Showing posts with label hypnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypnosis. Show all posts

January 28, 2017

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius today, sign of the Water-Bearer. Aquarius is the sign of self knowledge and wisdom. Stand up now and speak for your cause - miraculous possibilities are sparkling all around. 

Tap into the celestial tides to enhance your souls journey on your chosen life path. Let this be the gift of usable energy in any way that is beneficial to you now. Take in any information that resonates with your current situation, and simply disregard the rest.

What can you do to develop your self this year? Consistency, patience, and remaining on your path are encouraged now, which will manifest an abundance of health and well being.
In his book "Ageless Wisdom, Timeless Mind" Deepak Chopra discovered that the people who lived the longest were not necessarily the lowest in weight, but the most consistent in their weight. Yoyo dieting and being on the pendulum swing of gaining/losing twenty pounds over and over again is extremely hard on the heart. Notice what you can do to love the body you have now, and practice agents and gradual system of weight management rather than reoccurring goals to be a certain number on the scale. Consistent exercise, such as a daily walk, and a moderate diet that emphasizes eating breakfast and consuming more plant based proteins will serve you better in the long run.

Plant some seeds today: seeds of love, seeds of peace, seeds of change, and of course, some seed money. Focus on your intentions, nourish your dreams, and look forward to harvesting the abundance this spring and summer.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

January 18, 2017

Hypnosis for Self-Liberation

Imagine for a moment having iron shackles around your neck, wrists, ankles. These are attached to a heavy, metal ball by a long, clanking chain. Every step is a struggle, your hands are tied, you are completely stuck in a rut. These are your addictions - those negative habits, negative thought patterns, self doubt, and self criticism that we are slave to, that weigh us down. We know better - but we keep doing it. It could be smoking, over eating, over drinking, over working, over sleeping, too much tv/internet/cell phone/video games/texting, picking fights with your spouse, or being overly critical. Even shame, fear, and worry are a burden, and many people are attached to pain and suffering as a way of being.

There’s another form of self-imprisonment. These are the golden handcuffs - staying too long in a job, marriage or other family situation with the lure of money or some other benefit, although with a huge emotional price. Take a moment to be honest with yourself - where do you feel tied to an unhealthy behavior, outmoded coping mechanism, or unproductive habit? Or is there somebody in your life who is shackled, but you are carrying their ball and chain in a codependent relationship, enabling them to stay a prisoner of unhealthy behaviors?

The beauty of hypnotherapy is discovering that you already hold the key to your personal liberation. By simply taking the time to relax, go within, and explore your personal landscape, you empower yourself to take full responsibility for your health and happiness. Hypnosis is a natural and effective way to create a conscious connection between the your heart and your mind, between what you feel and what you know, between what you think and what you do. The key is to lead a life based on conscious choices. The key leads to a proactive approach which results in independence, increased self esteem and deep personal satisfaction.

Often my clients refer to their negative behavior as their demons. They feel compelled, obsessed or out of control when it comes to sugar, nicotine or alcohol. Some feel gripped by jealousy, perfectionism, or self doubt.  They say, “The devil made me do it”  and have an “I can’t help myself” attitude. The truth is: you are the only one who can help yourself. All healing is self healing - all hypnosis is self hypnosis. These are the stories we keep telling ourselves, the scripts, that become ingrained and self-fulfilling prophecies. Often these addictions arose from coping mechanisms from the past. For example, a client who associated smoking with autonomy as the first time they felt like a grown up was when as a teenager they would smoke behind the barn with an older cousin. The first step is to identify what need is being met and to become friends with the devil - to embrace all the parts of the self, even the unhealthy ones. Once you have looked at yourself in a loving and accepting way, changes can begin. That’s when people stop being a victim and start being a hero.

Socrates said, “An un-examined life is not worth living.” It is our unique capacity for self awareness that allows us to improve and evolve, both as individuals and as a society. Liberating ourselves from past conditioning, whether we learned it from our parents, schools or culture, allows us to truly experience the freedom in becoming our authentic selves, self actualized and self fulfilled. There is often a sense of rebirth as clients access both their imagination and their power to see themselves as successful, confident, and overflowing with self esteem.

Some examples: One of my clients who struggled with poor money habits accessed their inner Philanthropist, in order to easily pay their back-taxes once they reframed it as "supporting their community." Another who was plagued with social anxiety tapped into her inner J-Lo in order to feel completely at ease in any social situation. A third who was trapped in their career experienced a Shamanic Journey where his spirit guide was Indiana Jones, now goes by the affirmation, “What would Indy do?” as he visualizes himself striding down the corridors of his corporation. Each of these archetypes had personal meaning and they assisted the client to tap into the richness of the subconscious, to create inner resources and to develop a secure sense of self that was deeply in touch with what they truly wanted in life.

Carl Jung says that the only way to change a habit is to replace it with a better habit. By tapping into your inner wisdom, creating positive affirmations and powerful visualizations, the neural pathways in the brain shift in order to integrate new behaviours and ways of being.  Thus a chronic coffee drinker developed a green tea habit.  Another client who was a smoker decided to become addicted to health instead. And the woman who could not get over her husband’s infidelity discovered the ability to focus on her own beauty and self love.

Hypnotherapy is a way to live an abundant life, as free as the white dove flying in the blue sky, liberated from the shackles of the past and creating a future full of vision, hope, and optimism. It is so worth the investment, to take some time to experience insights for personal growth, to achieve inner peace and embrace transformation. When you are ready to cast off your own chains, try hypnosis and discover the key to your own personal liberation.

January 11, 2017

Santa Cruz Skin Solutions

I loved receiving my facial from Jennalee, it was so soothing, relaxing, professional and my skin looks great! She explains everything and uses organic products, both of which I really appreciated. I highly recommend Jennalee, this was a delightful experience.

Find their site here.

January 4, 2017

Teamwork for Wealth and Abudance

• In the ancient art of Feng Shui, spaces (home, office, room, property) are divided up into nine sections, each with a specific “life value” or focus. For today's talk, I am focused on two: Wealth & Abundance (always the furthest corner in the room from the door) and Helpful Beings, (found in the first right hand corner in relation to the door).

• As opposites attract, and balance is often key to resolving any blocks in energy flow, we as business women are often aware of how being in service has a correlation with our income and cash flow. One way to increase our positive cash flow energy is to focus on helpful beings, ie helpful people, friends, family, colleagues, team members, networks and community as well as spirit guides, angels, ancestors  - “all visible and invisible beings”.

• Cigar boxes, pencil boxes, hat boxes, a large bowl, a mason jar - anything can serve as your helpful people box. Nothing too big - you don’t want to psychically burden yourself! Personalize by decorating with pictures of friends, family, spirit guides, goddesses, angels, pets, animal guides, etc. Images of multiples e.g. a ring of fairies has a different feel than a single fairy.

• Helpful people boxes bring chi, positive energy to this life station, whether or not you reinforce it by also placing the helpful people box in the helpful people corner. Bring intention to another life value if placing it in another area e.g. “I now invite helpful people into my career and on my life path.”

• What do I put in it? Business cards, Leads slips, post it notes, index cards, magic money (if making a check out to yourself, mark it VOID), prayers, quotes, fortune cookie messages, written intentions (80% of what we write down comes true in a year - Well Adjusted story), something to represent YOU, your business (gift certificates, flyers). I keep a small notepad in my morning meditation space & start each day by putting in my clients.
• These are emotional deposits- prayers for people who have been helpful to you, e.g. “ Joanne Gramo has always been a helpful person to me. Let her now receive all the help she needs from all the visible and invisible helpful beings, this or something better now occurs for the greatest good.”

• “Unhelpful People” - people who are a pain in your life, soon either become helpful or become resolved. Praying for your enemies builds compassion as well as frees you emotionally - you know you’ve done your best, by turning it over to a higher power(s). E.g.. “May my annoying neighbor now receive all the help he needs to find a different home & move out, or become a helpful person to me by shutting the f* up, this or something better now occurs for the greatest good.”

• It is a symbolic act, and each time you see or use your box, you will be affirming the messages inside. It acts as a psychic “back burner”.

• Clean it out! Don’t let it get cluttered - I clean mine out with each change of season, and any other time I feel my “Power & Money” feels stuck - back to opposites attract, remember? Acts as a psychic “tickler” file for those spells in progress. It’s okay to have more than one - helpful people & spells in progress, home & office, individual & shared, etc.

• Feel the power of focusing your intentions, and visually see your emotional deposits grow. Feel gratitude for your connections and feel your true success.

Thank you for allowing me to be a helpful person to YOU!
Please feel free to contact me for more information, future workshops & lectures or for a personal session.

Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT
Certified Hypnotherapist, Santa Cruz, CA

December 29, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn today, sign of the Goat. Capricorn sees a mountain, climbs it, then sees another one. What are your ambitions? What valleys will you descend into in order to come out the top on the other side? The stars are here as your guide.

Light up the winter's darkest night with your own sweet soul, shining so bright. Take care of your body, your home, your garden. Sit in the sun every chance you can, and if you can't, get a sun lamp or at least halogen bulbs. Take St. John's Wort and extra Vitamin D if you feel the winter blue's, and allow yourself all the sleep and deep relaxation you need.

Even though we know to take nothing personally, we are persons who are experiencing very real frustrations. Take it out on your journal or your pillow, rather than your loved ones. Know that they are going through this too- what ritual can you do together to release the tension? Write down all of the year's disappointments and burn them together in a fire. Make way for the New Year by setting your intentions to work together in cooperation and harmony.

There is a big difference between being independent, codependent and interdependent. Sift out the acquaintances out from true friends. Hold onto the gold and make your New Year really shine!

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

December 21, 2016

7 Tips for Weight Management with Hypnosis

Ho ho ho, it's the holidays and the time of overeating is upon us! Here are some simple tips to manage compulsive eating in this time of excess.

According to Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, the healthiest individuals who live the longest are not necessarily the thinnest people, but interestingly enough, folks who remain a consistent weight in their adulthood. Many of my clients, as well as myself, have experienced the effects of yoyo dieting, fad exercises, or the expense of some new miracle supplement. Sure, you lose weight - but usually it comes back, plus more.

Simply, your body will think you are starving, and as soon as possible and in the most insidious of ways, will pack on as much "stored fuel" ie fat in case their are lean times ahead. I am 50 years old, and in my adult life my weight has ranged from 98 to 170 pounds. Over the past four years I have lost 38 pounds. Weight management goes both ways - being too thin is dangerous to your heart and health just as much as obesity.

What are the mechanics of weight management? There are seven components:
  • Start with self-acceptance (EFT) - If you never gained or lost another pound in your life, could you love and accept your body? Change only begins once we truly accept where we are, in the present moment. Hypnosis can help with that acceptance.
  • Calories In - It really is about how much, when, and what you are eating, including empty calories like alcohol and how much water you take in. Hypnosis helps by changing "comfort eating" into healthier, more active habits.
  • Calories Out - We all hate exercise but love to feel strong and active. You need to watch out for getting bored in your workout routine. Always start with baby steps and avoid unrealistic goals, be reasonable. Hypnotherapy is effective for setting reasonable, achievable, and healthy routines.
  • Sleep - Deep relaxation is beneficial for all healing. People who sleep four to six hours a night do not lose weight. Not enough sleep contributes to cortisol retention, which translates directly into belly fat. Learning self-hypnosis will help you fall into a deep, easy, restful sleep where you can dream yourself back to your natural, genetically programmed weight.
  • Stress - Once again think "cortisols," when we're in fight or flight we release neurotransmitters that make the body store feul in case of danger. When you learn to de-stress, ie: get back into the parasympathetic response system through relaxation, it is easier to maintain your optimum weight. Learning a simple self hypnosis technique can help manage stress and emotional eating.
  • Genetics - Ancestry is a big part of our weight management. Honor your culture and work within your genetic blueprint. Love your parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Past life regressions can often create a feeling of oneness in the body.
  • Age - I am now in the joys of menopause. Who knew how much one's metabolism could change over time. Hypnosis can help regulate one's eating habits, daily activity, and sleep schedule in order to find balance and effectively age gracefully. Remember, fiber is our friend! "high-carbohydrate diet - but it is only effective if the carbohydrates that are consumed are from high-fibre, unprocessed sources".
Remember, the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results, please call for your appointment or click on the "schedule now" button to start controlling your weight instead of letting your weight control you.

December 14, 2016

Dr. Elizabeth Quinn - Chiropractor

Dr. Elizabeth Quinn is an exceptional chiropractor. She really listens to her patients, has a gentle technique using an activator, and always combines cranio sacral work for a full body balancing. I feel comfortable and calm in her office, and always well cared for.

Find her site here.

December 7, 2016

Journaling for Success

“The most important promises are the ones I make to myself.”
- Maryanne Radmacher

• I use tarot and astrology as a daily meditation tool, to focus on my career, my relationships, and my creativity. They serve as moment in my journey where I look at the map of my life and decide which direction to take. But I don’t just stay stuck looking at the map - journaling is one of the steps I take to put into action what I have been contemplating.

• You can have many different kinds of journals, that you write in at different times of your life. Just as your checkbook is a record of your spending habits, journals can reflect your patterns and serve as a reminder of the positive “emotional deposits” of life.
• Kinds of journals: Business notes, daily affirmations, dreams (night and day), poetry, sketches, coloring books, blank books or notebook paper put into a binder, a photo album or scrap books, engagement calenders.

• Who is your audience? Well, you, of course, but it also could be your children, your spouse or lover, your business colleagues, your therapist, your best friend.

• Privacy: there is so much temptation to read someone else’s journal. When my lover read mine, I stopped writing for 5 or 6 years. When getting divorced, I read my spouses' journal and found out things I really didn’t want to know. Talk about Pandora’s box.

• There is a lot of power in writing in your journal (or on loose leaf paper) all your thoughts and feelings, and then burning or otherwise destroying them. Recently I drew a horrible picture of myself being controlled by my last lover - it was quite a relief to destroy it.

• Time: even just five minutes a day can grow into a disciplined practice (like flossing your teeth or exercise). This is time for YOU, time to focus on achieving something you desire. keeping a little notebook in your bag is helpful for those odd moments of standing in the bank line. Putting the TV on mute and jotting down thoughts during commercials can reactivate your brain waves.

• Your other favorite tool is your PEN: do you like blue or black ink? Pencil? Colored pencils? Markers? Paints? I highly recommend crayons...
• To quote from the 5 of Wands card - Keep your expression flowing. Stop editing yourself and let go of concern about what comes out. Be playful. The openness of play allows for inventiveness and newness in a way that high expectations do not. (from The Tarot of Transformation by Willow Arlenea & Jasmin Lee Cori)

• You are writing your story and you can change your story - one exercise I did was to divide the page into columns and in the first write a sentence that begins “I wish...” the second column is the same sentence that starts with “I will”. This takes you out of wishful thinking into your will power, because it pushes you to the next step of figuring out HOW to achieve your goal. Examples:

I wish I had more money to I WILL have more money
I wish I was friends with my ex to I WILL be friends with my ex
I wish I had more tome to write in my journal to I WILL have more time to write in my journal

• Other exercises:
- Goals in the next month, year, five years
- List what you are afraid of. Burn it.
- List what makes you happy. Keep it.
- Pull a tarot card, medicine (animal) card, or angel card. Sketch it.
- Cartoons of you
- Songs, poems, quotes by others that inspire you
- Same as above, go from “I fear...” to “I wonder...”
- Pure color (finger painting)
- Create a couples journal, or a friendship journal
- That letter you would never send
- Who am I?
- Love letters to yourself

• Some book recommendations:
Earth Art Critters coloring books by Sue Coccia
The Coloring Book for Big Girls by Sudie Rukusin
When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes: The Healing Power of Writing by Susan Borkin
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity -- by Julia Cameron
The Creative Journal by Lucia Capacchione

“Turn your wish bone, daughter, into a back bone”

- author unknown

November 29, 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius today, sign of the Centaur. Find some quiet time during this holiday season. It could be as simple as waking up five minutes earlier, taking a bath instead of a shower, or going for a walk around the block. Balance out the intensity of family with the comfort of familiarity. Notice the dog doesn't mind that it's dark, the cat is always ready for your lap. These are times for creative contemplation which act as cat naps for the soul during the seasonal hustle and bustle.

Buy those holiday gifts early and fly through the season like a well waxed sled on fresh snow. Take a moment to reinforce your own psychic boundaries and let any criticism slide off like water on a ducks back.

What do you find yourself talking about? Notice the need for communication. Distinguish between deep listening and excessive gabbing. No need to be a conversation hog. Share authentically to develop philosophy. Remember to listen with the intention to understand rather than to reply.

Moving on into December, the new moon in Sagittarius connects us with the higher mind, love of learning, and a yen for travel. What goals from the last year have you achieved? There's still time. Rather than wasting time in feeling bad, use the celestial tides to tap into your true proactive nature. Take charge of your life, feel inspired to create positive change, and focus on how to make every little thing just a tiny bit better. It is the little adjustments that create alignment in our course, in creating right livelihood and a life filled with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

November 23, 2016

JoAnn Tennent - Reflexologist

Order Your Foot Reflexology Charts

I love JoAnn, she an amazing reflexologist. She has helped me with thyroid problems, lower back pain and easing asthma. She always takes the time to show the points on my hands so I can continue to work on myself. JoAnn is kind, compassionate, extremely skilled and an incredibly gifted healer. I highly recommend JoAnn!

Find her site here.

October 30, 2016

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio today, sign of the Scorpion. Days are getting shorter, nights are getting chillier, there's a crisp smell in the air as our feet crunch the dead leaves scattering the sidewalks. Kids are getting ready for their favorite night of the year, and now is the time to look at the masks you wear.

Scorpionic energy abounds, and we all cluster together like the gossips at the well, the hags around the cauldron. The power of the spoken word to cause harm is very much in the air. We all have the capacity to manipulate and power play, so choose to empower others and remain in alignment with your deeper values, morals, and ethics.

Scorpio also allows us to review not just our dirty laundry but our psychic lingerie. What makes you feel super sexy? What ignites your romantic passion? Remember, nothing is more attractive than desire.

Halloween is full of ghosts and demons, masks and charades, November has us honoring our ancestors with Day of the Dead, a time of intense transformations.

 Today, during the new moon in Scorpio, ask yourself where your deepest transformation is occurring - in your career, relationship or health?

 The past comes back in flashes of dreams, bringing up buried half promises and unfulfilled relationships. Where do you want to go this lifetime? What will satisfy you now? Tie up loose ends and feel foot loose and fancy free again. The Universe is shining a light and it is up to you whether to get lost in the shadows or to transform your darkest fears. Tap into your Phoenix self and find guidance in the stars.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

October 26, 2016

Cyndie Lane - Counselor

headshot pale green

Cyndie is a kind and compassionate counselor who uses Internal Family Systems to create acceptance, release trauma, and embrace positive change.

Find her site here.

October 19, 2016

Glimmers of Hope

Awhile ago I had a client come in with chronic grief. I did a basic relaxation and count down to a "safe, comfortable place" and she felt she couldn't get "there-someplace pretty" but found herself in bed instead. We worked with the metaphor of carrying sorrow like a stone, and the particular purpose that served.

Today she came in for her third session. She was grinning from ear to ear, clearly elated, carrying a large canvas. This was soon to be revealed a painting of her experience during trance, and her insights over the next week as it developed.

In the center, a female figure is in a dark room looking out to a meadow filed with flowers, light, mountains, sunshine. To her right 2 women and a man sit at a poker table, while in a cloud of smoke above them many faces are revealed. This is her mother, grandmother, father and all her ancestors, who tie her to the dark. To the left in the corner are three points of light, which are "glimmers of hope."

While unfinished, it is a compelling piece, full of rich shadows and longings for passage, to bridge that imaginary threshold of limitations. The best part was my client saying she had so much fun making it - the first time she felt happy in years.

She lay down and we began the induction with the intention to basically pick up wherever she last left off, what ever was right for today. It was very deep and included a ritual to cut ties with her mother. She cried about feeling lonely, then was soothed when I had her ruminate on the word alone being "all one". At peace in the moment, I counted her out of the trance, and we discussed her experience further.

Turning to leave, she asked for a hug for the first time, then pointed to the painting. "those glimmers," she said, "they're you. They are what you have done for me. Thank you."

October 12, 2016

Silliest Hypnosis Video

Laughter is still the best medicine. This humorous meditation was inspired by a spelling error in a comment on one of our other videos: "clam" instead of the intended "calm".

October 5, 2016

Vibrissae or My Cat Whisker Collection

Why do I collect whiskers? I don't really know.
It started on a whim, about 25 years ago.
Now I have almost two hundred, call me crazy,
From about a dozen different cats, and a dog named Maisy.

First whiskers from Zelda, then Sadie Baby,
By now I might be turning into that kind of cat lady.
They are my companions, familiars and kin,
In this funny way I honor their fuzzy contributions.

Whiskers are cool, here's some facts:
They are not just hair upon the cats.
Known as vibrissae, sensitive touch receptors,
They act like radar, little kitty interceptors.

Whiskers help cats to perceive, especially at night,
Fit in small places, figure out if they're tight.
Really, they act as the ultimate sensory guage,
And just like us, whiskers change color with age.

You might not believes this, even think it's absurd,
But none of my pets' names are used for my passwords!
Simply talking about the weird thing I collect,
Helps me express my profound feline respect.

Now Roxie! Now Rosie! Now Mango and Poppy!
On, CJ! On, Cotton! On, Alex and Sharkey!
"To the top of porch! To the top of the wall!"
Each of these cats, I have loved them all.

And then we had Maisy, who was very special,
Yes indeedy, she was trans-Pet-ual.
A cat trapped in a dog's body, she could even purr,
She had pop-corny feet, and deep black fur.

As a perpetual cat-lover for all of my life,
Maisy taught me tolerance, acceptance of strife,
Her owner's also transgendered, and I always feel proud,
To be a part of a particularly colorful crowd.

What will I do with these whiskers? Glad you asked,
I think I'll have them scattered, along with my ash.
I'm sure it's clear from what you read above,
What these whiskers really represent -  is unconditional love.

You can see my collection of whiskers displayed alongside other local collections at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History starting October 7th.

September 30, 2016

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra today, sign of the Scales. Notice the balance of day and night, the changing of the seasons, the turning of the tides. This is the time of self love and self care. What do you need to refresh your spirit, renew your self, and rejuvenate your being to feel the most deliciously attractive as possible? A massage, facial, retreat, membership to the gym? Make a commitment to tend to your body this month. Allow yourself to weigh and decide.

You might think the universe is being fickle when really it's flirting with you. Notice the buzz of bees and hum more. A chakra tuning would do you some good. There is a hidden opportunity for more energy, but only if you act on it now. What is holding you back? Tap into your eagle vision-swoop into the details as well as getting perspective on your soul. consult with a professional or a friend to get more insight.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

September 21, 2016

Dr. Zandra Amato - Chiropractor

Dr. Zandra Amato

Dr. Z, as she is commonly known, is more than a chiropractor - she truly is a healer, spiritual guide, educator and health fitness trainer. She has extensive knowledge combined with good old common sense, so not only does your spine become aligned, your heart, mind and soul also benefit from her profound, gentle adjustments.

Find her website here.

September 14, 2016


I received this lovely email from one of my hypnobirthing clients:

Dear Kayla,

THANK YOU! I used my pain "knob" which is a camera lens many times and turned it up to a yellow in color and then down to a blue to show myself I could shift the level I was feeling. I also put myself in my belly with her and went through a contraction with the pressure with her and told her we were doing it together I was right there holding her hand. I could not believe how the two helped manage the pain and get through it.

It was magical and perfect! At the very beginning of my labor I tried to do self hypnosis on myself and visualize my camera lens and it going to blue for my pain. Even though  the contractions got strong and may have been uncomfortable and every 2-3 minutes, I was completely fine and as soon as I felt it get strong in a contraction I just visualized my camera lens and turning the lens down to blue and it would help me refocus/redirect my pain and smooth it out.

At eleven and a half hours I thought wow this is not going as quick, smooth etc as I had hoped since I was still only 6 cm, but I was fine managing the discomfort. Once I hit that last 10 minutes when I completely dilated in my head I actually thought, "wow there is no way this is happening, I can get through this! That was so easy I just went from 6 to 10 in less than 15 minutes and now I just have to push her out!" And then a minute and a half later she was laying on me. I realized all in those quick moments this was everything I needed and hoped it would be and that it could not possibly have been a smoother easier labor. Even though it was 12 hrs and Iylees was 6.5, this one was actually much easier, quicker due to amount of actual active labor and less painful then Iylees birth.

So again Thank You, I feel that your support and guidance was a huge
factor in such a smooth, easy labor. Oh even Adam said during labor
once or twice, "honey are you doing your hypnosis, don't forget to use
your camera lens." It was awesome!


You can read her Yelp review here.

September 7, 2016

Explore New Adventures

When we're not empowering and inspiring our readers and viewers, we sometimes empower and inspire ourselves by slipping away for a little fun. Neither of us had been zip-lining before, and there is a great course in Felton, just a few miles from Santa Cruz. On Sunday, September 18 2011 we took a short drive to a different world.

Located within the Mt. Hermon conference grounds, Redwood Canopy Tours offers a guided experience through redwood tree tops over six separate zip-lines and two sky bridges.

September 1, 2016

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo today, sign of the Priestess. It is also a day of solar eclipse, where the sun's light will be briefly hidden by the moon. Look into your life and count your blessings - spread the seeds of kindness and appreciation, and surprise a friend or two with a random act of kindness. Devote time to further development of a creative passion, whatever speaks to your heart's content.

Time to reflect on health, the harvest, and all ways to rejuvenate and regenerate. Whether you return to school or begin a new work out routine, your health and consciousness will improve over the weeks and months to come. Make appointments with your healers now and set up your ducks for winter is just around the corner.

Virgo, sign of health and healing, has us questioning current lifestyle choices. Whether in a fog of pain or painkillers, realize where you are the source of your own distress. Stop saying "if" and start saying "when" especially in terms of your health and financial well being. Ask for help - it is a sign of strength, courage and commitment.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.