Showing posts with label self care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self care. Show all posts

December 14, 2018

Even Fairy Elves Need Reiki

Fairy Elves love Reiki
You may remember the visit from the Easter Bunny for Reiki last Spring... Well, even Fairy Elves know the importance of self-care and self-love during the busy holiday season, and come in for some Reiki to feel refreshed, revitalized, and rejuvenated!

Reiki taps into Universal energy and is channeled through intrinsic touch. We all know that premies thrive in hospitals when held - and this is the same gentle, loving, healing touch that is safe, soothing, and deeply comforting, allowing the body to do it's own natural healing.

Reiki sessions are done fully dressed, with a gentle laying on of hands or holding energy above key body points, corresponding to the meridians used in acupuncture and acupressure, chakra centers, and trigger points from traditional massage. It is perfect for anyone who can not receive regular massage for any reason - fibromyalgia, cancer, abuse survivor, highly sensitive or deeply shy - but still wants to receive the benefits of deep relaxation, releasing emotional blocks and mental stagnation, as well as experiencing more clarity, balance, and overall resiliency.

So remember to treat yourself this busy season with your own personal retreat at the Rose Sanctuary, and gift yourself the time and space to reflect, recalibrate, and start the New Year listening to your inner voice saying, "Thank you - my needs have been met."

November 27, 2017

Work is Love Made Visible

This was a productive week. I thought about the Kahlil Gilbran quote, "Work is love made visible." This is so true for me when I work with my clients - I am aware of the love, the care, the tending to another person's needs. I wanted to extend this to other areas of my life, so my housework became my house love, and my homework became my home love; working in the garden became loving in the garden, working on my website became loving my website; even sending out emails became sending out love letters. 

Midweek I thought, "I should mow the lawn" then laughed because I knew it was the last thing I was going to do. The question became, "What would I love to do right now?" To my surprise it was getting out the chainsaw and chopping up the firewood, a task that has been on my list for over a year. What a delight cross that one off, sore arms and all. Interestingly, the next day I found myself in the right mood to mow. I notice the things that I have to do can still be done with love, which I guess is the essence of mindfulness.

November 13, 2017

Changing Habits

I'm always curious about how to continue good habits I've started and what other healthy habits I can create for myself in a joyful way, rather than as a chore or burden.

Interestingly, I moved my supplements from by the coffee machine to the bathroom as a direct influence from my sweetie. When I get up in the morning I'm used to hearing the hum of their toothbrush followed by the rattle of medications and I realized I'd probably be more consistent in taking my herbs and vitamins if I combined it with my daily cleaning routine, which has worked well over the last week. 

Two habits I want to get into (or back into) are 1) doing daily stretches/yoga and 2) meditating. I printed out a copy of the sun salutation and have been doing this simple series for the past couple of days, either on the deck actually in the sun or in the bedroom, now that it feels like there is more space after switching furniture around. I can see getting a bigger, cushier rug up there for yoga during the rain season.

Also getting into the habit of stretching while watching TV with my daughter. It is so hard to be so passive, and though often I multi task on the computer. My back has certainly been talking to me for awhile about better posture and less sitting on my ass. I find myself stretching between clients, and even sometimes during sessions if they are lying down with their eyes shut, I can be gently moving my body in a kind of dance while leading the trance.

Part of this all came to me a few months ago when I first went to Wilder Ranch and I was reading a detox book talking about exercise and how simply action = life. I was singing my little warm up song in my head and flexing various muscles groups, and realized I could do this while driving. So for the last couple of months I sing my little song which driving, tensing and flexing muscles, thinking if it as "microsizing" ie micro exercising. Considering it's twenty minutes each way, I figure I'm getting forty minutes of exercise instead of passive driving. Sometimes I do it before going to bed or when I wake up in the middle of the night.  I feel good about being active daily by walking, hiking, yoga, mowing, sex, and now I want to balance it with passive exercise: stretching, Reiki, massage.

The other daily habit I want to cultivate is meditating. It used to be so routine and now it feels lacking in my discipline. That sounds too harsh. For me, meditating is a way to focus in, discover and express my essential being. It is a creative act and a recreative act, and has taken many forms throughout my lifetime, including yoga, coloring tarot cards, journaling, blogging, and yes, even farmville was a meditation in it's own right. Playing Suduko or doing a crossword puzzle has a similar effect on my mind - it is relaxing, and something has shifted from chaos to order. 

So it's not like I don't have this habit, I just want it to shift form. Rather than sitting with my morning coffee and playing solitaire, I want to sit with my coffee and create tarot cards. I put the little table and chair in my altar area, along with colored pencils and my tarot binder, creating an inviting space for me to start my day. Doing the mandala art was inspiring and put me back in touch with the joy of making art. I'm sure you know what I mean, that zen zone when working on your photographs, different from tankville as a creative and productive act, hopefully relaxing for your engineer mind otherwise occupied with codes and bugs.

I like the habits my partner and I have created in our relationship. I like sharing our dreams in the morning, I like how we make coffee and make the bed, I love our habit of making out. Good and healthy, kissing is probably our best discipline. What good habits are you being mindful in creating now?

January 18, 2017

Hypnosis for Self-Liberation

Imagine for a moment having iron shackles around your neck, wrists, ankles. These are attached to a heavy, metal ball by a long, clanking chain. Every step is a struggle, your hands are tied, you are completely stuck in a rut. These are your addictions - those negative habits, negative thought patterns, self doubt, and self criticism that we are slave to, that weigh us down. We know better - but we keep doing it. It could be smoking, over eating, over drinking, over working, over sleeping, too much tv/internet/cell phone/video games/texting, picking fights with your spouse, or being overly critical. Even shame, fear, and worry are a burden, and many people are attached to pain and suffering as a way of being.

There’s another form of self-imprisonment. These are the golden handcuffs - staying too long in a job, marriage or other family situation with the lure of money or some other benefit, although with a huge emotional price. Take a moment to be honest with yourself - where do you feel tied to an unhealthy behavior, outmoded coping mechanism, or unproductive habit? Or is there somebody in your life who is shackled, but you are carrying their ball and chain in a codependent relationship, enabling them to stay a prisoner of unhealthy behaviors?

The beauty of hypnotherapy is discovering that you already hold the key to your personal liberation. By simply taking the time to relax, go within, and explore your personal landscape, you empower yourself to take full responsibility for your health and happiness. Hypnosis is a natural and effective way to create a conscious connection between the your heart and your mind, between what you feel and what you know, between what you think and what you do. The key is to lead a life based on conscious choices. The key leads to a proactive approach which results in independence, increased self esteem and deep personal satisfaction.

Often my clients refer to their negative behavior as their demons. They feel compelled, obsessed or out of control when it comes to sugar, nicotine or alcohol. Some feel gripped by jealousy, perfectionism, or self doubt.  They say, “The devil made me do it”  and have an “I can’t help myself” attitude. The truth is: you are the only one who can help yourself. All healing is self healing - all hypnosis is self hypnosis. These are the stories we keep telling ourselves, the scripts, that become ingrained and self-fulfilling prophecies. Often these addictions arose from coping mechanisms from the past. For example, a client who associated smoking with autonomy as the first time they felt like a grown up was when as a teenager they would smoke behind the barn with an older cousin. The first step is to identify what need is being met and to become friends with the devil - to embrace all the parts of the self, even the unhealthy ones. Once you have looked at yourself in a loving and accepting way, changes can begin. That’s when people stop being a victim and start being a hero.

Socrates said, “An un-examined life is not worth living.” It is our unique capacity for self awareness that allows us to improve and evolve, both as individuals and as a society. Liberating ourselves from past conditioning, whether we learned it from our parents, schools or culture, allows us to truly experience the freedom in becoming our authentic selves, self actualized and self fulfilled. There is often a sense of rebirth as clients access both their imagination and their power to see themselves as successful, confident, and overflowing with self esteem.

Some examples: One of my clients who struggled with poor money habits accessed their inner Philanthropist, in order to easily pay their back-taxes once they reframed it as "supporting their community." Another who was plagued with social anxiety tapped into her inner J-Lo in order to feel completely at ease in any social situation. A third who was trapped in their career experienced a Shamanic Journey where his spirit guide was Indiana Jones, now goes by the affirmation, “What would Indy do?” as he visualizes himself striding down the corridors of his corporation. Each of these archetypes had personal meaning and they assisted the client to tap into the richness of the subconscious, to create inner resources and to develop a secure sense of self that was deeply in touch with what they truly wanted in life.

Carl Jung says that the only way to change a habit is to replace it with a better habit. By tapping into your inner wisdom, creating positive affirmations and powerful visualizations, the neural pathways in the brain shift in order to integrate new behaviours and ways of being.  Thus a chronic coffee drinker developed a green tea habit.  Another client who was a smoker decided to become addicted to health instead. And the woman who could not get over her husband’s infidelity discovered the ability to focus on her own beauty and self love.

Hypnotherapy is a way to live an abundant life, as free as the white dove flying in the blue sky, liberated from the shackles of the past and creating a future full of vision, hope, and optimism. It is so worth the investment, to take some time to experience insights for personal growth, to achieve inner peace and embrace transformation. When you are ready to cast off your own chains, try hypnosis and discover the key to your own personal liberation.

October 29, 2014

The Power of Affirmations

In this short, entertaining video, Kayla Garnet Rose, Certified Hypnotherapist in Santa Cruz, California introduces the power of affirmations to activate personal change. From historical examples across a range of cultures, to well-known contemporary phrases and blessings, Ms. Rose demonstrates how affirmations create emotional deposits for self-esteem and confidence. 

October 1, 2014

The Power of Journaling

An introduction to the power of journaling for personal growth and positive change. Learn how your journal can be a working tool to focus your intentions to achieve your goals. Illustrated with many examples from her own work, the presentation includes exercises to stimulate your own journaling habits.

Whether you use an old fashioned diary or write a blog, publish your work or burn it, you'll find inspiration in this short video.

Kayla Garnet Rose has been journaling since the age of nine. 

August 20, 2014

Good Habits

Spiral in to your Self, Spiral out to the Universe
As a part of my Adventures in Detoxing, I decided to create some good habits, As the saying goes, "the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results." Some of these I implemented daily, some weekly or monthly. Doing self-hypnosis was the best way to really ingrain these habits in my mind and make them feel natural and organic to my being.
1) Purify -

  • Wash face and body
  • Sunscreen
  • Brush and floss teeth
  • Brush hair
  • Apple Cider Vinegar daily
  • Supplements
  • Essential oils

2) Nourish -

  • Drink pure water
  • Green tea
  • Whole grains and foods
  • Raw foods
  • Fruits and juice
  • Veggies and legumes
  • Omega 3 oils
  • Fast regularly

3) Be Active -

  • Walk
  • Bike
  • Hike
  • Dance
  • Mow or Garden
  • Vacuum or clean house
  • Stretch, yoga

4) Rest and Relaxation -

  • Sleep
  • Nap
  • Read for pleasure
  • Play games, puzzles
  • Watch videos
  • Listen to music, preferably live
  • Art, photography, crafts

5) Meditate -

  • Journal, blog
  • Tarot reading
  • Astrology reading
  • Self reiki
  • Self hypnosis
  • Create art
  • Space out, brain storm

6) Work -

  • Organize and prioritize, make lists, use calendars
  • Follow through or delegate
  • Answer the phone, return calls same day
  • Pay bills the day they arrive
  • Put aside money for taxes, savings, IRA acct
  • Return emails same day, set auto reply
  • Confirm/reminder emails
  • Follow up on first appointments by phone or email
  • Make it edutainment - educational and entertaining - tweet it, facebook, etc put the social in the media
  • Set office hours for emails, computer stuff, bookkeeping, marketing
  • Work fasts - vacations, weekends, evenings

7) Develop Love

  • Learn to love yourself first
  • Communicate with your partner
  • Spend time with your pet
  • Reach out to family members
  • Hang out with friends
  • Go to community events
  • Spend time in nature

What good habits do you want to develop? Let me know how I can help. Call or email for an appointment today!