April 19, 2023

Four Elements Cleanse

Four Elements Cleanse

Start by filing a small glass jar or ceramic jar with kosher salt, Epsom salts, borax or plain table salt.You can add an aromatherapy oil like lavender or bergamot. Shake it well. Hold it in your hands. Infusing it with your intention by saying:

Salt of the earth.

I know my self worth

Crystal transmission

Help me with this transition

Take a pinch and sprinkle it into each corner of the room. Toss some over your left shoulder for good luck. You can also place rose quartz, silver dimes, or healing dirt in the corners, anything representing the earth and its' ability to transform on the physical plane.

Next, sprinkle holy water in each corner to clear emotions. This can be found online, at your local church, or make your own by leaving a crystal or glass bowl outside under the new moon or the full moon for 3 days. Holy water can be infused with crystals, flower petals, and/or aromatherapy oils, as well as your good intentions. Add photographs, power words, or tarot cards placed either on the top or bottom of the bowl. Use it in self-blessing rituals too. Affirm out loud:

Sacred water

Sacred feelings

Release old emotions

For sacred healing

For the element of air, many folks like to burn sage, cedar or pine for their cleansing properties for both the mental and spiritual planes. If you do not like smoke in your dwellings, you can grind the herbs or do pinches of tobacco in the corners. Alternatively, you can use a feather or a (fairy) feather duster to bless the corners. Whisper the words:

With every inhale

I breathe in relief

With every exhale

I breathe out release

For the element of fire, symbolic of your life force and energy, pick a new candle in a color that speaks to you on a chakra level, beeswax preferred. Take an athame (ritual knife) or just a ballpoint pen and carve from bottom to top what is being released from this space or your life as the candle burns it away. 

Then carve from the top to the bottom what you're inviting in as the candle burns down. Walk around the room and poke in the four directions. If you do not want to light candles, use a wand or sacred broom to sweep out the energy from each corner.

Sacred Fire

Come and cleanse

Release the old

And begin again

Stand in the center or power spot of the room. Bless yourself with the four elements. Say:

In the name of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone

I'm here by myself, but I'm never alone

So the ritual is complete

And I am blessed from my head to my feet

Blessed be!