Showing posts with label aromatherapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aromatherapy. Show all posts

August 15, 2019

Managing Stress & Anxiety Naturally


Lavender - The “Angel of Healing and Purification” (Neil S. Cohen) lavender is the most gentle and versatile of essential oils. Antiseptic, antibacterial, it enhances both the physical and psychic immune systems. Soothes the mind, heart and soul. Invites guidance, brings clarity, peace of mind, emotional balance.

Bergamot Orange - brings light, brightness, and cheerfulness. Has a normalizing effect - can either be sedating or uplifting. Regulates appetite, boosts the immune system, steadies nervous system, balances cycles. (Earl Grey Tea is flavored with bergamot.)

Grapefruit - calms the nervous stomach, aids in digestion, eases depression and moodiness. Clears the mind. Inspires confidence, joy, and cheerfulness.

Lemon - Why do you think they call it lemonade? Think Lemon- Aid, without all the sugar! Lemon strengthens the third chakra, solar plexus, place of will and empowerment. Energizing, purifying, uplifting. A digestive aid, liver tonic, helps regulate systems.

Chamomile - imagine putting a daisy chain around your heart. Soothing, gentle, calming, Chamomile tends to the inner child, offering comfort and reassurance. Helps with feelings of being overwhelmed. Promotes inner peace and security.

German Blue Chamomile - has the same properties, but it’s distinctive blue color also enhances the third eye, intuition, and visualization. Use sparingly, it may dye your skin.


Hematite - silver/grey, sometimes magnetic. Absorbs negativity. Very grounding, calming, encourages willpower, concentration, trust, and balance.

Onyx - black or brown. Increases vitality, energy, stamina, endurance, self-control. Encourages contentment.

Sugilite - dark purple, turns black over time as it absorbs energy. Soothes the mind, enhances conscious awareness, channeling, and healing. “Helps the idealist and the extremely kindhearted to remain unhurt by the shocks of the world.” -Dolfyn

Peridot - green. Soothes the heart. Renewing, comforting, relaxing. Increases intuition, recuperative abilities, and stress reduction. Said to heal the healer.

Rose Quartz - pink. Balances and comforts the heart. Enhances self-love, tolerance, and forgiveness. Fosters tenderness, gentleness, and peacefulness.

Other Recommendations
Bach Rescue Remedy - available as drops or spray, a combination of flower essences to reduce trauma - Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic, Impatiens to mollify irritation and impatience, Clematis to combat inattentiveness, Star of Bethlehem to ease shock, and Cherry Plum to calm irrational thoughts.

St. John's Wort - takes time to accumulate before feeling any effect, anywhere from a week to a month. Promotes an even emotional keel, feelings of being able to manage one’s emotions rather than having them manage you.

BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast. Easy to eat and digestible when one is upset or has no appetite. Other easy foods: yogurt, boiled eggs, smoothies. Choose smart comfort foods to nourish yourself rather than indulging your inner child.

YouTube Videos
Simple Self Hypnosis Technique

Chakra Balancing

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, nor is it a substitute for medical attention. Please consult your doctor first for any allergies, or do a skin patch test.

February 16, 2014

12 Tips for Seasonal Affective Disorder

According to the Wikipedia,  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects up to 9.7% of Americans. Also known as the Winter Blues, I have managed this personally for the last 33 years by a combination of the following:

1. St. John's Wort - While does not make me euphoric by any means, gives me an even keel. I find it most effective taking it at least one month before my regular symptoms appear in February.

2. Sleep - Hibernation is my friend. I sleep anywhere from 9 to 12 hours plus take naps during the winter time. Way better than checking out on drugs, alcohol or any other escape mechanism. Plus, I look so young with all that beauty rest!

3. Sunshine - There is a reason why I live in California. However, I remember when I was a kid living rainy, cold Luxembourg my parents buying a tanning lamp to give all of us a seasonal boost.

4. Vitamin D - Of course is naturally produced by being in the sun, but what with global warming and polar vortex conditions, consider supplementing your regime. Vitamin C is also our friend, boosting immunity.

5. Aromatherapy - Orange, bergamot, and lemon all uplift the spirits. Combine with a carrier oil and use as either a room spray or body spray. Check for allergies first!

6. Stop drinking alcohol - Quite simply it is a depressant. Again, like taking herbs, I find it most effective if I stop drinking one month before I usually experience my winter blues.

7. Wear bright colors - I find myself reaching into the closet for the grey and black clothing, reflecting my inner landscape. Deliberately choosing to wear purples, reds, yellows, and other bright colors helps me "fake it until I make it."

8. Orgasm - I went to a workshop on tantra and what I remember the most is to engage in self pleasure, even if you do not feel like it. The hormones and neuro-transmitters released are the same for happiness and feeling in love. Apparently sex is better than valium!

9. Reiki/Massage - Intrinsic touch is crucial to human happiness, especially if you are single or choose not to engage in tip number 8.

10. Smile/Laugh - another "fake it till you make it" technique, I schedule a lot of lunches with colleagues and make an effort to hang out with my friends more, as being isolated simply leads to that spiral of depression. Watch funny movies/tv shows/internet sites, avoid the news/radio/facebook, be super selective.

11. Hypnosis /Meditate - I have discussed this before in my post "Meditate, Don't Medicate". Taking the time to set your intentions, experiencing deep relaxation, letting go of stress and simply allowing yourself to be present are soothing, healing and comforting. Check out my YouTube video "A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique" for more information.

12. Exercise - another way to release those feel good endorphins, a twenty minute walk can do wonders for your mood. On rainy days I do the "Just Dance" program on the Wii. Shake it up!

I was first diagnosed with depression when I was 15, a label I have struggled with ever since. In the last couple of decades I have boiled it down from year around symptoms to the month of February, mostly the last two weeks. The first of March has become to signify the beginning of Spring, not just on the earth but truly the rebirth of my psyche. Rather than resisting the dark of winter, I have created a way to move through. Much like knowing it is inevitable that I will get a cold or the flu, I strive to bolster my immune systems - physical and emotional. I accept this time much like accepting being premenstrual, however, I know there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and create better mental health.

Please note: This is not meant to be a substitute for any medical or therapeutic advice. Do what is best for you, but please, create a support system for your self. You deserve a healthy happy life and can manage your emotions without having them manage you!