Showing posts with label Hypnotherapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypnotherapy. Show all posts

May 3, 2017

Five Reiki Secrets: Just for Today

Practice this short simple meditation, based upon the five principles of Reiki, to foster feelings of equanimity, loving kindness and acceptance.

Just for today...

I let go of anger, knowing I can gently express my inner needs
I let go of worry, choosing to trust that I have been heard
I am deeply thankful, to a kind and benevolent universe
I am focused on my work in creative & productive ways
I am kind and loving, to myself and all beings.
Blessed Be.

April 26, 2017

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus today, sign of the bull. Take a journey in the garden of your mind. Take the time to weed out negative thoughts and to plant the seeds of change, seeds of peace, seeds of love, and of course everyone's favorite- seed money.

Taurus shines its' light on all that we cherish - spiritual life, financial stability, healthy lifestyles and concrete choices. Taurus rules the body, health, wealth, your home, garden and finances. Speak your truth on all these matters and ponder, What do you really want to manifest?

How will you harmonize your emotional self with achieving your desires? Remember to value yourself deeply, and never doubt you deserve the very best. Go deep and reap the rewards.

Imagine there are little flames jumping out of your mouth, so sing your truth to rally up change, like grassroots singers bolstering up the unions. Your words inspire, infuse, recharge and even enrage some. Speak gently, listen actively and remember you can always work with a counselor or a trusted friend.

Make new moon wishes out in the brisk April evening. How can you be better friends with money, resources and the distribution of wealth? You'll be attracted to something unusual or quirky, either out of your norm or your comfort zone. Let yourself feel the thrill of the unknown, and trust that this adventure will lead to self realization.Use some self hypnosis to let go of any residual fear of success.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should...
© Max Ehrmann 1927

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

April 19, 2017

Using Hypnosis to Change Habits

Giving up coffee was one of the most difficult yet ultimately rewarding experiences in my life. While coffee is fine for some folks, I noticed it made me anxious and nervous, quite simply, contributed to my stress. In addition, it was contributing to some serious stomach problems. So I decided to stop doing something which had been a daily thing for me since I was twenty-one. I love coffee and even owned a cafe, at one point I drank more coffee each day than I care to remember. Still, I had to change the habit because it was impacting my health, so I decided to use hypnosis.

I attempted going cold-turkey before and couldn't do it, the headaches were awful. During a hypnosis session I realized I was attached to the morning ritual of making and drinking a hot beverage, so I could make the kinder, gentler choice of substituting coffee with tea. I weaned myself off of coffee over six weeks, gradually substituting green tea. I still use my coffee machine to make my tea water - old habits die hard - but definitely feel a lot calmer and on a more even keel.

What I love about hypnosis is that everyone has their own unique solution to their problem inside them, waiting to be discovered. This was mine, what is yours? What will you discover is your way to change negative habits and turn them into positive ones? Feel free to call, email, or schedule online if you want to use hypnosis to help you on your way.

April 12, 2017

Jane Ann Clemens - Massage Therapist

Jane Ann Clemens CMT, NHC, CHt - Soquel, CA, United States

Jane offers a wonderful, gentle, client centered bodywork that incorporates Reiki. I would highly recommend Jane to anyone with fibromyalgia or who is looking for a light touch with a deeply relaxing feel.

Find her site here.

April 5, 2017

Powerful Affirmations

Focused Intentions
When a client comes for a session, the first step is to identify their goals and desired outcome. During hypnosis in particular, the client can imagine a new way of being and can take the steps to have it happen, as well as tap into their motivation as a program to success. During trance, the client is given suggestions to support their solutions. For example, I am relaxed and centered, and every moment counts. Affirmations are used in transpersonal psychology, but are also cross cultural. Prayers, mantras, chants, and blessings affirm one's place in the universe. Even something as little as saying bless you or Gesundheit after a sneeze is that affirmation of May you be blessed with health. We are also familiar with the expressions Bon Appetit or One day at a time.

Positive Thinking Works
Affirmations can be found everywhere: fortune cookies, horoscopes, angel cards, bumper stickers, quotes, and even lines from your favorite songs. I recently read that Melissa Ethridge kept a scrap of paper on which her surgeon had scribbled "You will be fine" next to her bed during her treatment for breast cancer, and how important it was for her to repeat those words as part of her healing process.  

Power of Suggestion
 The suggestions used are affirmations, a positive way to reinforce the client process. Affirmations work both during trance and as an anchor in daily life to continue to activate the subconscious mind and create constructive associations. As seen the documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know? it is in this way you can create new neural pathways to release different neuro chemicals then the ones you could be addicted to out of past programming.  

Gentle Reminders
Affirmations can be placed anywhere: in your bathroom, on mirrors, in your car, your fridge, your wallet, your computer screen saver. In my car I have a little dashboard compartment that when I flip up reveals the quote, "She Who Laughs, Lasts."
Affirmations are especially effective when put into the third person, and when put into the past tense. They change wishful thinking into willful thinking. Notice the difference in the saying "I wish I didn't have a broken heart"to "I will heal my broken heart" to "You have healed your heart."

Power of Affirmations
  From the dictionary - To affirm: to state or assert positively; to maintain as true; to confirm. Quite simply to make firm - to use as a foundation or basis for one's beliefs. Affirmations offer comfort, support and motivation.One of favorites, " are a child of the universe no less than the trees or stars, and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should... -From 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann

Emotional Deposits
When we compliment another person, we are affirming their reality, we build their bank of self esteem by giving them an emotional deposit. Affirmations repeated for yourself add to your own bank of self-esteem for a feelings of confidence and personal success. Practice saying, I am a co-creator of my reality. I am now creating my life exactly as I want it.

Engage Your Senses
Affirmations are especially effective when used with other modalities, for example using a hand mudra or other physical cue, or associating it with a scent. One client had a fear of flying, but through hypnosis she associated the smell of lavender with being relaxed, and before each flight would breathe in a sachet of lavender to feel calm and at ease.
  Change is Our Friend

When you stop seeing your affirmation, it's often because you have incorporated that message, or that message no longer serves you. Change your affirmations as you evolve into who you want to become. As my friend Laurie Biggers says, "Embrace Change as a doorway to a more peaceful existence."

March 28, 2017

New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries today, sign of the Ram. You may be feeling fiery & impatient deep at the core, but just like a dormant volcano provides a safe haven for years, focus on your friends and family to create a safe haven for the spring. There will be plenty of time to erupt into your smoldering phoenix self soon enough. 

This is your year to shine, my friend, so polish up your act, from head to toes. You are mystical and magical, beautiful beyond measure. Aries knows all about self care and self love. Show your smile this month.

After slogging through the emotional mud slide these last few months, we all reach dry, firm land and can take off running again. What will assist your self actualization? If you've been a follower, become a leader, & vice versa.

What are your new commitments for the coming summer? Take a moment to reflect upon your emotions, and tap into the moon's energy to fulfill all of your heartfelt ambitions. I believe in you!

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

March 22, 2017

Positive Vista Photography

For valentine's day I bought my daughter a portrait of the two of us. I am so pleased with the work by Portia. She also took some perfect professional photos for my website and sweet pictures of me and my partner. She is both a great photographer and an excellent artist. And I admire her support and dedication to the santa Cruz SPCA too!

Find her site here.

March 15, 2017

Why do People use Hypnotherapy?

Since 1986 I have been reading the cards, charting the stars, leading people to their deepest and most heartfelt visions. I see tarot and astrology as a map, where my role is to be a guide, and people have free will and free choice to create direction in their lives. Yet people would stay stuck, at the crossroads, in their own emotional blocks or perceived limitations, which is how I came to be interested in hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis involves inviting a state of trance, a state of relaxed focused concentration, where one is more open to suggestion, particularly if they are your own suggestions. The solution always lies within, and my role is to facilitate my client discovering deep insights into their current situation, providing an opportunity for personal growth and change.

Psychotherapy is a wonderful tool, but can feel akin to taking a salt shaker and pouring it into your hand, examining every crystal, every traumatic or painful event, one by one, which can take years and years for the healing to occur. Hypnotherapy is chucking it over your shoulder, allowing for completion, closure, and willingness to stop perpetuating being a victim but to become one's own hero and best ally instead, to change one's inner critic to become one's inner coach instead.

My clients have ranged from seven year olds having nightmares to seventy year olds wanting to feel confident to pass their drivers test. A few other cases include:

  • A client trying to decide whether to leave their marriage of twenty years used polarity to discover a third solution to the dilemma
  • A pre surgery client who used hypnosis to harness their inner healer cut their recovery time by two thirds
  • An executive trying to decide whether to leave the company or find a new position did a shamanic journey to receive important messages from internal guides
  • A person with test anxiety who needed to upgrade their skills called upon their inner resources, specifically their fifth grade teacher and reinstated a joy of learning
  • A college student who had extreme anxiety after leaving their parents now has anchored the calm they feel with them in their own hands, so at any time they can feel reassured
  • A parent who was traumatized after witnessing their daughter's car getting hit, who wanted to change the "what if" mentality to "what is"
  • Another parent who was quitting smoking as they thought about death twenty times a day and felt guilty about their kids and was in extreme fear of getting cancer, who is now anchored and has a ritual to remind them of feeling deeply content
  • A being who was in touch with their own denial after their spouse entered rehab and has found a method to both contain and get rid of unwanted anger
  • An emergency professional who experienced claustrophobia and panic attacks during their recertification who visualized passing with flying colors
  • A firefighter who had experienced post traumatic stress after falling through a burning floor and discovered that fear was really their friend
  • An entity with anorexia who was learning how to take care and nourish themselves by being in touch with their inner council of beings
  • A client who was applying to go back to school for their masters who was dealing with procrastination and self sabotage, who has been using EFT for self acceptance
  • A person with the compulsion to pull out their eyebrows and eyelashes who reframed this habit to picking the strings of their guitar
  • A human who was getting off of anti depressants and was looking for natural methods to feel balanced and relaxed by learning breath work
  • A person who wanted to experience past life regressions even though this is against their religious beliefs, thinks this will help them find new love
  • A being who had been hospitalized for six months who wanted to learn pain management techniques in order to walk again

Whether you are going through a mid life crisis, Saturn return, feeling overly stressed or just reviewing what would make your life healthier and happier, hypnosis is a tool for you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, and I will teach you techniques to feel calm, tranquil and relaxed; to change unwanted habits into healthier coping patterns, and give you the heartfelt encouragement and one on one coaching to create long term, personal successful solutions.

There is more information on my website, as well as frequently asked questions, and I now have self empowerment videos on Youtube including an introduction to hypnosis and a simple self hypnosis technique. Good clients for me is anyone ready to embrace change for a more peaceful existence by being willing to discover insights and live with more fullness. Call for your appointment today!

March 8, 2017

The Power of Affirmations

The Power of Affirmations
  • Want to feel more motivated and inspired?
  • Interested in programming your mind for success?
  • Willing to stand in your power and receive the abundance life has to offer??
If the answer is yes, then hypnosis is right for you! Learn how to set intentions, tap into inner resources, and practice positive thinking. Bring a journal and a pen.

Engage both your right brain and your left brain in an interactive program with Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD, Certified Hypnotherapist, designed to activate greater abundance and prosperity into your life.

 Loosely based on the book, The Medicine Woman’s Guide to Being in Business for Yourself: How to Live by Your Spiritual Vision in a Money-Based World by Carol Bridges, these sessions are open to all women and men and nonbinary folk seeking to create more affluence while maintaining a high level of integrity and a spiritual focus. We will focus on creating abundance and prosperity through guided meditations, interactive exercises and community synergy.

These lessons are awesome! I took it last year and went on a 23 day vacation (to Brazil and Antarctica) this year! It works! - Lisa Carter, Santa Cruz, CA

Schedule an Online Appointment 

February 28, 2017

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces today, sign of the Fish. Everything is dissolving, or else it needs to, like that lump in your throat. Try some ice cube magic - take a sharpie and write on an ice cube anything that feels stuck, that you feel fixated upon. Put it in a small dish and watch it dissolve. Allow any and all emotions to arise and flow. Take the melted water and pour it down the drain, imagine it leaving you all the way out to the sea. Become fluid in all ways.

Like shafts of sunlight streaming into the sea, there is a hidden opportunity for you to stimulate your deepest self. Will you rise to the challenge? Who could be helpful to you?

They say water and electricity don't mix, but the truth us they are highly conducive to each other. You might feel jolted from your dream state. Use the surge of energy to stimulate your emotional intelligence. Tap into the new moon in Pisces today and ask what does transcendence mean to you? Time to let go of your addictions and start enjoying more vibrant habits and healthier lifestyle choices. Access your inner coach for true motivation... Or your inner couch for deep relaxation, whatever will serve you best.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

February 22, 2017

Kepare Salon


Another great experience with Pati Parodi at Kepare! Pati always listens so well, does amazing hair cuts and is truly a professional. It is always a pleasure to see Pablo and Meredith, and Rachel gives the best aromatherapy scalp rubs in town.

Find their site here.

February 15, 2017

Reiki in Hospitals

More and more hospitals are incorporating Reiki, and many nurses add reiki to their repertoire as a part of their continuing education. The power of loving and intrinsic touch clearly benefits healing, and I am sure we will see more and more people learning to use Reiki in assisted living facilities, dentist offices, rehabs and sports medicine facilities.

One of the simplest ways to think about Reiki is to imagine holding newborn preemies in hospitals. We all know that preemies. thrive from being touched. Having a Reiki treatment brings us that sense of security, comfort, and a deep human connection.

Reiki is extremely beneficial for people who are sensitive to touch, for example people with fibromyalgia, going through chemotherapy, or who were traumatized by sexual or physical abuse and could still use this light and loving touch as a part of their healing process. Reiki sessions are done fully clothed and can be done either in person or over a distance.

Call or email for more information.

February 8, 2017

Tips for Positive Transformation

• Drink water: no ice – you’ll drink more; same with using a straw. When you urinate, consciously let go of whatever has been pissing you off lately. Same when you defecate – say out loud, “I now release all this old crap.” Notice that as you release the accumulated emotional and physical toxins, the sense of well being and serenity that permeates your body.

   • Breathe: take in what you need, and let go of what no longer serves you. Take deeper and deeper breaths until you feel the richness in your veins. Laughter is the best medicine – Breathe into your Buddha belly and feel a big belly laugh whenever you want to feel high.

• Purify: hot showers, hot baths, hot tubs saunas: release toxins naturally and effectively. Transmute old poisons, shed your skin, wash away the past to feel cleansed and renewed. Neti pots cleanse the sinuses & clear the head of congested thoughts.

• Cry: with a friend, a counselor, your favorite pet, a sappy movie, or yourself. Release grief, disappointment, guilt, heart break, frustration and the chemical compounds found only in emotional tears.

• Combine modalities: Chiropractic, acupuncture, traditional therapy, Reiki, nutrition and massage support the mind-body connection made during hypnosis. Ask for personal recommendations.

   • Meditate: Start your day by simply stating your intentions, take a moment to visualize them as if they have already occurred, feel that in your body, and breathe it into every cell of your being. To further amplify this frequency, write in your journal, speak your truth, or better yet, sing your truth. Attract what you need in order to grow.

    • Love your body: Feed yourself good, yummy foods that you truly enjoy to nourish your whole being; play with your body, dance, do yoga, go roller skating, get an exercise ball, stretch. Get rid of your scale – you’ll be surprised how much happier you’ll feel.

   • Sleep: as much as you want to. Take naps. Remember your dreams. Your mind and body are doing the repair work. This is where deep healing occurs. Allow yourself to go to bed when you want to, and to wake up when you want to. Get rid of your alarm clock – you’ll be surprised how easily you wake up when you need to, feeling rejuvenated, relaxed and refreshed, ready for a new day.

• Laugh: all the way to the bank, in your car, during dinner. make people wonder what you are up to. Smile at strangers. Make eye contact. Make “I contact”.
• Have fun!
copyright kayla g. rose 2008, 2012

February 1, 2017

Chakra Balancing Affirmations

I am balanced in my mind.
I am focused and engaged in creative and productive ways.

I am balanced in my vision.
I allow myself to dream and I follow through on my ideas.

I am balanced in my communication.
I listen attentively and I speak my truth compassionately.

I am balanced in my heart.
I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

I am balanced in my belly.
I am beauty and I am laughter.

I am balanced in my boundaries.
I take in what I need and I let go of what no longer serves me.

I am balanced at the root of my being.
I attract what I need to grow and I fulfill all my desires.

Blessed Be.

(kgr 2006)

January 28, 2017

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius today, sign of the Water-Bearer. Aquarius is the sign of self knowledge and wisdom. Stand up now and speak for your cause - miraculous possibilities are sparkling all around. 

Tap into the celestial tides to enhance your souls journey on your chosen life path. Let this be the gift of usable energy in any way that is beneficial to you now. Take in any information that resonates with your current situation, and simply disregard the rest.

What can you do to develop your self this year? Consistency, patience, and remaining on your path are encouraged now, which will manifest an abundance of health and well being.
In his book "Ageless Wisdom, Timeless Mind" Deepak Chopra discovered that the people who lived the longest were not necessarily the lowest in weight, but the most consistent in their weight. Yoyo dieting and being on the pendulum swing of gaining/losing twenty pounds over and over again is extremely hard on the heart. Notice what you can do to love the body you have now, and practice agents and gradual system of weight management rather than reoccurring goals to be a certain number on the scale. Consistent exercise, such as a daily walk, and a moderate diet that emphasizes eating breakfast and consuming more plant based proteins will serve you better in the long run.

Plant some seeds today: seeds of love, seeds of peace, seeds of change, and of course, some seed money. Focus on your intentions, nourish your dreams, and look forward to harvesting the abundance this spring and summer.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

January 23, 2017

Join me on LIVE Radio with Santa Cruz Socialites

Please join me on LIVE Radio with Santa Cruz Socialites on Tuesday, January 24 from 9:00am-9:30am. I will be sharing holistic tips for managing post holiday/inauguration/ seasonal depression by cultivating lightheartedness, releasing worry & doubt, and practicing positive mental yoga through self hypnosis and other mindfulness techniques.

Up next on The Socialite Series: Listen LIVE

Episode #32: Tips for Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka: Post Holiday Depression, with guest host Kayla Garnet Rose.

January 18, 2017

Hypnosis for Self-Liberation

Imagine for a moment having iron shackles around your neck, wrists, ankles. These are attached to a heavy, metal ball by a long, clanking chain. Every step is a struggle, your hands are tied, you are completely stuck in a rut. These are your addictions - those negative habits, negative thought patterns, self doubt, and self criticism that we are slave to, that weigh us down. We know better - but we keep doing it. It could be smoking, over eating, over drinking, over working, over sleeping, too much tv/internet/cell phone/video games/texting, picking fights with your spouse, or being overly critical. Even shame, fear, and worry are a burden, and many people are attached to pain and suffering as a way of being.

There’s another form of self-imprisonment. These are the golden handcuffs - staying too long in a job, marriage or other family situation with the lure of money or some other benefit, although with a huge emotional price. Take a moment to be honest with yourself - where do you feel tied to an unhealthy behavior, outmoded coping mechanism, or unproductive habit? Or is there somebody in your life who is shackled, but you are carrying their ball and chain in a codependent relationship, enabling them to stay a prisoner of unhealthy behaviors?

The beauty of hypnotherapy is discovering that you already hold the key to your personal liberation. By simply taking the time to relax, go within, and explore your personal landscape, you empower yourself to take full responsibility for your health and happiness. Hypnosis is a natural and effective way to create a conscious connection between the your heart and your mind, between what you feel and what you know, between what you think and what you do. The key is to lead a life based on conscious choices. The key leads to a proactive approach which results in independence, increased self esteem and deep personal satisfaction.

Often my clients refer to their negative behavior as their demons. They feel compelled, obsessed or out of control when it comes to sugar, nicotine or alcohol. Some feel gripped by jealousy, perfectionism, or self doubt.  They say, “The devil made me do it”  and have an “I can’t help myself” attitude. The truth is: you are the only one who can help yourself. All healing is self healing - all hypnosis is self hypnosis. These are the stories we keep telling ourselves, the scripts, that become ingrained and self-fulfilling prophecies. Often these addictions arose from coping mechanisms from the past. For example, a client who associated smoking with autonomy as the first time they felt like a grown up was when as a teenager they would smoke behind the barn with an older cousin. The first step is to identify what need is being met and to become friends with the devil - to embrace all the parts of the self, even the unhealthy ones. Once you have looked at yourself in a loving and accepting way, changes can begin. That’s when people stop being a victim and start being a hero.

Socrates said, “An un-examined life is not worth living.” It is our unique capacity for self awareness that allows us to improve and evolve, both as individuals and as a society. Liberating ourselves from past conditioning, whether we learned it from our parents, schools or culture, allows us to truly experience the freedom in becoming our authentic selves, self actualized and self fulfilled. There is often a sense of rebirth as clients access both their imagination and their power to see themselves as successful, confident, and overflowing with self esteem.

Some examples: One of my clients who struggled with poor money habits accessed their inner Philanthropist, in order to easily pay their back-taxes once they reframed it as "supporting their community." Another who was plagued with social anxiety tapped into her inner J-Lo in order to feel completely at ease in any social situation. A third who was trapped in their career experienced a Shamanic Journey where his spirit guide was Indiana Jones, now goes by the affirmation, “What would Indy do?” as he visualizes himself striding down the corridors of his corporation. Each of these archetypes had personal meaning and they assisted the client to tap into the richness of the subconscious, to create inner resources and to develop a secure sense of self that was deeply in touch with what they truly wanted in life.

Carl Jung says that the only way to change a habit is to replace it with a better habit. By tapping into your inner wisdom, creating positive affirmations and powerful visualizations, the neural pathways in the brain shift in order to integrate new behaviours and ways of being.  Thus a chronic coffee drinker developed a green tea habit.  Another client who was a smoker decided to become addicted to health instead. And the woman who could not get over her husband’s infidelity discovered the ability to focus on her own beauty and self love.

Hypnotherapy is a way to live an abundant life, as free as the white dove flying in the blue sky, liberated from the shackles of the past and creating a future full of vision, hope, and optimism. It is so worth the investment, to take some time to experience insights for personal growth, to achieve inner peace and embrace transformation. When you are ready to cast off your own chains, try hypnosis and discover the key to your own personal liberation.

January 11, 2017

Santa Cruz Skin Solutions

I loved receiving my facial from Jennalee, it was so soothing, relaxing, professional and my skin looks great! She explains everything and uses organic products, both of which I really appreciated. I highly recommend Jennalee, this was a delightful experience.

Find their site here.

January 4, 2017

Teamwork for Wealth and Abudance

• In the ancient art of Feng Shui, spaces (home, office, room, property) are divided up into nine sections, each with a specific “life value” or focus. For today's talk, I am focused on two: Wealth & Abundance (always the furthest corner in the room from the door) and Helpful Beings, (found in the first right hand corner in relation to the door).

• As opposites attract, and balance is often key to resolving any blocks in energy flow, we as business women are often aware of how being in service has a correlation with our income and cash flow. One way to increase our positive cash flow energy is to focus on helpful beings, ie helpful people, friends, family, colleagues, team members, networks and community as well as spirit guides, angels, ancestors  - “all visible and invisible beings”.

• Cigar boxes, pencil boxes, hat boxes, a large bowl, a mason jar - anything can serve as your helpful people box. Nothing too big - you don’t want to psychically burden yourself! Personalize by decorating with pictures of friends, family, spirit guides, goddesses, angels, pets, animal guides, etc. Images of multiples e.g. a ring of fairies has a different feel than a single fairy.

• Helpful people boxes bring chi, positive energy to this life station, whether or not you reinforce it by also placing the helpful people box in the helpful people corner. Bring intention to another life value if placing it in another area e.g. “I now invite helpful people into my career and on my life path.”

• What do I put in it? Business cards, Leads slips, post it notes, index cards, magic money (if making a check out to yourself, mark it VOID), prayers, quotes, fortune cookie messages, written intentions (80% of what we write down comes true in a year - Well Adjusted story), something to represent YOU, your business (gift certificates, flyers). I keep a small notepad in my morning meditation space & start each day by putting in my clients.
• These are emotional deposits- prayers for people who have been helpful to you, e.g. “ Joanne Gramo has always been a helpful person to me. Let her now receive all the help she needs from all the visible and invisible helpful beings, this or something better now occurs for the greatest good.”

• “Unhelpful People” - people who are a pain in your life, soon either become helpful or become resolved. Praying for your enemies builds compassion as well as frees you emotionally - you know you’ve done your best, by turning it over to a higher power(s). E.g.. “May my annoying neighbor now receive all the help he needs to find a different home & move out, or become a helpful person to me by shutting the f* up, this or something better now occurs for the greatest good.”

• It is a symbolic act, and each time you see or use your box, you will be affirming the messages inside. It acts as a psychic “back burner”.

• Clean it out! Don’t let it get cluttered - I clean mine out with each change of season, and any other time I feel my “Power & Money” feels stuck - back to opposites attract, remember? Acts as a psychic “tickler” file for those spells in progress. It’s okay to have more than one - helpful people & spells in progress, home & office, individual & shared, etc.

• Feel the power of focusing your intentions, and visually see your emotional deposits grow. Feel gratitude for your connections and feel your true success.

Thank you for allowing me to be a helpful person to YOU!
Please feel free to contact me for more information, future workshops & lectures or for a personal session.

Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT
Certified Hypnotherapist, Santa Cruz, CA

December 31, 2016

2017: A Year of Hope

Hope is a Many Feathered Thing
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

-Emily Dickinson

Yesterday while hiking at Wilbur's Watch near Pigeon Point Lighthouse, I found over three dozen redtail hawk feathers. To me, hawks are messengers, reminding us to pay attention to all of life's messages. May all who read this receive a message of hope, a renewal of quiet optimism, and a determination to move through 2017 with grace and confidence.

Blessings for the New Year!


Source: The Poems of Emily Dickinson Edited by R. W. Franklin (Harvard University Press, 1999)