Showing posts with label Weight management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight management. Show all posts

August 8, 2017

9 Tips for Mindful Liver Support

Whether you're trying to lose weight, drink less alcohol, or withdrawing from nicotine, it's useful to tonify your liver. The liver is the great filter from the blood stream, and being mindful in nourishing your liver has great health benefits. Here are 9 tips for mindful liver support:

  • Regular Deep Relaxation (daily, weekly) : self-hypnosis, meditation, visualization, reiki, etc. Helps to calm inflamation as anger is the emotion associated with the liver.

  • Check In with yourself: are you eating/drinking because you need a comfort moment? Are you hungry, angry, lonely, bored, or tired? What do you need? Healthy snack, hydration, company, play a game or a take nap?

  • Try Moderation: Are you eating/drinking mindlessly and out of habit, or can you do it in a mindful way which includes taking the time to savor, relish, enjoy, feel full and be satisfied.

  • Do a Daily Detox by switching from coffee to Dandy Blend for 6 weeks.
    • It tastes remarkably like a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee.
    • It is caffeine free, and has no acidity or bitterness.
    • It is made of water-soluble extracts of roasted roots of dandelion, chicory and beets, and the grains of barley and rye.
    • It contains no gluten.
    • There are no headaches or other withdrawal symptoms when switching from coffee to Dandy Blend.

  • Curb Alcohol Cravings by taking Kudzu and/or Angelica (Dong Quai) supplements. Note: may take 2-3 weeks for effect. Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy which may also help reduce urges and hangovers.

  • Cleanse your system with Milk Thistle supplements. Artichokes are another yummy way to tonify your liver.

  • Support your system: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, and Folic Acid can be added to your regime for healthy blood and immune systems.

  • Drink Water: no ice – you’ll drink more; same with using a straw. When you urinate, consciously let go of whatever has been pissing you off lately. Same when you defecate – say out loud, “I now release all this old crap.” Notice that as you release the accumulated emotional and physical toxins, the sense of well being and serenity that permeates your body.

  • Walk It Off: Just 15 minutes of activity can release oxygen into the bloodstream creating those feel good feelings of being back on track and in control.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or psychological ailment or disease, and should not be used in place of treatment by a licensed physician or accredited mental health professional.

Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD *  Tools for Transformation *

Copyright 2017

January 28, 2017

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius today, sign of the Water-Bearer. Aquarius is the sign of self knowledge and wisdom. Stand up now and speak for your cause - miraculous possibilities are sparkling all around. 

Tap into the celestial tides to enhance your souls journey on your chosen life path. Let this be the gift of usable energy in any way that is beneficial to you now. Take in any information that resonates with your current situation, and simply disregard the rest.

What can you do to develop your self this year? Consistency, patience, and remaining on your path are encouraged now, which will manifest an abundance of health and well being.
In his book "Ageless Wisdom, Timeless Mind" Deepak Chopra discovered that the people who lived the longest were not necessarily the lowest in weight, but the most consistent in their weight. Yoyo dieting and being on the pendulum swing of gaining/losing twenty pounds over and over again is extremely hard on the heart. Notice what you can do to love the body you have now, and practice agents and gradual system of weight management rather than reoccurring goals to be a certain number on the scale. Consistent exercise, such as a daily walk, and a moderate diet that emphasizes eating breakfast and consuming more plant based proteins will serve you better in the long run.

Plant some seeds today: seeds of love, seeds of peace, seeds of change, and of course, some seed money. Focus on your intentions, nourish your dreams, and look forward to harvesting the abundance this spring and summer.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

December 21, 2016

7 Tips for Weight Management with Hypnosis

Ho ho ho, it's the holidays and the time of overeating is upon us! Here are some simple tips to manage compulsive eating in this time of excess.

According to Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, the healthiest individuals who live the longest are not necessarily the thinnest people, but interestingly enough, folks who remain a consistent weight in their adulthood. Many of my clients, as well as myself, have experienced the effects of yoyo dieting, fad exercises, or the expense of some new miracle supplement. Sure, you lose weight - but usually it comes back, plus more.

Simply, your body will think you are starving, and as soon as possible and in the most insidious of ways, will pack on as much "stored fuel" ie fat in case their are lean times ahead. I am 50 years old, and in my adult life my weight has ranged from 98 to 170 pounds. Over the past four years I have lost 38 pounds. Weight management goes both ways - being too thin is dangerous to your heart and health just as much as obesity.

What are the mechanics of weight management? There are seven components:
  • Start with self-acceptance (EFT) - If you never gained or lost another pound in your life, could you love and accept your body? Change only begins once we truly accept where we are, in the present moment. Hypnosis can help with that acceptance.
  • Calories In - It really is about how much, when, and what you are eating, including empty calories like alcohol and how much water you take in. Hypnosis helps by changing "comfort eating" into healthier, more active habits.
  • Calories Out - We all hate exercise but love to feel strong and active. You need to watch out for getting bored in your workout routine. Always start with baby steps and avoid unrealistic goals, be reasonable. Hypnotherapy is effective for setting reasonable, achievable, and healthy routines.
  • Sleep - Deep relaxation is beneficial for all healing. People who sleep four to six hours a night do not lose weight. Not enough sleep contributes to cortisol retention, which translates directly into belly fat. Learning self-hypnosis will help you fall into a deep, easy, restful sleep where you can dream yourself back to your natural, genetically programmed weight.
  • Stress - Once again think "cortisols," when we're in fight or flight we release neurotransmitters that make the body store feul in case of danger. When you learn to de-stress, ie: get back into the parasympathetic response system through relaxation, it is easier to maintain your optimum weight. Learning a simple self hypnosis technique can help manage stress and emotional eating.
  • Genetics - Ancestry is a big part of our weight management. Honor your culture and work within your genetic blueprint. Love your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Past life regressions can often create a feeling of oneness in the body.
  • Age - I am now in the joys of menopause. Who knew how much one's metabolism could change over time. Hypnosis can help regulate one's eating habits, daily activity, and sleep schedule in order to find balance and effectively age gracefully. Remember, fiber is our friend! "high-carbohydrate diet - but it is only effective if the carbohydrates that are consumed are from high-fibre, unprocessed sources".
Remember, the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results, please call for your appointment or click on the "schedule now" button to start controlling your weight instead of letting your weight control you.

August 5, 2015

Cooking with Intention

A client said, "I have tried to meditate while waiting for the dinner on to cook, but things could boil over, or burn, and I find it harder to concentrate." For me, meditation is a relaxed, focused state of concentration. In hypnotherapy, we call this going into trance. We go into trances all day long - getting sucked into tv or facebook, reading a good book, driving home getting lost in one's thoughts and suddenly you are there.

This activates the parasympathetic nervous system - our natural state of being, as opposed to the sympathetic nervous system, also known as fight-or-flight. When we are stressed out, blood leaves the belly (poor digestion) and the brain (poor thinking) to go into the muscles in order to run away or deal with a challenge. We don't have tigers and bears chasing us any more, but we do have bills and traffic. Even being under low grade stress can wear out the adrenals, cause poor sleep and assorted ailments.

Being able to return to the parasympathetic is crucial, as we think better, sleep better, digest better - indeed, this is when the body and mind can restore, replenish and rejuvenate itself. Meditation is the deliberate act of intentionally entering this state. It can be done with the eyes shut or open, while sitting or walking, actually at any time you choose to. This, to me, is what being mindful is all about. Thus, one can meditate at any time - from brushing your teeth to cooking in the kitchen

So, I would propose a two minute kitchen meditation. While, cooking, take a few deep breaths. Then focus on the smells of cooking, the sounds of cooking, the colors of the foods, the tastes and textures. Really be aware. I like to visualize the whole chain of people who made the meal possible - the farmer who planted the carrot, the worker who pulled it out of the earth, the trucker who brought it to the store, the market clerk who stocked it, the cashier who sold it, the person who cooked it (myself or the restaurant chef if I am dining out), the person who served it (wait person or my spouse). I feel this is a way to bless the food and really appreciate the simple task of creating a meal.

And guess what, washing the dishes can be it's own meditation too!