Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts

August 7, 2024

The Adventures of Baby Moon

The Adventures of Baby Moon
Written and Illustrated by Nona Kayla

Join Claire de la Lune in the Adventures of Baby Moon. A charming illustrated children's book filled with pleasing watercolors, perfect for reading at storytime, bedtime, or any time. Claire discovers the seasons, connects with family and friends, and yes, even helps to save the day.

September 13, 2023

Modern Hue Tarot

Here's my reading from the last New Moon. I used the Modern Hue Tarot, a brand new deck for me, which is the Rider-Waite deck redone in watercolor. It is a softer deck, in terms of the colors and artwork, and has more of a dreamy quality. For clarifiers, I pulled from the mini Medicine Cards

My three intentions were to focus on publishing my next books, my health (high blood pressure), and to release the last six months (sister-in-law's death, father-in-law dying, three other deaths).

1. Change This - Ace of Cups (Happiness, New Emotional Beginnings), reversed. Dog (Loyalty, Integrity, being true to yourself), reversed.
A reminder that with all these planets in Aries that it's ok to put myself first.

2. Unravel This - Nine of Pentacles (Abundance), reversed. Elk (Persistence, Support Health & Stamina, Endure)
I did a cord-cutting ritual I'll share if anyone is interested, as far as unraveling goes...

3. Light This Up - The Star (Shine), Owl (Outsmart Deception, Intuition, Trust First Impressions). 
Funny, I realize this was the card I held up during my tarot salon session, so I guess it did light me up. đŸ˜Š

4. Be Like This - King of Swords (Intellectual power and authority), Spider (Weave your dreams alive)
Be the master of my mind.

5. Mama Moon Says - Seven of Pentacles (Appraisal), reversed; Tower (Destruction of Negative Beliefs), reversed; Porcupine (Trust your process, Honor Connection, Have Faith)
It's okay to be spiny, I have good (organic) boundaries

Blessed be,

I am the garden. And also the gardener. -Eve Drecker

August 16, 2023

W.I.T.C.H Reading

I am in Idaho for my father-in-law's funeral on Saturday. I splurged on the
W.I.T.C.H  (Woman In Total Control of Herself) deck when US Games Systems did a 4th of July sale, and did the Self Care spread from RoseBMystics.

I am just loving this oracle deck, written by Angie Sullens with art by Silas Tobal. It came in a beautiful, sturdy box and also had a green sheer pouch to hold the cards, plus US Games included a free bookmark. The book is gorgeous - heavy paper, full color, quite sumptuous in its own right. Angie refers to herself as, " Dumbledore and RuPaul's secret love child." 🤣

1. How can I best cleanse my mind?

24. The Dancer

We see a woman dancing with a white goat on a parquet floor holding a tambourine. "you are invited to take the time to enjoy rather than hurrying to the next goal." I like this permission for a mental vacation.

2. How can I better care for my body?

36. Weaver of the Red Tent

A woman in a red dress and veil with heavy silver jewelry smiles in front of a red palisade. Well, this was interesting since I have started my period again after six years of no bleeding, due to being on HRT. The card speaks to "healthy interdependence" vs "ultra-independence as a trauma response... We continually feel the pressure to perform, produce, fix, create, heal, help without ever acknowledging our own needs." 

3. What is the best way for me to connect with spirit?

16. The TrailBlazer

We see a woman moving through the forest following a dove, while various creatures trail behind her - wolves and lions. The moon is eclipsing her head.

This card speaks to being the expert on your life, rather than giving your power away to a doctor, lawyer, or any other "authority." It recommends to stop fearing my path, be loyal to my visions and the longings in my heart.

4. How do best connect with my intuition/inner priestess?

17. The Scholar

We see an elderly woman consulting a huge time, while boos are piled high on the shelves, a lone raven on the top."She's a scholar of the sacred texts of experience..." The card is a reminder to embody what I know and put it into practice. Trust my gut.

Blessed Be.

November 17, 2021

Digestion Reset

Digestion Reset

In a tall glass, add:
One third or half of glass unfiltered, unsweetened cranberry juice
One teaspoon to one tablespoon Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
One to two tablespoons liquid probiotics
Fill to brim with purified water
Stir briskly
Sip and savor

Ice if desired
Pomegranate or blueberry juice
Local honey if it's too tart
Fresh squeezed lemon
A pack of EmergenC

May 25, 2017

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini today, sign of the Twins. Inward, outward, up, down... feeling like a yo-yo this last month? Or maybe like a slingshot? Where do you find yourself fraternizing, and where do you find those identical to you? Both serve a purpose. Now is a great time to start a journal. Trust your self.

The New Moon in Gemini encourages communication and the disbursement of ideas, particularly over the Internet. What are you doing to feed your head?

Rather than creating soap opera for your mind to feel occupied, challenge yourself to try something completely different, humanitarian, and fun. Remember your connection to the earth, the stars and all that you consider to be divine.

Remember that there is strength in vulnerability. Do you feel like you've been tossed in a pot of boiling water, or you are ready to bust out of your shell? Self care is the best investment, so nourish your body, your skin, your hair, and then radiate.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

April 26, 2017

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus today, sign of the bull. Take a journey in the garden of your mind. Take the time to weed out negative thoughts and to plant the seeds of change, seeds of peace, seeds of love, and of course everyone's favorite- seed money.

Taurus shines its' light on all that we cherish - spiritual life, financial stability, healthy lifestyles and concrete choices. Taurus rules the body, health, wealth, your home, garden and finances. Speak your truth on all these matters and ponder, What do you really want to manifest?

How will you harmonize your emotional self with achieving your desires? Remember to value yourself deeply, and never doubt you deserve the very best. Go deep and reap the rewards.

Imagine there are little flames jumping out of your mouth, so sing your truth to rally up change, like grassroots singers bolstering up the unions. Your words inspire, infuse, recharge and even enrage some. Speak gently, listen actively and remember you can always work with a counselor or a trusted friend.

Make new moon wishes out in the brisk April evening. How can you be better friends with money, resources and the distribution of wealth? You'll be attracted to something unusual or quirky, either out of your norm or your comfort zone. Let yourself feel the thrill of the unknown, and trust that this adventure will lead to self realization.Use some self hypnosis to let go of any residual fear of success.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should...
Š Max Ehrmann 1927

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

March 28, 2017

New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries today, sign of the Ram. You may be feeling fiery & impatient deep at the core, but just like a dormant volcano provides a safe haven for years, focus on your friends and family to create a safe haven for the spring. There will be plenty of time to erupt into your smoldering phoenix self soon enough. 

This is your year to shine, my friend, so polish up your act, from head to toes. You are mystical and magical, beautiful beyond measure. Aries knows all about self care and self love. Show your smile this month.

After slogging through the emotional mud slide these last few months, we all reach dry, firm land and can take off running again. What will assist your self actualization? If you've been a follower, become a leader, & vice versa.

What are your new commitments for the coming summer? Take a moment to reflect upon your emotions, and tap into the moon's energy to fulfill all of your heartfelt ambitions. I believe in you!

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

February 28, 2017

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces today, sign of the Fish. Everything is dissolving, or else it needs to, like that lump in your throat. Try some ice cube magic - take a sharpie and write on an ice cube anything that feels stuck, that you feel fixated upon. Put it in a small dish and watch it dissolve. Allow any and all emotions to arise and flow. Take the melted water and pour it down the drain, imagine it leaving you all the way out to the sea. Become fluid in all ways.

Like shafts of sunlight streaming into the sea, there is a hidden opportunity for you to stimulate your deepest self. Will you rise to the challenge? Who could be helpful to you?

They say water and electricity don't mix, but the truth us they are highly conducive to each other. You might feel jolted from your dream state. Use the surge of energy to stimulate your emotional intelligence. Tap into the new moon in Pisces today and ask what does transcendence mean to you? Time to let go of your addictions and start enjoying more vibrant habits and healthier lifestyle choices. Access your inner coach for true motivation... Or your inner couch for deep relaxation, whatever will serve you best.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

January 28, 2017

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius today, sign of the Water-Bearer. Aquarius is the sign of self knowledge and wisdom. Stand up now and speak for your cause - miraculous possibilities are sparkling all around. 

Tap into the celestial tides to enhance your souls journey on your chosen life path. Let this be the gift of usable energy in any way that is beneficial to you now. Take in any information that resonates with your current situation, and simply disregard the rest.

What can you do to develop your self this year? Consistency, patience, and remaining on your path are encouraged now, which will manifest an abundance of health and well being.
In his book "Ageless Wisdom, Timeless Mind" Deepak Chopra discovered that the people who lived the longest were not necessarily the lowest in weight, but the most consistent in their weight. Yoyo dieting and being on the pendulum swing of gaining/losing twenty pounds over and over again is extremely hard on the heart. Notice what you can do to love the body you have now, and practice agents and gradual system of weight management rather than reoccurring goals to be a certain number on the scale. Consistent exercise, such as a daily walk, and a moderate diet that emphasizes eating breakfast and consuming more plant based proteins will serve you better in the long run.

Plant some seeds today: seeds of love, seeds of peace, seeds of change, and of course, some seed money. Focus on your intentions, nourish your dreams, and look forward to harvesting the abundance this spring and summer.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

December 29, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn today, sign of the Goat. Capricorn sees a mountain, climbs it, then sees another one. What are your ambitions? What valleys will you descend into in order to come out the top on the other side? The stars are here as your guide.

Light up the winter's darkest night with your own sweet soul, shining so bright. Take care of your body, your home, your garden. Sit in the sun every chance you can, and if you can't, get a sun lamp or at least halogen bulbs. Take St. John's Wort and extra Vitamin D if you feel the winter blue's, and allow yourself all the sleep and deep relaxation you need.

Even though we know to take nothing personally, we are persons who are experiencing very real frustrations. Take it out on your journal or your pillow, rather than your loved ones. Know that they are going through this too- what ritual can you do together to release the tension? Write down all of the year's disappointments and burn them together in a fire. Make way for the New Year by setting your intentions to work together in cooperation and harmony.

There is a big difference between being independent, codependent and interdependent. Sift out the acquaintances out from true friends. Hold onto the gold and make your New Year really shine!

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

November 29, 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius today, sign of the Centaur. Find some quiet time during this holiday season. It could be as simple as waking up five minutes earlier, taking a bath instead of a shower, or going for a walk around the block. Balance out the intensity of family with the comfort of familiarity. Notice the dog doesn't mind that it's dark, the cat is always ready for your lap. These are times for creative contemplation which act as cat naps for the soul during the seasonal hustle and bustle.

Buy those holiday gifts early and fly through the season like a well waxed sled on fresh snow. Take a moment to reinforce your own psychic boundaries and let any criticism slide off like water on a ducks back.

What do you find yourself talking about? Notice the need for communication. Distinguish between deep listening and excessive gabbing. No need to be a conversation hog. Share authentically to develop philosophy. Remember to listen with the intention to understand rather than to reply.

Moving on into December, the new moon in Sagittarius connects us with the higher mind, love of learning, and a yen for travel. What goals from the last year have you achieved? There's still time. Rather than wasting time in feeling bad, use the celestial tides to tap into your true proactive nature. Take charge of your life, feel inspired to create positive change, and focus on how to make every little thing just a tiny bit better. It is the little adjustments that create alignment in our course, in creating right livelihood and a life filled with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

October 30, 2016

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio today, sign of the Scorpion. Days are getting shorter, nights are getting chillier, there's a crisp smell in the air as our feet crunch the dead leaves scattering the sidewalks. Kids are getting ready for their favorite night of the year, and now is the time to look at the masks you wear.

Scorpionic energy abounds, and we all cluster together like the gossips at the well, the hags around the cauldron. The power of the spoken word to cause harm is very much in the air. We all have the capacity to manipulate and power play, so choose to empower others and remain in alignment with your deeper values, morals, and ethics.

Scorpio also allows us to review not just our dirty laundry but our psychic lingerie. What makes you feel super sexy? What ignites your romantic passion? Remember, nothing is more attractive than desire.

Halloween is full of ghosts and demons, masks and charades, November has us honoring our ancestors with Day of the Dead, a time of intense transformations.

 Today, during the new moon in Scorpio, ask yourself where your deepest transformation is occurring - in your career, relationship or health?

 The past comes back in flashes of dreams, bringing up buried half promises and unfulfilled relationships. Where do you want to go this lifetime? What will satisfy you now? Tie up loose ends and feel foot loose and fancy free again. The Universe is shining a light and it is up to you whether to get lost in the shadows or to transform your darkest fears. Tap into your Phoenix self and find guidance in the stars.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

September 30, 2016

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra today, sign of the Scales. Notice the balance of day and night, the changing of the seasons, the turning of the tides. This is the time of self love and self care. What do you need to refresh your spirit, renew your self, and rejuvenate your being to feel the most deliciously attractive as possible? A massage, facial, retreat, membership to the gym? Make a commitment to tend to your body this month. Allow yourself to weigh and decide.

You might think the universe is being fickle when really it's flirting with you. Notice the buzz of bees and hum more. A chakra tuning would do you some good. There is a hidden opportunity for more energy, but only if you act on it now. What is holding you back? Tap into your eagle vision-swoop into the details as well as getting perspective on your soul. consult with a professional or a friend to get more insight.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

September 1, 2016

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo today, sign of the Priestess. It is also a day of solar eclipse, where the sun's light will be briefly hidden by the moon. Look into your life and count your blessings - spread the seeds of kindness and appreciation, and surprise a friend or two with a random act of kindness. Devote time to further development of a creative passion, whatever speaks to your heart's content.

Time to reflect on health, the harvest, and all ways to rejuvenate and regenerate. Whether you return to school or begin a new work out routine, your health and consciousness will improve over the weeks and months to come. Make appointments with your healers now and set up your ducks for winter is just around the corner.

Virgo, sign of health and healing, has us questioning current lifestyle choices. Whether in a fog of pain or painkillers, realize where you are the source of your own distress. Stop saying "if" and start saying "when" especially in terms of your health and financial well being. Ask for help - it is a sign of strength, courage and commitment.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

August 2, 2016

New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo today, sign of the Lion. Whether you were proud to be an American on the 4th of July or proud of your transgender child at a Gay Pride Parade, now is the time to find out what you are proud of in your life. Your ancestry? Your sports team? Your college? Your accomplishments? And who is in your pride- your family, your colleagues, your co-workers, your classmates? Throw one big ol' party in the name of peace this summer, and remember to invite me.

Sauntering into late summer, the new moon in Leo purrs like a kitten, playful and free. This is the time to fire up and communicate your true nature, as the universe is calling upon you to expand your awareness.

What do you want to show the world? Taking others into consideration is an art. Take time to cultivate listening. Start a gratitude journal and share your blessings with those you love.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

July 11, 2016

New Moon in Cancer

A week ago today was the New Moon in Cancer, sign of the Crab. Are you feeling stuck between your shell and a hard place? Crack open your sense of humor and find the strength in being vulnerable, the sacred in the mundane. Nourish yourself as much as those around you, and remember to practice self care.

Feeling crabby lately? Side stepping the issues? “Discontent is the first step towards progress”. So many folks seem so unhappy lately, this quote sprang to mind. If you're happy with life, one doesn't change. It's only when we're unhappy that we do start to change - look at health care!

If you feel stuck in a rut, reach out - to a friend, a healer, your senator, etc. Take action rather than choosing to remain depressed. Change is our friend! There is a feeling of universal exasperation, but all displeasure is released with good information, and the true opportunity lies in dealing with what’s in front of you, rather than acting like a victim.

Remember to begin with small, gentle adjustments, and the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.