Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

December 21, 2016

7 Tips for Weight Management with Hypnosis

Ho ho ho, it's the holidays and the time of overeating is upon us! Here are some simple tips to manage compulsive eating in this time of excess.

According to Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, the healthiest individuals who live the longest are not necessarily the thinnest people, but interestingly enough, folks who remain a consistent weight in their adulthood. Many of my clients, as well as myself, have experienced the effects of yoyo dieting, fad exercises, or the expense of some new miracle supplement. Sure, you lose weight - but usually it comes back, plus more.

Simply, your body will think you are starving, and as soon as possible and in the most insidious of ways, will pack on as much "stored fuel" ie fat in case their are lean times ahead. I am 50 years old, and in my adult life my weight has ranged from 98 to 170 pounds. Over the past four years I have lost 38 pounds. Weight management goes both ways - being too thin is dangerous to your heart and health just as much as obesity.

What are the mechanics of weight management? There are seven components:
  • Start with self-acceptance (EFT) - If you never gained or lost another pound in your life, could you love and accept your body? Change only begins once we truly accept where we are, in the present moment. Hypnosis can help with that acceptance.
  • Calories In - It really is about how much, when, and what you are eating, including empty calories like alcohol and how much water you take in. Hypnosis helps by changing "comfort eating" into healthier, more active habits.
  • Calories Out - We all hate exercise but love to feel strong and active. You need to watch out for getting bored in your workout routine. Always start with baby steps and avoid unrealistic goals, be reasonable. Hypnotherapy is effective for setting reasonable, achievable, and healthy routines.
  • Sleep - Deep relaxation is beneficial for all healing. People who sleep four to six hours a night do not lose weight. Not enough sleep contributes to cortisol retention, which translates directly into belly fat. Learning self-hypnosis will help you fall into a deep, easy, restful sleep where you can dream yourself back to your natural, genetically programmed weight.
  • Stress - Once again think "cortisols," when we're in fight or flight we release neurotransmitters that make the body store feul in case of danger. When you learn to de-stress, ie: get back into the parasympathetic response system through relaxation, it is easier to maintain your optimum weight. Learning a simple self hypnosis technique can help manage stress and emotional eating.
  • Genetics - Ancestry is a big part of our weight management. Honor your culture and work within your genetic blueprint. Love your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Past life regressions can often create a feeling of oneness in the body.
  • Age - I am now in the joys of menopause. Who knew how much one's metabolism could change over time. Hypnosis can help regulate one's eating habits, daily activity, and sleep schedule in order to find balance and effectively age gracefully. Remember, fiber is our friend! "high-carbohydrate diet - but it is only effective if the carbohydrates that are consumed are from high-fibre, unprocessed sources".
Remember, the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results, please call for your appointment or click on the "schedule now" button to start controlling your weight instead of letting your weight control you.

August 17, 2016

A Week in the Life of a Santa Cruz Hypnotherapist

I see about ten to fifteen clients a week at my West side office. Here is a sampling of a typical week for a Santa Cruz hypnotherapist:
  • A person who suffers from insomnia. We made a recording they can listen to before bed to relax their body and mind as well as to remember more of their dreams.
  • A parent, releasing grief after the death of their son. We have been doing a Reiki and hypnotherapy combination, biweekly sessions for two years, focused mostly on soul retrieval work. They're now inspired to open a skateboard park to commemorate their son.
  • An initial hypnosis session for a business person interested in transforming stress and rage. We focus on peace and abundance, facing debts, pending divorce, and releasing pains in the neck.
  • A student taking private tarot lessons. They started with weekly hypnotherapy sessions for 15 months, and is using self hypnosis for self empowerment. Now they are enrolled in the ten week program to learn professional tarot reading as a form of income.
  • A regular client who has done monthly tarot readings for two years. This is their check in system and now they are doing weekly hypnosis sessions for deciding on a life path.
  • A professional coming in for astrology lessons, who used hypnotherapy and reiki for personal transformation for the past nine months. Now they are digging deeper while going through job transition and seeking a soul mate.
  • A new client for an astrology reading, who feels controlled by their relationships and seeking self realization and self actualization while creating an interdependent relationship with their new love.
  • A student using hypnotherapy in order to control sugar for weight management/diabetes. Three sessions so far, has been drinking less, discovering new sensualist pleasures instead of food as a life reward
  • An ongoing hypnotherapy client, looking for what makes their heart sing. We have been doing bi weekly sessions for one year now, focused on selling their business and getting in touch with inner council for financial advice. Now they are pregnant and planning on hypnobirthing for a healthy, easy birth and transition into parenthood.
  • An athlete, using hypnotherapy in retraining body mind for sports enhancement. Uses visualization for both ingraining the perfect throw and to let go of any stress both during game and greater stresses in life, such as work, mother in law, inner critic, etc.
  • A freshman in college, terrified of leaving home. We have done monthly sessions for 6 months, using hypnotherapy to anchor feelings of self esteem, love and acceptance.

There is a saying, "Discontent is the first step in progress". My ideal client is ready for change, willing to do the work, and open to new perspectives. I am here to counsel you in joy through experiencing insights for personal change and transformation. Call or email for your appointment today - the time is now!




April 16, 2014

Adventures in Detoxing Part 1

After reading The Detox Book by Bruce Fife, I decided on trying herbal detoxification because "(n)ext to fasting, herbs are the oldest method used for detoxification... In our modern society we have the advantage of using herbs from all over the world, not just the ones growing near us. This way, we have access to the strongest, most effective herbal detoxifiers the earth has to offer" (p. 173). I spent the next eight weeks trying different combination of herbs, mostly in the form of teas, as well as incorporating other detox methods such as regular fasting, oxygen therapy and eating the natural foods diet.

The physical, mental and emotional steps I took in preparation were way more than I had anticipated. Last June I was delighted to come home to my next set of course books from AIHT. I picked up the books on detoxification and thought,"This is what I'll do first!" as the saying goes, we make plans, God laughs. I certainly thought about it for six months, reviewing my life style habits, thinking about menu plans and exercise, my general health and well being, and creating better habits.

In December I was diagnosed with Lyme disease from a tick bite last October. Three weeks of antibiotics helped with the symptoms but had severe side effects, including daily nausea and headaches as well as a hyper sensitivity to the sun, and of coincidentally I was going for my first time to Hawaii. My hands broke out in a heat rash and three patches of ringworm appeared in my arm pits.

In January I started reading The Detox Book and went on the Natural Foods Diet. I bought a scale for the first time in my adult life, and was dismayed to see had gained five pounds while on vacation. I put a calendar in my walk in closet and each day weighed myself and charted what I had eaten, number if alcoholic drinks, any exercise, and any supplements.

Each day I added one thing to my regime to create my own 7 daily habits. For example, the first day I ate a piece of fruit in the morning, the next day I added a glass of cranberry juice in the afternoon, the third day a cup of herbal tea midday, etc. The first month I added one weekly habit, such as a 24 hour fast, dry skin brushing, a longer physical activity such as hiking or biking, and a regular appointment with a health care provider. The second month I added monthly routines, such as a 3 day fast, hot bath with Epsom salts.

It was easy to eliminate red meat from my diet, eating salmon, lentils, tofu and eggs, mostly not worrying about protein. I eat vegetables but not a lot of fruit, so I started adding fruits to my salads, such as apples, raisins, and grapes. Later I read more about proper food combining in The Miracle of Fasting and started eating fruits completely separately from other foods. My only dairy is usually milk in my coffee and occasionally yogurt, although the couple of times I broke down and did eat pizza, which I really felt it the next day, especially in mucus production.

It was easy to limit alcohol to the times we went out to dinner, and then only drinking two glasses of wine, eliminating beer and hard alcohol completely. I slowly added supplements, starting with magnesium/ calcium to help the nerve damage in my hands from the Lyme disease and probiotics for intestinal and colon health. I added a thymactive supplement on the advice of both reflexologist and acupuncturist, both of whom I am seeing on a regular basis.

I thought I was prepared to go through a healing crisis, which did occur, both physically and emotionally. Probably the hardest part of the whole process was my emotional sensitivity and difficult communication with my partner. I really wanted my choices to not feel like a judgement, and to honor and respect his own decisions. I certainly learned the rule of "On fast, don't tell" and received criticism from other friends as well.

The detox experience itself was great, in some ways easier than I expected, mostly because I had thought about it so much and continued to think about it throughout. I felt like I was kind and gentle to myself, going slow, and choosing to create life time habits more than just trying a fad.

The Detox Book. Fife, Bruce. Colorado Springs: Piccadilly Books, Ltd.
The Tao of Detox by Daniel Reid
The Miracle of Fasting by Patricia Bragg