Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts

December 7, 2016

Journaling for Success

“The most important promises are the ones I make to myself.”
- Maryanne Radmacher

• I use tarot and astrology as a daily meditation tool, to focus on my career, my relationships, and my creativity. They serve as moment in my journey where I look at the map of my life and decide which direction to take. But I don’t just stay stuck looking at the map - journaling is one of the steps I take to put into action what I have been contemplating.

• You can have many different kinds of journals, that you write in at different times of your life. Just as your checkbook is a record of your spending habits, journals can reflect your patterns and serve as a reminder of the positive “emotional deposits” of life.
• Kinds of journals: Business notes, daily affirmations, dreams (night and day), poetry, sketches, coloring books, blank books or notebook paper put into a binder, a photo album or scrap books, engagement calenders.

• Who is your audience? Well, you, of course, but it also could be your children, your spouse or lover, your business colleagues, your therapist, your best friend.

• Privacy: there is so much temptation to read someone else’s journal. When my lover read mine, I stopped writing for 5 or 6 years. When getting divorced, I read my spouses' journal and found out things I really didn’t want to know. Talk about Pandora’s box.

• There is a lot of power in writing in your journal (or on loose leaf paper) all your thoughts and feelings, and then burning or otherwise destroying them. Recently I drew a horrible picture of myself being controlled by my last lover - it was quite a relief to destroy it.

• Time: even just five minutes a day can grow into a disciplined practice (like flossing your teeth or exercise). This is time for YOU, time to focus on achieving something you desire. keeping a little notebook in your bag is helpful for those odd moments of standing in the bank line. Putting the TV on mute and jotting down thoughts during commercials can reactivate your brain waves.

• Your other favorite tool is your PEN: do you like blue or black ink? Pencil? Colored pencils? Markers? Paints? I highly recommend crayons...
• To quote from the 5 of Wands card - Keep your expression flowing. Stop editing yourself and let go of concern about what comes out. Be playful. The openness of play allows for inventiveness and newness in a way that high expectations do not. (from The Tarot of Transformation by Willow Arlenea & Jasmin Lee Cori)

• You are writing your story and you can change your story - one exercise I did was to divide the page into columns and in the first write a sentence that begins “I wish...” the second column is the same sentence that starts with “I will”. This takes you out of wishful thinking into your will power, because it pushes you to the next step of figuring out HOW to achieve your goal. Examples:

I wish I had more money to I WILL have more money
I wish I was friends with my ex to I WILL be friends with my ex
I wish I had more tome to write in my journal to I WILL have more time to write in my journal

• Other exercises:
- Goals in the next month, year, five years
- List what you are afraid of. Burn it.
- List what makes you happy. Keep it.
- Pull a tarot card, medicine (animal) card, or angel card. Sketch it.
- Cartoons of you
- Songs, poems, quotes by others that inspire you
- Same as above, go from “I fear...” to “I wonder...”
- Pure color (finger painting)
- Create a couples journal, or a friendship journal
- That letter you would never send
- Who am I?
- Love letters to yourself

• Some book recommendations:
Earth Art Critters coloring books by Sue Coccia
The Coloring Book for Big Girls by Sudie Rukusin
When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes: The Healing Power of Writing by Susan Borkin
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity -- by Julia Cameron
The Creative Journal by Lucia Capacchione

“Turn your wish bone, daughter, into a back bone”

- author unknown

November 29, 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius today, sign of the Centaur. Find some quiet time during this holiday season. It could be as simple as waking up five minutes earlier, taking a bath instead of a shower, or going for a walk around the block. Balance out the intensity of family with the comfort of familiarity. Notice the dog doesn't mind that it's dark, the cat is always ready for your lap. These are times for creative contemplation which act as cat naps for the soul during the seasonal hustle and bustle.

Buy those holiday gifts early and fly through the season like a well waxed sled on fresh snow. Take a moment to reinforce your own psychic boundaries and let any criticism slide off like water on a ducks back.

What do you find yourself talking about? Notice the need for communication. Distinguish between deep listening and excessive gabbing. No need to be a conversation hog. Share authentically to develop philosophy. Remember to listen with the intention to understand rather than to reply.

Moving on into December, the new moon in Sagittarius connects us with the higher mind, love of learning, and a yen for travel. What goals from the last year have you achieved? There's still time. Rather than wasting time in feeling bad, use the celestial tides to tap into your true proactive nature. Take charge of your life, feel inspired to create positive change, and focus on how to make every little thing just a tiny bit better. It is the little adjustments that create alignment in our course, in creating right livelihood and a life filled with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

October 30, 2016

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio today, sign of the Scorpion. Days are getting shorter, nights are getting chillier, there's a crisp smell in the air as our feet crunch the dead leaves scattering the sidewalks. Kids are getting ready for their favorite night of the year, and now is the time to look at the masks you wear.

Scorpionic energy abounds, and we all cluster together like the gossips at the well, the hags around the cauldron. The power of the spoken word to cause harm is very much in the air. We all have the capacity to manipulate and power play, so choose to empower others and remain in alignment with your deeper values, morals, and ethics.

Scorpio also allows us to review not just our dirty laundry but our psychic lingerie. What makes you feel super sexy? What ignites your romantic passion? Remember, nothing is more attractive than desire.

Halloween is full of ghosts and demons, masks and charades, November has us honoring our ancestors with Day of the Dead, a time of intense transformations.

 Today, during the new moon in Scorpio, ask yourself where your deepest transformation is occurring - in your career, relationship or health?

 The past comes back in flashes of dreams, bringing up buried half promises and unfulfilled relationships. Where do you want to go this lifetime? What will satisfy you now? Tie up loose ends and feel foot loose and fancy free again. The Universe is shining a light and it is up to you whether to get lost in the shadows or to transform your darkest fears. Tap into your Phoenix self and find guidance in the stars.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

September 30, 2016

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra today, sign of the Scales. Notice the balance of day and night, the changing of the seasons, the turning of the tides. This is the time of self love and self care. What do you need to refresh your spirit, renew your self, and rejuvenate your being to feel the most deliciously attractive as possible? A massage, facial, retreat, membership to the gym? Make a commitment to tend to your body this month. Allow yourself to weigh and decide.

You might think the universe is being fickle when really it's flirting with you. Notice the buzz of bees and hum more. A chakra tuning would do you some good. There is a hidden opportunity for more energy, but only if you act on it now. What is holding you back? Tap into your eagle vision-swoop into the details as well as getting perspective on your soul. consult with a professional or a friend to get more insight.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

September 1, 2016

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo today, sign of the Priestess. It is also a day of solar eclipse, where the sun's light will be briefly hidden by the moon. Look into your life and count your blessings - spread the seeds of kindness and appreciation, and surprise a friend or two with a random act of kindness. Devote time to further development of a creative passion, whatever speaks to your heart's content.

Time to reflect on health, the harvest, and all ways to rejuvenate and regenerate. Whether you return to school or begin a new work out routine, your health and consciousness will improve over the weeks and months to come. Make appointments with your healers now and set up your ducks for winter is just around the corner.

Virgo, sign of health and healing, has us questioning current lifestyle choices. Whether in a fog of pain or painkillers, realize where you are the source of your own distress. Stop saying "if" and start saying "when" especially in terms of your health and financial well being. Ask for help - it is a sign of strength, courage and commitment.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

August 17, 2016

A Week in the Life of a Santa Cruz Hypnotherapist

I see about ten to fifteen clients a week at my West side office. Here is a sampling of a typical week for a Santa Cruz hypnotherapist:
  • A person who suffers from insomnia. We made a recording they can listen to before bed to relax their body and mind as well as to remember more of their dreams.
  • A parent, releasing grief after the death of their son. We have been doing a Reiki and hypnotherapy combination, biweekly sessions for two years, focused mostly on soul retrieval work. They're now inspired to open a skateboard park to commemorate their son.
  • An initial hypnosis session for a business person interested in transforming stress and rage. We focus on peace and abundance, facing debts, pending divorce, and releasing pains in the neck.
  • A student taking private tarot lessons. They started with weekly hypnotherapy sessions for 15 months, and is using self hypnosis for self empowerment. Now they are enrolled in the ten week program to learn professional tarot reading as a form of income.
  • A regular client who has done monthly tarot readings for two years. This is their check in system and now they are doing weekly hypnosis sessions for deciding on a life path.
  • A professional coming in for astrology lessons, who used hypnotherapy and reiki for personal transformation for the past nine months. Now they are digging deeper while going through job transition and seeking a soul mate.
  • A new client for an astrology reading, who feels controlled by their relationships and seeking self realization and self actualization while creating an interdependent relationship with their new love.
  • A student using hypnotherapy in order to control sugar for weight management/diabetes. Three sessions so far, has been drinking less, discovering new sensualist pleasures instead of food as a life reward
  • An ongoing hypnotherapy client, looking for what makes their heart sing. We have been doing bi weekly sessions for one year now, focused on selling their business and getting in touch with inner council for financial advice. Now they are pregnant and planning on hypnobirthing for a healthy, easy birth and transition into parenthood.
  • An athlete, using hypnotherapy in retraining body mind for sports enhancement. Uses visualization for both ingraining the perfect throw and to let go of any stress both during game and greater stresses in life, such as work, mother in law, inner critic, etc.
  • A freshman in college, terrified of leaving home. We have done monthly sessions for 6 months, using hypnotherapy to anchor feelings of self esteem, love and acceptance.

There is a saying, "Discontent is the first step in progress". My ideal client is ready for change, willing to do the work, and open to new perspectives. I am here to counsel you in joy through experiencing insights for personal change and transformation. Call or email for your appointment today - the time is now!




August 2, 2016

New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo today, sign of the Lion. Whether you were proud to be an American on the 4th of July or proud of your transgender child at a Gay Pride Parade, now is the time to find out what you are proud of in your life. Your ancestry? Your sports team? Your college? Your accomplishments? And who is in your pride- your family, your colleagues, your co-workers, your classmates? Throw one big ol' party in the name of peace this summer, and remember to invite me.

Sauntering into late summer, the new moon in Leo purrs like a kitten, playful and free. This is the time to fire up and communicate your true nature, as the universe is calling upon you to expand your awareness.

What do you want to show the world? Taking others into consideration is an art. Take time to cultivate listening. Start a gratitude journal and share your blessings with those you love.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

July 11, 2016

New Moon in Cancer

A week ago today was the New Moon in Cancer, sign of the Crab. Are you feeling stuck between your shell and a hard place? Crack open your sense of humor and find the strength in being vulnerable, the sacred in the mundane. Nourish yourself as much as those around you, and remember to practice self care.

Feeling crabby lately? Side stepping the issues? “Discontent is the first step towards progress”. So many folks seem so unhappy lately, this quote sprang to mind. If you're happy with life, one doesn't change. It's only when we're unhappy that we do start to change - look at health care!

If you feel stuck in a rut, reach out - to a friend, a healer, your senator, etc. Take action rather than choosing to remain depressed. Change is our friend! There is a feeling of universal exasperation, but all displeasure is released with good information, and the true opportunity lies in dealing with what’s in front of you, rather than acting like a victim.

Remember to begin with small, gentle adjustments, and the slower the change, the more real and long lasting the results.

Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, CHT has been studying the esoteric art of Astrology since 1990. She is available for astrology readings online with Google Hangouts, by phone or in person. Call or email to set up your appointment for some astrochat with Kayla and discover the secrets of the stars found in your birth chart.

May 26, 2016

Upcoming Lecture: Embracing Chiron: Change Your Deepest Wounds into Your Greatest Gifts

All healing...
Upcoming Lecture:

Embracing Chiron: Change Your Deepest Wounds
 into Your Greatest Gifts

Are current events triggering past memories? Feeling the need for karmic closure? Ready to let go of old woundedness and shame?

Many women in their late 40s and early 50s are experiencing their Chiron return - The Wounded Healer. Now is an opportunity to transform your deepest wounds into your greatest gift.

Come learn how to use astrology and other holistic tools to tap into Chiron's profound transformative, healing energies.

Women's Networking Group (WNA) 
Wednesday, June 1st
705 Front Street, from
 9am to 10:30 am

Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master
(831) 435-5182
Click here to book your appointment online!

January 25, 2016

Angel of Time - Aquarius

An angel came to me with this message:
Always remember your time is precious.

Take the time to hone your craft,
Take the time to sing and laugh.
Go out and sit by the waterfall,
Dance With Love at the enchanted ball.

Take all day to contemplate your life,
Take a minute to let go of your strife.
Spend an hour walking in the forest shade,
Meditate upon the life that you have made.

Invest in your own self reflection,
Allow your deep desires to be resurrected.
Waste not a moment on worry or fear,
Focus instead on all that you hold dear.

Always remember this little rhyme,
There is nothing more valuable than your time.

Blessed Be.

December 23, 2015

Capricorn - The Surfer

She is comfortable in her skins,
Knows how to ride the waves of her emotions,
Always ambitious, gliding through shark infested waters,
Walking on the wind and feeling exaltation in her bones.

She is intimate with the tides,
And respects the workings of the moon.
Confident, hard working, she loves to teach
Others the mysteries of the waters.

Disciplined, she knows her limits.
Has excellent boundaries.
Paradoxically is limitless and boundless,
Deep within her core.

She struts her stuff,
Enjoys sand between her toes,
And no matter what beach, what ocean,
She is always at home.

November 23, 2015

Sagittarius - The Truth Seeker

Soothsayer, Truth sayer
Tell me what you know
Seeker of knowledge
Show me where to go

Scholar of the earth
In touch with your fire
Teach me how
To harness my desire

Centaur woman
With your animal side
Won’t you please
Take me astride

She takes the time
To show me what to do
Focus, pull back,
and really follow through

Spilling lava of the volcano
Erupts after long dormancy
Creates new vistas
Escapes complacency

Sacred Kingfisher
Brings halcyon days
California Poppy
Commemorate her ways

Soothsayer, Truth sayer
Teach me the higher mind
Perpetual student of life
The philosopher who is kind.

October 21, 2015

The Destroyer of Sadness - Scorpio

"You can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness." - Goyte

I am she who dwells on the threshold,
I offer you salvation from that which claims your soul.
Are you willing to look in the mirror, see what holds you back?
Are you willing to accept your abundance as well as what you lack?

What do you really want, what will you sacrifice?
Are you willing to be real, not just being nice?
I am in touch with my power, blessing and curse,
I can bring out the best, I can bring out the worst.

I'm here to help end your fruitless searching,
Liberate your power, destroy what isn't working.
Remember you are a hero, not a victim,
Rebirth is here, honor your self creation.

"Oh Destroyer of Sadness, Come make me Whole." - Astarius

September 23, 2015

The Trapeze Artist - Libra

I am she who flies above the crowds,
I amaze, delight and thrill to the "wows!"
I seem to be dancing high in the air,
Without a single fear, worry, or care.

In this moment of sublime suspension
I am applauded, showered with attention.
I am bright and colourful, attractive and gay,
I make it look easy, but I practice each day.

Dressed in satin and ribbons of gold,
I know I am stunning, balanced, and bold.
I'm here with a purpose, a story to tell,
I love center stage, and I perform very well.

I develop my talents, my skills, and my art,
I will always be the trapeze artist at heart.

Blessed Be.

August 26, 2015

Virgo the Virgin

She who is whole unto herself
She knows how to rejuvenate her health
Renew her spirit, regenerate her wealth
The artist, priestess and the healer

Strength of the lion, grace of the swan
Shy at times but loves to perform
Harvesting love before it is gone
She can be quite the heart stealer

A young face with an old soul
The epitome of self control
Imperfect in her perfection goal
Turns her break down into a breakthrough

Beautiful, graceful, wise beyond her years
She touches hope, dispels fears
And while this rose does have her tears
How will she touch you?

July 22, 2015

The Queen of Everything

She who walks with her head held high,
Bright red balloons in a sky blue sky,
Crimson dress slit up to her thigh,
Fountain of youth flowing nearby.

She is Leo and she has pride,
The deep red rose that grows outside.
The bright shining star, fortune’s key,
She who is the Divine Feminine Mystery.

The eternal mother, the infinite lover,
The grace of the hummingbirds hover.
Sometimes a kitten, sometimes a cat,
A little bit of this, and certainly all that.

Moon in her hand and sunshine above,
She is the woman who knows she is well loved.

June 24, 2015

Moon Child

I am she who swings from the moon,

The beloved child born in late June,

Fairy like, with gossamer wings,

I dream of disco balls and glittery things.

I am deeply intuitive - and I trust my self,

I am playful and curious, a mischievous elf,

I can be sullen and deep, a dark mystery,

A young soul who holds an ancient history.

I am the crescent maiden, the fullness of the mother,

The howling of the wolf, the meeting with another,

Like minded soul, living simply and wild,

I am she who is the divine Moon Child.

May 27, 2015

Bird Medicine

Gemini is the hummingbird
Light as a feather
She experiences pure joy
No matter what the weather

She is also the fierce eagle
Climbing high in the sky
She always get perspective
Details in her eye

She is the raven
Blacker than the night
Holder of the mysteries
Secrets are her delight

April 22, 2015


Passion comes in many forms,
Some are discovered, some are born.

The red hot passion of new found lovers,
The ocean depths passion of a mother.

Passion deeper than the volcanoes fire,
Passion unleashes the heart’s true desire.

Angry passions that can lead to burnout,
Social passions that give political clout.

Passion that fuels, passion that sustains,
Love transformed so compassion remains.

Passion can have it’s own particular resolve,
Passion that helps us improve and evolve.

Whatever is your truth, your deepest desire,
Be fully energized by passion’s fire.

March 25, 2015

Aries - Pure Potential

I am the embryo cradled in the world,
The fresh seed flowering in June,
The very beginning spark of the match,
The skeleton key that unlocks every latch.

The fertilized egg, waiting to be born,
Pure potential, calm before the storm,
The killer whale diving deep in the sea,
The infinite cosmos, the divine mystery.

The midnight cat who runs feral and wild,
The softest bunny held by the child,
The initial thought that becomes an idea,
The manifestor who makes things real.

Unrealized energy waiting to be free,
The pure potential to grow into me,
The opportunity, the workings of chance,
I am the choreographer of my own dance.