Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

October 19, 2016

Glimmers of Hope

Awhile ago I had a client come in with chronic grief. I did a basic relaxation and count down to a "safe, comfortable place" and she felt she couldn't get "there-someplace pretty" but found herself in bed instead. We worked with the metaphor of carrying sorrow like a stone, and the particular purpose that served.

Today she came in for her third session. She was grinning from ear to ear, clearly elated, carrying a large canvas. This was soon to be revealed a painting of her experience during trance, and her insights over the next week as it developed.

In the center, a female figure is in a dark room looking out to a meadow filed with flowers, light, mountains, sunshine. To her right 2 women and a man sit at a poker table, while in a cloud of smoke above them many faces are revealed. This is her mother, grandmother, father and all her ancestors, who tie her to the dark. To the left in the corner are three points of light, which are "glimmers of hope."

While unfinished, it is a compelling piece, full of rich shadows and longings for passage, to bridge that imaginary threshold of limitations. The best part was my client saying she had so much fun making it - the first time she felt happy in years.

She lay down and we began the induction with the intention to basically pick up wherever she last left off, what ever was right for today. It was very deep and included a ritual to cut ties with her mother. She cried about feeling lonely, then was soothed when I had her ruminate on the word alone being "all one". At peace in the moment, I counted her out of the trance, and we discussed her experience further.

Turning to leave, she asked for a hug for the first time, then pointed to the painting. "those glimmers," she said, "they're you. They are what you have done for me. Thank you."

January 28, 2015

Tossing Worries

I tend to wake up around 3:00 am every night and be up for an hour or so. Usually I read a book or meditate. Last night I found myself "Tossing My Worries" instead, and excellent way to release stress. Here is the technique:

Start with a simple self hypnosis technique to relax. Begin with some deep cleansing breaths, breathing deeper and deeper for 5 to 10 breaths. Relax each part of your body - head and neck, shoulders and arms, down your spine, hips and thighs, calves and feet, chest and belly. Say out loud, "I am calm, peaceful and relaxed." 

Now visualized yourself going down to the ocean, a favorite river, lake or pond. It could be real or imaginary. Make it as vivid as possible. Notice the sights, sounds, colors, textures, and tastes. Be aware of the time of day, the season of the year. Allow yourself to enjoy this special place that lives deep inside of your imagination.

Now find a container with a light lid, cork or lock. I found a cobalt blue bottle. Pick up pebbles, naming each of your worries, and pop them into the bottle (worry about family, health, finances, etc). Take all the time you need. Notice the weight of each stone, how it feels in your hand, the satisfying sound as you drop it into your container.

When it feels complete, put the lid on tightly, and seal it in any way that makes you feel safe and secure. Throw it into the water and visualize it sinking all the way to the bottom, deep, deep down, never to surface again. Notice how it feels to be released of your burdens and fears. 

Take some deep breaths, returning into your body gently, notice being present and conscious, alert, awake and alive. Welcome back!

Call or email for a personal session to toss your worries and live a more fulfilling, productive and proactive life.