Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts

December 30, 2019

Hummingbird Magic

Hummingbird Magic

This morning I heard a noise in the hallway. My cat, the calico, had caught a hummingbird! I picked it up in my hands, went outside onto the deck, and did a backward count from a hundred. I could feel its' little heart against my fingers.

At about count thirty, the other cat came and rubbed against my legs. The hummingbird shot out of my hands, turned and hovered about two feet in front of my face, then shot up into the locust tree. There were a few feathers on my pant leg so I picked one up, held it for the last count down to zero.

When I opened my eyes, the hummingbird was still in the tree, then just zipped off into the sky. It felt like such a blessing. To me, hummingbirds represent joy, and I had this feeling of holding joy in my hands, praying for joy, and seeing joy have a new life. Extremely potent hummingbird magic!

December 2, 2019

Pre-Surgery Hypnosis

Pre-Surgery Hypnosis

I worked with a client who had lost one of his eyes to cancer. He was going to have an intensive surgery procedure to seal the empty socket shut so that he could go back to surfing. He was going to be sedated for ten days and in the hospital for thirty days.

We did eight sessions of "acu-hyp" - hypnosis during an acupuncture session. He focused on letting go of his anger at the failure of his five past surgeries and the stress of his divorce, as well as affirming that he had always been a fast healer and that his body would respond to the new grafts.

Well, he was only sedated for one day and out of the hospital in ten days! You can imagine the enormous savings on the hospital bill. It is amazing to me that insurance will not pay for hypnosis when it is so effective in accelerating the healing process.

If you or someone you know is going into surgery, consider the benefits of hypnosis as a part of your process. Feel free to call or email with any questions!

November 20, 2017

The Healer’s Manifesto

The Healer’s Manifesto


Hold the Space

Ask Deep, Precise Questions

Listen & Reflect

Keep the Silence

Have Clarity in Your Vision

Have Wisdom in Your Words

See the Success




-Kayla Garnet Rose, 2015

October 16, 2017


Kayla has work with me for five years I have received Reiki and hypnotherapy. She has been a huge blessing for me in my healing from trauma and big life changes. Reiki with my shoulder injury help me not have a frozen shoulder. A whole body affect.
Thanks for all of your loving work.

-JoAnn Tennent on Yelp