Showing posts with label Hypnotherapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypnotherapy. Show all posts

March 13, 2019

You Know What To Do

she thought she had a decision
to make...
but it had already been made.
she felt it inside her.
now she just had to admit it.

-terri urban, bone sighs

September 24, 2018

Release the Past

"Forgiveness does not mean that what happened was okay. It simply means that we are no longer willing to allow that experience to adversely affect our lives. Forgiveness is something we do, ultimately, for ourselves." —Christiane Northrup

What does forgiveness mean to you? Is there someone you need to forgive? Or someone you need forgiveness from? Or do you simply need to forgive your self?

Releasing the past does not necessarily mean letting go completely of what happened, but letting go of the trauma of what happened, and holding on to any essential wisdom from the experience.

A random example: I remember very clearly when my first cat Fatty died from lung cancer, the trauma of discovering his labored breathing, the rush to vet, the decision to put him down - all when I was about 8 years old. I remember my huge emotions in the backseat of the car as we drove home with the empty carrier, a combination of shock, guilt, grief, and anger - mostly angry at my Dad, who was not crying, unlike my mother and me, but mostly angry at that overwhelming feeling of, "Why? Why was this happening? How could we not know earlier? What could we have done sooner?" If I really allow myself to indulge in this memory I can easily start crying, despite it being 45 years later.

As an adult I learned that my Dad showed his emotions in other ways, and I also learned to pay more attention to the cats and the earlier red flags of disease.  Later, when I experienced the trauma of betrayal, divorce, going through the court system to get custody of my child, I remembered the lessons that I had learned from this childhood experience. That the most important question is not "Why is this happening?" but "What can I learn from this? How will this help me grow and become stronger?"

 I learned that while you will never really forget, you really can forgive.

Blessed be.

September 13, 2018

Good Boundaries

   What are good boundaries? Good boundaries are knowing where you end and someone else begins. Think of the turtle, who can go inside his shell for protection when needed. Or the spiny succulent, who appears thorny but is strong and juicy on the inside. Very different from putting up walls, shields, masks or other forms of emotional armor, which can leave one feeling isolated and bereft. But we live in a toxic world full of toxic people, so it's good to be able to protect oneself in a mindful and natural way..

Here’s what our Goddess Oracle has to say, “Durga (Hindu goddess of boundaries) is here to assist you in nurturing wholeness by creating and fixing the limits of your physical space. Establishing clear boundaries is an act of self-love. Having no boundaries gives others the message that you are limitless and want to be treated in a limitless way... Durga says that boundaries are vital because they let others now who you are and where you stand.”

Good boundaries means being mindful of creating inter-dependent relationships which are mutual, reciprocal, and beneficial rather than falling into old patterns of codependency out of desperation and a need to be loved or validated by another. Good boundaries means being able to tell the difference between enabling another or empowering them. 

Good boundaries means being comfortable in saying no. Say no to the energy vampires, to those who would take advantage of your generous nature or manipulate through the use of guilt, shame, or acting like a victim for you to rescue. It's not your job in life to rescue others, nor to be a martyr by constantly sacrifing your time, money, or energy to another's cause. Be the hero in your own story, say yes to yourself, say yes to having good boundaries.

June 15, 2018

Depression and Mindfulness

If you wake up with the sniffles, you might decide to stay in bed, see your doctor or go to an acupuncturist. However, if you wake up with depression, often one gets bogged down in the “Why is this happening to me, even if parts of my life are going great?” This kind of thinking - asking “why” does nothing for the healing process, and indeed can often cause a downward spiral. Instead what is important to ask is, “What am I feeling? And what can I do about it?”

When we are stressed, we go into the traditional fight, flight or deer in the headlight (freeze), but there is another response - nesting. Often depression can linger much like a low-grade fever. You don’t feel crappy enough to go to bed, but you struggle to get through the day. Simply taking 30 seconds to practice the Simple Self Hypnosis technique is a way to relax, calm yourself, check in with your needs, and proceed with more confidence.’

I’ve written about Seasonal Affective Disorder before, which sometimes is easier to manage because it is predictable as it is seasonal. so it can be easier to set up your ducks, much like taking extra vitamin C or echinacea in the wintertime to build up one’s immunity. These holistic remedies are an excellent adjunct and are well worth repeating here.

1. St. John's Wort - While does not make me euphoric by any means, gives me an even keel. I find it most effective taking it at least one month before my regular symptoms appear in February.

2. Sleep - Hibernation is my friend. I sleep anywhere from 9 to 12 hours plus take naps during the winter time. Way better than checking out on drugs, alcohol or any other escape mechanism. Plus, I look so young with all that beauty rest!

3. Sunshine - There is a reason why I live in California. However, I remember when I was a kid living rainy, cold Luxembourg my parents buying a tanning lamp to give all of us a seasonal boost.

4. Vitamin D - Of course is naturally produced by being in the sun, but what with global warming and polar vortex conditions, consider supplementing your regime. Vitamin C is also our friend, boosting immunity.

5. Aromatherapy - Orange, bergamot, and lemon all uplift the spirits. Combine with a carrier oil and use as either a room spray or body spray. Check for allergies first!

6. Stop drinking alcohol - Quite simply it is a depressant. Again, like taking herbs, I find it most effective if I stop drinking one month before I usually experience my winter blues.

7. Wear bright colors - I find myself reaching into the closet for the grey and black clothing, reflecting my inner landscape. Deliberately choosing to wear purples, reds, yellows, and other bright colors helps me "fake it until I make it."

8. Have an Orgasm - I went to a workshop on tantra and what I remember the most is to engage in self pleasure, even if you do not feel like it. The hormones and neuro-transmitters released are the same for happiness and feeling in love. Apparently sex is better than valium!

9. Receive Reiki/Massage - Intrinsic touch is crucial to human happiness, especially if you are single or choose not to engage in tip number 8.

10. Smile/Laugh - another "fake it till you make it" technique, I schedule a lot of lunches with colleagues and make an effort to hang out with my friends more, as being isolated simply leads to that spiral of depression. Watch funny movies/tv shows/internet sites, avoid the news/radio/facebook, be super selective.

11. Do some Hypnosis /Meditate - I have discussed this before in my post "Meditate, Don't Medicate". Taking the time to set your intentions, experiencing deep relaxation, letting go of stress and simply allowing yourself to be present are soothing, healing and comforting. Check out my YouTube video "A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique" for more information.

12. Be Active/Exercise - another way to release those feel-good endorphins, a twenty-minute walk can do wonders for your mood. Start small - just five minutes, once around the garden or the block. On rainy days I do the "Just Dance" program on the Wii. Shake it up!

It has been said that “whatever you resist, persists.” Not only does it persist, the feeling often gets stronger. If I hear a gentle rumble in my tummy telling me I’m hungry, I can ignore it at first. However, it will get louder and even painful if I don’t attend to my body’s needs by feeding and hydrating. Same is true of depression - if we don’t pay attention to the earlier red flags, it can explode into anger or implode into feelings of crumbling self-worth, hopelessness, and despair. So don’t resist depression, recognize it must serve some evolutionary purpose, and invite yourself to discover ways to feed your mind, feed your soul, in order to feel your needs are met and you can operate from that place.

Caroline Myss says that “all illness is an initiation”. What initiation could you be experiencing during times of depression? Does the caterpillar ask itself this during metamorphosis, or does it weave its cocoon and be willing to go through an intense transformation? How is the depression like a cocoon for you? What are you doing in there, besides for stewing in your own juices? Being depressed can mean having nothing to do but really, really focus on yourself, heal those old wounds instead of picking at scabs, and truly heal and deal.

If you had a broken leg, you’d go get a cast and give your body time to mend before going dancing again. Often depression is a broken heart, a broken spirit, a broken home. Use the cocoon of depression to be your cast, give yourself not just the time to heal, but the resources. This could mean time to yourself, with a loved one or a healer. This could be receiving unconditional love from your pet.

Zora Neal Hurston said, “There are years that question and years that answer.” Allow yourself to enter the answering years. Again, instead of asking why, ask how-how will this help me grow, what can I learn from this, what would I do the same, what can I do differently?

Being mindful simply means being aware. How can you be more aware of depression, treat it with velvet gloves, invite it in for tea and conversation, feel wiser as it leaves? Start simple: play music - could be uplifting sure, but that adds to persistence - delve into opera, heavy metal, country music - listen to all of the other broken hearts and recognize you are not alone in these feelings. Find the rhythms, the lyrics to express your anguish, emptiness, and bafflement. If you can’t sing, at least hum.

Notice light - are you hunkering down in the dark? Wearing sunglasses to avoid eye contact? If it feels like too much to sit outside and absorb some beneficial sunlight, simply visualize light - light in your heart or around your heart, light in your belly, feeling light on your feet, cultivating more lightheartedness. Stop reading the news and feeding your mind with other people's tragedies, this just adds to your burden. A while ago I deleted my Facebook personal account as I found reading about my friend's getting divorced or their pets dying just added to my feelings of helplessness. While I have a business page, part of my personal mindfulness practice is to only post positive stories, to help others feel uplifted or inspired. Ask yourself, is social media part of what's keeping you down?

Notice color - are you wearing black or grey every day? It’s okay. Maybe wear some bright yellow underwear underneath to remind you that there is sun behind the clouds, the fog will lift. Or use an uplifting aromatherapy oil like lemon, orange or bergamot, all which are sunny and soothing.

Notice smells and tastes, what are your healthy comfort foods? Chicken Noodle Soup? Notice any self-medicating with coffee, cigarettes, beer, wine or recreational marijuana, which often have the opposite effect of numbing one’s emotions and indeed often seem to heighten the emotions, adding to the downward spiral of depression, combined with feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse. Again, if you had a broken leg, would you partying every day or sipping bone broth? The choice is yours.

And you do have a choice. While you might not feel that you have a choice in being depressed any more than a choice of catching a cold or getting cancer, the truth is you must mindfully question what purpose does depression serve? Why am I willing to stay depressed? What do I get out of it? Attention? An excuse to procrastinate?

And since you do have free will and free choice, what are you going to do about it? Suicidal feelings are a reason to note that it is not that you want to die, but you want the feelings that you are going through to die. Get professional help, realize you are worth it. I certainly know that you are.

I was first diagnosed with depression when I was 15, a label I have struggled with ever since. In the last couple of decades, I have boiled it down from year around symptoms to the month of February, mostly the last two weeks. The first of March has become to signify the beginning of Spring, not just on the earth but truly the rebirth of my psyche. Rather than resisting the dark of winter, I have created a way to move through. Much like knowing it is inevitable that I will get a cold or the flu, I strive to bolster my immune systems - physical and emotional. I accept this time much like accepting being premenstrual, however, I know there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and create better mental health.

And if I can do it, you can too!

Please note: This is not meant to be a substitute for any medical or therapeutic advice. Do what is best for you, but please, create a support system for your self. You deserve a healthy happy life and can manage your emotions without having them manage you!

March 12, 2018

There is Plenty of Time

"There is plenty of time, and every moment counts".

Yes, you are busy. Yes, there is much to do. And what if you had all the time in the world to do it? Would you continue to rush around, helter-skelter, willy-nilly, maybe even cattywampus? Would you continue to waste it on worry, procrastination, video games or spreading negativity on social media? Notice how your own frenetic energy is the real robber of time.

There really is plenty of time. So use it well, use it wisely. Slow down, breathe, take a moment to focus and simplify. Come in for a session or two and learn some mindful time management techniques to feel more productive, in charge of your life, and simply less stressed out. All is well.

Blessed Be.

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells: Tiny Meditations and Healing Affirmations are available from Etsy.

Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach


February 26, 2018

Ride the Waves

Inhale, exhale. Notice the in breath. Notice the out breath. Tune in to your beating heart, every contraction, every momentary expansion. Connect to the cycles and the seasons, day and night, full moon and new.

Where are you right now in navigating your personal tides? Are you riding the waves of PMS, a hot flash, a traumatic past memory, or momentary upset with your spouse/partner other? Can you take a moment to not just breathe out the discomfort, but find yourself centered and grounded, even as you ride out this tsunami of emotions?

Be the calm in the eye of the storm, the gentle voice, fierce and full of conviction, passionate and wild as well as tempered with wisdom and experience. You know the truth - not just that this too will pass, but that you will ride the waves again and again. Chop wood, carry water - wax board, swim out to the swell. Believe in your Self.

I do.

Blessed be.

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells: Tiny Meditations and Healing Affirmations are available from Etsy.

Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach
Click here to book your appointment online!


February 19, 2018

Listen to Your Heart

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells

Take a deep breath. Then another. Then take a moment to connect with your heart. Notice is your heart is safe in your chest, protected by your ribs, comfortable in your skin. Breathe in relaxation, peacefulness, calmness. Breathe out all you are willing to release. As you continue to breathe, take a moment to really listen to your heart. What is it telling you? How will you follow through on your heart's messages? You can trust your heart. And your trusts you, because you take the time to listen, to really listen, to your own heart's wisdom.

Blessed Be.

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells: Tiny Meditations and Healing Affirmations are available from Etsy.

Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach
Click here to book your appointment online!


February 12, 2018

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells

Temple of Laphrodite Mini Magic Spells 
Tiny Meditations and Healing Affirmations

Created by Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D., using her favorite sayings and her own photos, these 25 little cards printed on extra-sturdy cardstock are perfect for your altar on the go. These tiny meditations are a gentle reminder to be more mindful, and the healing affirmations encourage wholeness and health on all levels: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.

Simply breathe, focus, choose a card, reflect, rinse, repeat.

Comes in a repurposed Altoids tin box, just the right size for purse or backpack.

Each card measures 1 1/4" by 2 3/4"

Suggested uses:

Pull a few cards each day as a way to set intentions
Use as a writing prompt in your journal
Put inside a random book at a bookstore
Slip inside a love letter
Pop one into the envelope when paying bills
Sneak one under a windshield wiper
Include a few as a part of a tip
Make them into refrigerator magnets
Keep a few in your in wallet for inspiration
Put them on mirror for affirmations
Tuck into a picture frame
Put on your altar with Tarot cards
A unique little Stocking Stuffer
Surprise someone by slipping into their lunch bag, pocket or luggage
Leave a few on a park bench
Excellent for Goodie bags, swag bags, bridal showers
Why not hand out at Halloween?
Nice little quotes for Scrapbooking
Perfect to add to a Collage
Could even add some to a Pinata
Leave in a waiting room
Hand out to clients, customers, or patients

Available from Etsy-  click here: Temple of Laphrodite

Send me pix of your ideas on how you enjoy Mini Magic Spells and I will post them on my blog and Facebook.

Blessed Be!


Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master
Click here to book your appointment online!


January 1, 2018

Hard Night's Day

Hard Night's Day

It's been a hard night's day, and I've been sweating like a pig
It's been a hard night's day, and my hot flashes have gotten big
But when I find a cool spot in the sheets, it makes me weep,
Yeah, it makes me feel alright

You know I work all day to get money to pay my kid's tuition
And it's worth it just to hear you say you're not going to be bitchin'
If I need to sleep alone, please don't cry or moan
You know I feel OK

When I'm cool everything seems to be tight
When I'm cool feeling my hormones get right

It's been a hard night's day, and I been working like a dog
It's been a hard night's day, I should be sleeping like a log

But when I share my bed with you, and the cats too
Will make me feel hot and sweaty all night, oww
So please don't moan, 'cause when I'm in bed alone
You know I feel OK...

(To the Beatle's tune of "Hard Day's Night)

December 25, 2017

December 18, 2017


Q. Who are your typical clients? What can I expect?

A. Clients can expect to experience insights for personal growth and transformation. Both hypnosis and Reiki are incredibly effective for managing stress, releasing blocks, and discovering long term, successful solutions. Commonly people come in for: insomnia, weight management, stress management, smoking cessation and other habit changes. Hypnobirthing, pain management and accelerated healing are also benefits of hypnosis. On the trans-spiritual side, sessions can be focused on accessing inner guides, dream work or past life regressions. Enhanced performance, whether for a test, sports event or public speaking, comes with the guidance and positive reinforcement that hypnotherapy provides.

Q. What advice do you have for a client looking to hire a provider like you?

A. There are a few things in life you never want to buy at a discount: brain surgery, dentistry, parachutes and hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is an investment in your self. It is most successful for people who are willing to put in the time, over a length of time. According to American Health Magazine, hypnotherapy has a 93% success rate after just 6 sessions. Dedicating this time to go deep within yourself is a way to value, honor, and truly listen to your deeper wisdom.

Practicing the Simple Self-Hypnosis technique between sessions in the best way to accelerate the process, integrate the information, and put into action all that your truly want in life.

Q. Will I still be in control of my mind when hypnotized?

A. Hypnotherapy is nothing like stage hypnotism. I do not have a pocket watch, nor can I make you cluck like a dog or bark like a chicken, reveal any secrets, or somehow program you to come and wash my windows.

All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis, and my role is simply to guide you into a relaxed, focused state of concentration. When in this "trance" you are completely aware, able to remember everything clearly, can communicate easily and are always in control. I always encourage my clients to record their sessions for home reinforcement.

Please check out my YouTube video "A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique" and decide for yourself if you would like to take the work to the next level by working together.

Q: How many sessions will I need? 

A: Resolving your issue will depend on the issue itself, as well as on your commitment to change. Typically, you will know within 3 sessions whether Hypnotherapy is effective for you. Sessions may be recorded for home practice.

Q: How often should I schedule sessions? 

A: The goal is to teach you simple, effective self hypnosis techniques. Depending on your motivation and commitment to change, some clients visit each week, some monthly, others come as often as they see fit to address their needs.

Ready to invest in your health and well-being? Click here to book your appointment online! Please call or email with any questions.

December 11, 2017

Post Holiday Depression

Did I say, "orgasms for peace" on the radio? Oh yes I did! Moving into the holiday season, many people get depressed. Here's some tips for managing seasonal and post holiday depression.

Click here to listen to my interview with Monica Karst of Santa Cruz Socialites.

December 7, 2017

New Review

I've been seeing Kayla regularly for just over a year. I came to her very unfamiliar with the process of hypnosis and Reiki and I've been very happy with the outcome. I receive both regular hypnosis and Reiki from her and I always leave relaxed and in a better state of mind. Kayla has given me countless tools to help me in my professional and personal life. Kayla is compassionate and knowledgeable. I always look forward to seeing Kayla and learning more from her each time we meet.
- MHK L, Santa Cruz

Read MHK L.'s review of Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD, Tools for Transformation on Yelp

November 20, 2017

The Healer’s Manifesto

The Healer’s Manifesto


Hold the Space

Ask Deep, Precise Questions

Listen & Reflect

Keep the Silence

Have Clarity in Your Vision

Have Wisdom in Your Words

See the Success




-Kayla Garnet Rose, 2015

November 6, 2017

Hypnotherapy on a Skeptic?

I received an email from a potential new client asking whether it was possible to do hypnotherapy on a skeptic, as well as a few other frequently asked questions. Here was my reply:

Thank you for the email. Hypnotherapy is nothing like you see on TV or at the county fair - I don't have a magic hypno wand that instantly reprograms your brain or changes your behavior. Instead, it much more like a guided mediation with a specific focus where YOU experience insights, release past trauma, and come up with solutions. It always works because it is always your solution, so in some ways it's learning to doubt your doubts (the inner skeptic or inner critic) and come back to a trust or faith in yourself. As a mindfulness coach, my role is to be your personal trainer of the mind, giving you the time, space, techniques and expertise to grow stronger mentally, experience emotional ergonomics, and develop your will power.

That being said, hypnotherapy has a limited range of practice - insomnia, pain management, mild depression (not chronic), social anxiety, changing habits (smoking, trichotillomania). The bottom line is stress management, and my role as a hypnotherapist is to teach you self hypnosis techniques so that you can access a state of calm and make more informed choices rather than perpetuating old coping mechanisms. Here is a great article on what to expect from a session.

Most insurance companies do not pay for hypnotherapy. However, most licensed MFTs are trained in hypnotherapy, plus treat a wider range of mental health issues. As I do not accept insurance, nor do I do couple's counseling, here's a list of who I recommend.

I always encourage my clients to record their sessions for home practice. This takes off a lot of the pressure for "it to work", just like you would not expect six pack abs after one visit to the gym. You may want to check out my little self hypnosis video. to simply experience some relaxation. When you're ready to go deeper, just click the link below to schedule an initial consultation.

Please let me know if I can answer any more questions.

Be well,


Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master
(831) 435-5182

Click here to book your appointment online!

October 16, 2017


Kayla has work with me for five years I have received Reiki and hypnotherapy. She has been a huge blessing for me in my healing from trauma and big life changes. Reiki with my shoulder injury help me not have a frozen shoulder. A whole body affect.
Thanks for all of your loving work.

-JoAnn Tennent on Yelp

September 8, 2017

Gratitude Board

Many folks are familiar with Vision Boards - creating a visual representation of goals, dreams, and desires - often through collage, and meditating upon it a daily or regular basis as a means of reflection, affirmation, and inspiration.

Also, most are familiar with the benefits of maintaining a gratitude journal - writing on a regular basis things that one is thankful for, appreciative of, or willing to celebrate, may it be as simple as celebrating the sunrise.

A Gratitude Board is a combination of what one is grateful for and tokens of gratitude from others in your life, may that be thank you cards, holiday cards, gift tags, awards, recommendations, reviews, testimonials, love notes, etc. When I see my gratitude board I am reminded of all the people that I have helped, and all the people who were helpful to me in the process. Have fun creating your own Gratitude Board, and feel in touch with the abundant blessings in your life.

Blessed Be.

August 8, 2017

9 Tips for Mindful Liver Support

Whether you're trying to lose weight, drink less alcohol, or withdrawing from nicotine, it's useful to tonify your liver. The liver is the great filter from the blood stream, and being mindful in nourishing your liver has great health benefits. Here are 9 tips for mindful liver support:

  • Regular Deep Relaxation (daily, weekly) : self-hypnosis, meditation, visualization, reiki, etc. Helps to calm inflamation as anger is the emotion associated with the liver.

  • Check In with yourself: are you eating/drinking because you need a comfort moment? Are you hungry, angry, lonely, bored, or tired? What do you need? Healthy snack, hydration, company, play a game or a take nap?

  • Try Moderation: Are you eating/drinking mindlessly and out of habit, or can you do it in a mindful way which includes taking the time to savor, relish, enjoy, feel full and be satisfied.

  • Do a Daily Detox by switching from coffee to Dandy Blend for 6 weeks.
    • It tastes remarkably like a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee.
    • It is caffeine free, and has no acidity or bitterness.
    • It is made of water-soluble extracts of roasted roots of dandelion, chicory and beets, and the grains of barley and rye.
    • It contains no gluten.
    • There are no headaches or other withdrawal symptoms when switching from coffee to Dandy Blend.

  • Curb Alcohol Cravings by taking Kudzu and/or Angelica (Dong Quai) supplements. Note: may take 2-3 weeks for effect. Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy which may also help reduce urges and hangovers.

  • Cleanse your system with Milk Thistle supplements. Artichokes are another yummy way to tonify your liver.

  • Support your system: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, and Folic Acid can be added to your regime for healthy blood and immune systems.

  • Drink Water: no ice – you’ll drink more; same with using a straw. When you urinate, consciously let go of whatever has been pissing you off lately. Same when you defecate – say out loud, “I now release all this old crap.” Notice that as you release the accumulated emotional and physical toxins, the sense of well being and serenity that permeates your body.

  • Walk It Off: Just 15 minutes of activity can release oxygen into the bloodstream creating those feel good feelings of being back on track and in control.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or psychological ailment or disease, and should not be used in place of treatment by a licensed physician or accredited mental health professional.

Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD *  Tools for Transformation *

Copyright 2017

July 12, 2017

Experiencing Abundance on Every Chakra

Experiencing Abundance on Every Chakra Level
  • Feel blocked in attracting what you truly desire?
  • Want to come from a place of generosity instead of being in survival mode?
  • Interested in being more focused and engaged in creative and productive ways?
If the answer is yes, then hypnosis is right for you! Going beyond the sweet smell of success, learn how to engage all of senses and every chakra level. Bring a journal and a pen.

Engage both your right brain and your left brain in an interactive program with Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD, Certified Hypnotherapist, designed to activate greater abundance and prosperity into your life.

 Loosely based on the book, The Medicine Woman’s Guide to Being in Business for Yourself: How to Live by Your Spiritual Vision in a Money-Based World by Carol Bridges, these meetings are open to all women and men seeking to create more affluence while maintaining a high level of integrity and a spiritual focus. We will focus on creating abundance and prosperity through guided meditations, interactive exercises and community synergy.

"Dear Kayla, Thank you for your astute, compassionate and perceptive guidance through my ... journey and leading me to such empowering gifts. You always step up as an incredible ally in my personal evolution. Namaste." -Linda Kimball Grace, Nurturing Body, Mind and Spirit, Santa Cruz, CA

Schedule an Online Appointment 

June 28, 2017

Joanne Gramo - Acupuncturist.

Joanne Gramo is a kind and compassionate healer, whose profound knowledge combined with her incredible humor has eased my heartaches as well as my body pains. Laughter may well be the best medicine, and I highly recommend Joanne for her skills as an acupuncturist and for her exceptional bedside manner.

I love working with Joanne, have referred my clients, and bring my daughter for her care. It is through acupuncture and her herbal recommendations that I have managed my allergies and my asthma, and I am deeply grateful for Joanne in my health care.

Find her site here.