Showing posts with label Mindfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindfulness. Show all posts

February 11, 2022

Sooner or Later

Sooner or later a person begins to notice that everything that happens to them is perfect, relates directly to who they are, had to happen, was meant to happen, plays its little role in fulfilling their destiny.

When they encounters difficulty, it no longer occurs to them to complain—they have learned to expect nothing, has learned that loss and frustration are a part of life, and come at their proper time—instead they asks themselves, why is this happening?… by which they means, what can I learn from this, how will it strengthen me, make me more aware? They let themselves be strengthened, lets themselves grow, just as they lets themself relax and enjoy (and grow) when life is gentle to them.

Strengthened by this simple notion, simple awareness, that life is perfect, that all things come at the proper moment and that they are always the perfect person for the situation they finds themself in, a person begins to feel more and more in tune with their inner nature, begins to find it easier and easier to do what they knows is right. All chance events appear to them to be intended; all intentional actions they clearly perceives as part of the workings of Chance.

Anxiety seldom troubles them; they knows their death will come at its proper moment; they know their actions are right and therefore whatever comes to pass as a result of them will be what was meant to happen. When they do feel anxiety, they realizes it is because of that thing they've been meaning to do but hasn’t been done, some unfulfilled relationship they've been aware of, but… They perceives the anxiety as a message that they'll have to stop hesitating if they wants to stay high… - Das Energie

January 17, 2022

Let Thoughts Drift By

Remember to take a moment to just relax.


Let your thoughts drift by like clouds in the sky...

November 10, 2021

Fog Meditation

 Enjoy one minute of experiencing the deep fog at the New Camadoli Monastery in Santa Lucia, California.

Right now you are on your path. It might not seem clear, it could be foggy or hazy, but you do know where you've come from and you can just take a moment, take in the view, absorb the softness, be okay with being at the crossroads, it being a little bit gray, because you know the sun is just beyond the clouds.

October 27, 2021

Listen to.your Heart Meditation


Take a moment to connect with your heart in this mindful meditation.

Alrighty then, and here we are.
 We're right here for right now, 
And we have nothing to do but simply this.
Go ahead and take a gentle breath, just like that, maybe another.
You can notice your hands. 
You can notice your feet. 
You can notice your head sitting on your shoulders. 

And just come into your heart,
 Yeah there it is,
 In the center of your chest,
Protected by your ribs,
Comfortable in your skin .

Because this is your heart,
Your center,
Just take a moment to breathe in:
Relaxation ,peacefulness, calm, 
Deep in your heart .

You can breathe out:
What you are ready to release,
Or  what you're willing to 
It's fine.

Just continue to breathe
Listen to your heart,
What is your heart telling you?
How will you follow through on your heart's desire? 
Because you can trust your heart,
Your heart trusts you,
Because you took this moment
To listen,
To really listen,
To listen to your heart,
 To listen to your self,
Listen to your heart's wisdom. 
You know just what to do .
All is well.

October 6, 2021

House Rules Haikus

You get a free pass
If the cat is on your lap
Pour me some coffee?

No cats on kitchen
Counter or under covers
Look how cute you are

Roof is torn right off
Feeling exposed, rain is coming
Worried about cats

Banging, pounding, stomps,
Gutters, vents, skylights, wood rot,
New roof overhead

Replace the t.p
Rub bellies after toothbrush
Be kind every single day

September 29, 2021

Troll Bridge


This might be where the trolls live...

 Underneath the bridge
 They need a pass, 
A secret,
 For you to solve a riddle...

Take a moment and notice 
What is puzzling you 
You have all the time you need 
To figure out how 
To move back on your path 
Easily and effortlessly
You are on our way 
Notice your own rhythm
Your own stride
There is plenty of time

September 22, 2021

Life After the Pandemic

The scunge
More sponge
More dishes
Less leftovers
No lunches
Or brunches
More dust
Less fuss
Less impulse buys
When going out for supplies
Less sweeping

Everything else is the same

Corruption, riots.
Protests, my resist

September 15, 2021

Path Meditation


Here you are 
You are on your path
 So slow down 
Take a moment 
You know where you're going 
You know where you've come from

You can just take in the view 
And get some perspective 
More information 

When you're ready 
You'll just continue 
This is your path 

You've made good decisions 
You've made the right choices 
All is well

September 1, 2021

Purple Flower Meditation

Today I discovered 

This small purple flower 

Growing out from hard rock 

Creating their own way 

With the other plants 

You know, they're really here

To be as purple as possible 

And so ask yourself 

How can you be even more you 

Even more possible 

Remember, I believe in you 

Just like I believe in 

This purple flower

August 25, 2021

Check Lists

Check emails 
Check  Instagram 
Check Facebook 
Check it off the list
Strike it off 
Cross it out 
Delete it 
Highlight it 
Remove it
Put it on the calendar instead 

Purge it 
Delete history 
Clear phone history 
Clear texts 

Update mailing lists 
White listed
Make files 
Folders in folders
Print  the
List of lists


August 18, 2021

Pomegranate Meditation


Someone gave me this beautiful pomegranate, which I split in half and watched the dark crimson puddle spread on my kitchen counter. I thought to myself, who would enjoy this? I brought it outside with the intention for the ravens to come and feast from the seeds, thinking of Demeter, Persephone, and yes, Hades. But who knows, it could be the black squirrels, the common sparrows, or maybe hummingbird will be attracted to that red juicy center and find what they need  in order to flourish, in order to grow.
Blessed be.

August 4, 2021

Window of Your Soul

Imagine for a moment, 
This is the window 
To your soul.

Now ask yourself, 
Are you looking out,
Or are you looking in? 

And as you look out,
 What wonders do you behold?
As you look in,
What marvels are revealed?

Take a moment, 
To pause, to contemplate, 
To simply observe, 
The window 
Of your soul.

July 28, 2021

Diamond Quality

Diamond Quality

Earn my living honestly
Show gratitude in every way
Honor students, teachers, elders
Calm and patient as the garden
Compassionate as the gardener

This is my vision
My diamond
And there is nothing harder or clearer
Than my resolve

July 21, 2021

Thoughts on Negativity

Dear Dad,

Thank you for this article, For the New Year Say No to Negativity By John Tierney and Roy F. Baumeister

I found it quite interesting and have shared it with a few clients already.

Specifically, I liked "Post-traumatic stress disorder became common knowledge but not the concept of post-traumatic growth, which is actually far more common. Most people who undergo trauma ultimately feel that the experience has made them a stronger and better person." I feel that often my clients are pretty invested in being a victim, and part of my job is to get them to be invested in being a hero instead - ie, change the script, heal and deal, recognize the lesson in the trauma and then move on.

I disagree with "A single bad event can produce lifelong trauma, but there is no psychological term for the opposite of trauma because no good event has such a lasting impact." I would say that going to Wesleyan was not just a good event, but has still a lasting impact on my life. Interestingly,  I wanted to go to Georgetown but didn't get in, despite this being a "certain win" from the college counselor. I randomly had applied to Wesleyan which was "out of my league" again according to the counselor, but I had visited with Diana the year before and decided to apply as my long shot. 

I am thankful and aware of this good, and of the very good advice you gave me when I got divorced - always be invested in Amber's education. From early childcare doing Montessori the first seven years, Charter schools during junior/high school, to her graduating from UOP, I feel I totally see the good in these decisions and the lasting impact on Amber as well as my life. 

This paragraph is great -"Politicians and journalists tap into primal emotions by hyping threats from nature, technology, foreigners, political opponents—whatever will instantly trigger the brain’s alarm circuits. The presidency of Donald Trump has been a ratings bonanza because it has brought out the worst on both sides. Rarely a week goes by without some new warning that civilization is doomed." 

"The Rule of Four: It takes four good things to overcome one bad thing" was interesting. Certainly one of the strengths in Chip and my marriage is that we are constantly kind, considerate, polite, and supportive. We often talk about "the past" and how amazing our journey has been, as well as reiterate good experiences, mainly traveling together. "Engaging in nostalgia was long considered a sign of depression, but experimenters have repeatedly found it’s a tool not just for appreciating the past but also for brightening both the present and the future. One reason that happiness increases beyond middle age is that older people spend more time savoring good memories instead of obsessing about today’s worries."

Pretty much the only thing we fight about is our kids - which is why prenuptial agreements are our friend (another good piece of advice you gave me before getting married, with a lifetime positive impact). Anyway, besides for having a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, we've also been practicing a technique I adapted from a compassionate communication workshop called CAMRA - we each take turns to say 3 Celebrations, 3 Appreciations, 3 Mournings, # Reassurances, and 3 Action steps. One of my clients calls this "the shit sandwich - put the negative between slices of positive". However, it works because when we start with the celebrations and appreciations, the brain releases the feel-good neurotransmitters (serotonin, endorphins, dopamine). This makes it easier to hear the mournings, which tend to release the fight or flight hormones (adrenaline, testosterone, cortisol). There is an implicit agreement that as we listen to each other, it is not up to us to fix anything. This goes into reassurances, again it's not up to the partner to provide, just to listen. Last is action steps, which implies personal responsibility and the opportunity to stop focusing on the problems (negative) but the solutions (positive). It also has the 1:4 ratio, I notice.

I liked this - "Of all of Mark Twain’s aphorisms, the one with the most empirical support is a bit of wisdom from the title character of Pudd’nhead Wilson: “To get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.” Psychologists call it capitalization and have found that sharing good news is one of the most effective ways to become happier—but only if the other person responds enthusiastically, so make sure you rejoice in your friend’s good fortune (or at least fake it). Sharing good news makes the triumph more significant, so it’s more likely to be recalled later, which is another proven way to boost happiness." This is why I try to post something positive every day on my social media, rather than repeating bad news.

So, there are some thoughts. I hope it has a positive impact on your lawn bowling, just as you have made a long term positive impact in my life.

I love you, Dad,



July 7, 2021

Thoughts in a Quiet Moment

When I get really quiet, this is what I hear... The hushed whir of the furnace as I set the thermostat to 65 degrees after going downstairs first thing in the morning. The slightly sticky sound of my feet padding across the kitchen floor. The bubbling of boiling water and the glass tea kettle, cabinet doors opening and closing as I find my favorite big blue mug with the waning crescent moon on the side, the rip of the tea bag packet, Earl Grey today. The sound of Poppy purring on my lap - June only makes wuff wuff sounds, ironic since her name is June E. Purr. 

There's the sound of satin as I tie back the curtains with the strips of ribbon that have been safety-pinned on. As the night fades into gray, I hear the start of the morning chorus - first the crows calling in the neighbor's oak tree, then the Canadian geese flying back to Neary's Lagoon, and if I'm lucky I'll hear my favorite hummingbird investigating the purple and white salvia right by the sliding glass door. I always pause when I hear that particular hum and whir, looking for the flash of emerald wings or ruby-red throat. 

When I concentrate, I hear the tinnitus ringing in my ears, but under that, there's always some song, some background score. For some reason I get the theme song from  Big Bang Theory stuck in my head a lot, it morphs into " Now You're just somebody that I Used to Know" or the acapella patty cake cover of Adele's song "Send My Love"."

Sooner or later I hear my husband upstairs, going pee, it always amazes me what a waterfall he releases. Maybe I'll hear the shower, or he'll come downstairs and start his own routine - The grinder is loud but brief, a faint noise of pouring water brings the good smell of fresh coffee into the room. I listen to his dreams, more aware of his rich voice and blue eyes than the actual content, which is often long and complicated. 

At this moment, there's the scratch of the pen, my sighing breath, and an inquisitive sound from the cat who wants more attention now that my journal is taking her place on my lap. I deeply appreciate these quiet, peaceful mornings.

Blessed be.

June 9, 2021

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

How to be more aware when doing a chore,
Especially one that's repetitive, really a bore,
Get into that place of wonder, more like a child,
Do what needs doing, but at least with a smile.

Be a little more curious, kinda like the cat,
Be a little more investigative when it comes down to that,
Break down the old patterns, try something new,
A different way of doing things instead of feeling blue.

Doing the laundry or scrubbing the dishes,
Being more present instead of lost in my wishes,
That these endless tasks would magically go away,
When these are the details, the minutiae of my day,

All this and more is what I find,
When I remember to practice beginner's mind.