My three intentions were to focus on publishing my next books, my health (high blood pressure), and to release the last six months (sister-in-law's death, father-in-law dying, three other deaths).
1. Change This - Ace of Cups (Happiness, New Emotional Beginnings), reversed. Dog (Loyalty, Integrity, being true to yourself), reversed.
A reminder that with all these planets in Aries that it's ok to put myself first.
2. Unravel This - Nine of Pentacles (Abundance), reversed. Elk (Persistence, Support Health & Stamina, Endure)
I did a cord-cutting ritual I'll share if anyone is interested, as far as unraveling goes...
3. Light This Up - The Star (Shine), Owl (Outsmart Deception, Intuition, Trust First Impressions).
Funny, I realize this was the card I held up during my tarot salon session, so I guess it did light me up. 😊
4. Be Like This - King of Swords (Intellectual power and authority), Spider (Weave your dreams alive)
Be the master of my mind.
5. Mama Moon Says - Seven of Pentacles (Appraisal), reversed; Tower (Destruction of Negative Beliefs), reversed; Porcupine (Trust your process, Honor Connection, Have Faith)
It's okay to be spiny, I have good (organic) boundaries
Blessed be,
I am the garden. And also the gardener. -Eve Drecker