably live
  • Art, photography, crafts

5) Meditate -

  • Journal, blog
  • Tarot reading
  • Astrology reading
  • Self reiki
  • Self hypnosis
  • Create art
  • Space out, brain storm

6) Work -

  • Organize and prioritize, make lists, use calendars
  • Follow through or delegate
  • Answer the phone, return calls same day
  • Pay bills the day they arrive
  • Put aside money for taxes, savings, IRA acct
  • Return emails same day, set auto reply
  • Confirm/reminder emails
  • Follow up on first appointments by phone or email
  • Make it edutainment - educational and entertaining - tweet it, facebook, etc put the social in the media
  • Set office hours for emails, computer stuff, bookkeeping, marketing
  • Work fasts - vacations, weekends, evenings

7) Develop Love

  • Learn to love yourself first
  • Communicate with your partner
  • Spend time with your pet
  • Reach out to family members
  • Hang out with friends
  • Go to community events
  • Spend time in nature

What good habits do you want to develop? Let me know how I can help. Call or email for an appointment today!

June 18, 2014

Edgar Cayce and Healing with Crystals

Healing with Crystals and Gemstones
Edgar Cayce believed that every living body emanates both physical and spiritual vibrations which produces different tones, much like the vibration that is created when the string of a musical instrument is played. He recommended gemstones, metals and minerals in his life readings as they can give off particular vibrations, such as color, and can raise the tone of the body to a higher vibration with healing results.

Energy medicine works by raising the vibrations in the body and by releasing blockages caused by emotional traumas or health issues. In Eastern thought there are seven primary energy centers, known as chakras, that relate to certain organs and human needs, each with an associated color. These energy vortexes can be activated for healing using vibrational medicine. We also have several subtle energy fields around our bodies, including the astral, mental and causal layers, which energy medicine can help to tune, open up, release, transform and heal these layers by enlivening and energizing them.

Some well known people with nervous system disorders include Dudley Moore who died from Super-Nuclear Palsy, Roger Ebert who had Bell's Palsy, and Michael J. Fox who has Parkinson's disease. These may have been prevented by helping their bodies adapt to rapidly changing environmental vibrational frequency shifts and supporting them emotionally during life changes. Rhodonite is recommended as a healer of the emotional heart, to mend the past and to feel peace about future changes while raising one's overall vibration, and as an assistant during times of transitions.

Cayce warned us against using the crystal as a good luck charm because he perceived it not as an omen but as a helpful influence. Cayce believed that the crystal acts to raise the energy naturally of the wearer rather than attributing it's influence to some supernatural phenomenon. The clear, colorless nature can increase the frequency of any of the chakras and thus can be used to amplify any vibration. Cayce encouraged keeping crystal close to the body in order to tune into the vibrations that were needed for the entity.

Coral was so important to the life readings as Cayce perceived that it would tune people in to the healing forces of water, help in creativity, protect highly intuitive/sensitive people from harmful vibrations and bring quiet and rest to the body. Coral is used to enhance spiritual aspects and spiritual imports, to calm disturbing influences, and to tap into the Creative Forces. He recommend that the coral touch the body, for example a necklace, bracelet, or mounting that allowed the coral to make direct contact with the flesh of the wearer.

Cayce especially recommended the use of Lapis. Three kinds of Lapis are 1) Lapis Lazuli, well known in Egypt for decorating the coffins of the Pharaohs and used for psychic development, general health and protection 2) Lapis Ligurius, found on the northwest coast of Italy and could be an old wold word for zircon, a green stone used for protection rite, chrysocolla, or turquoise. Possibly larimar as well.

I enjoy incorporating gemstones into my treatments as well as in my aromatherapy sprays in order to raise my client's vibrations, much like tuning a fine violin. Call or email for more information or to schedule an appointment for a crystal healing today.

May 21, 2014

Healing Benefits of Salt

The healing benefits of salts include:

  •  using table salt as a powerful protector of the energy field around the home
  •  taking a pinch of table salt on the tongue 3x a week just before bed to strengthen the salivary glands and condition the stomach
  •  to massage out sore muscles by combining table salt with apple cider vinegar
  •  to create a nasal wash by combining table salt, baking soda and cream of soda - this keeps mucous from going into the system and helps neck, throat and shoulder problems
  •  using sea salt in hot packs to relieve menstrual cramps
  •  to relieve hip and shoulder pain by sponging a solution of bicarbonate of soda in warm water with heated sea salt
  •  using Epsom salts to reduce swelling and inflammation, either by adding to a bath or creating a hot pack
  •  to help a pet adjust to change by adding a little bit of table salt to their food or have them lick it off your hand.

The three main kinds are table salt (sodium chloride, often has iodine in it) sea salt (which contains nearly every common element and has positive vibrations from sea creatures) and Epsom salts, which has magnesium in it. In my opinion the best is Epsom salts, which I use:

  •  in a nasal wash for allergy relief
  •  in a hot sauna as an overall skin rub and wonderful exfoliant
  •  in the bathtub for sore muscles and for soothing heartache. 

I have found it beneficial when experiencing troubles with my partner for both of us to soak in an Epsom salt bath together to recalibrate our vibrations and find harmony again.

“The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea.” - Isak Dineson

April 23, 2014

Adventures in Detoxing, Part 2

As I wrote in my last post, I decided to go on an eight week detoxing program, based on The Detox Book by Bruce Fife. Here are my notes from each week:

The first week I lost five pounds, which I attributed mostly to water loss as both the practitioners said I could be experiencing bloating from the antibiotics and from being on my period. I felt lazy and lethargic, wanting to sleep a lot, experiencing a lot of asthma. I realized that I never want to eat when menstruating, a natural time for me to fast, so for a few days only drank juices and ate fruits.

The second week I lost one pound, added the thymus supplement, and found a general return of energy. We went biking twice and hiking. I added daily meditation/visualization that I can do while driving. Both allergies and asthma are better. I also went for a chiropractic adjustment.

The third week I gained two pounds. It rained all week,so though I continued to eat clean, my daily walking routine was interrupted. We decided to take ballroom dancing classes on Monday nights for winter activity. Started oxygen therapy using hydrogen peroxide on my underarm rash and toe fungus. I also began weekly reflexology sessions.

The fourth week I switched from dandelion tea to a detox tea specific for kidney and liver health,starting with one cup a day and gradually increasing it to three. Got my period. Started doing more heliotherapy, deliberately sitting out with my arms exposed. Lost two pounds.

The fifth week I experimented with ear candles and continued reflexology. Stopped dairy completely, including milk in my coffee. Lost another two pounds.

The sixth week I got the flu and had emotional crises. I used aromatherapy, especially eucalyptus, and as the mucus drained affirmed clearing my brain of congested thoughts. Here the neti pot was my friend as well, helping to ease the strain on my sinuses. I took homeopathic oscillium and wellness formula from Source Naturals, as wells Boirons Chestal, a homeopathic cough syrup. I drank a lot of gypsy cold care tea and green tea, eating mostly soup. Lost 4 pounds.

The seventh week I had another emotional crisis, did my first 24 hour fast, took bath with Epsom salts, lavender. Did acupuncture. This time I added a media fast, as tv is junk food for the mind. Lost 3 pounds.

The eighth week got my period, I tried herbal laxative, hated it! The rash where tick bite was flared up considerably. Looking forward to getting a massage. Lost 1 pound.

My overall perspective of the detoxification process is extremely positive. This was one of my best courses from AIHT and one I plan on using in my life as well as guiding my clients. Physically I notice my smooth skin, more energy, felt back in my body, fungus gone, less mucus, less plaque on teeth, and I had lost over 15 pounds. Emotionally I feel like I survived the winter and actually had less symptoms of SAD than previous winters. Mentally I enjoyed the visualizations and meditations, and look forward to more mind fasts by continuing to go on silent retreats. Most importantly, the detox had a profound spiritual effect, allowing me to clear some clutter from my soul, transmute the poisons of the past and change some of my wounds into gifts that will help others.

The Detox Book. Fife, Bruce. Colorado Springs: Piccadilly Books, Ltd.
The Tao of Detox by Daniel Reid
The Miracle of Fasting by Patricia Bragg