Written and Illustrated by Nona Kayla
I am just loving this oracle deck, written by Angie Sullens with art by Silas Tobal. It came in a beautiful, sturdy box and also had a green sheer pouch to hold the cards, plus US Games included a free bookmark. The book is gorgeous - heavy paper, full color, quite sumptuous in its own right. Angie refers to herself as, " Dumbledore and RuPaul's secret love child."
1. How can I best cleanse my mind?
24. The Dancer
We see a woman dancing with a white goat on a parquet floor holding a tambourine. "you are invited to take the time to enjoy rather than hurrying to the next goal." I like this permission for a mental vacation.
2. How can I better care for my body?
36. Weaver of the Red Tent
A woman in a red dress and veil with heavy silver jewelry smiles in front of a red palisade. Well, this was interesting since I have started my period again after six years of no bleeding, due to being on HRT. The card speaks to "healthy interdependence" vs "ultra-independence as a trauma response... We continually feel the pressure to perform, produce, fix, create, heal, help without ever acknowledging our own needs."
3. What is the best way for me to connect with spirit?
16. The TrailBlazer
We see a woman moving through the forest following a dove, while various creatures trail behind her - wolves and lions. The moon is eclipsing her head.
This card speaks to being the expert on your life, rather than giving your power away to a doctor, lawyer, or any other "authority." It recommends to stop fearing my path, be loyal to my visions and the longings in my heart.
4. How do best connect with my intuition/inner priestess?
17. The Scholar
We see an elderly woman consulting a huge time, while boos are piled high on the shelves, a lone raven on the top."She's a scholar of the sacred texts of experience..." The card is a reminder to embody what I know and put it into practice. Trust my gut.
Blessed Be.