February 18, 2021

Inner Coach

There is a voice inside my head,
My inner coach, here's what she said:
You can do it, you've done it before,
You're getting better, you're upping the score.

Be patient with yourself, learn to believe in you,
Have faith in the process, you know what to do,
You're being active, alive and well,
Taking care of the garden, making sure your husband is swell.

The cats are happy, the house is clean,
You're getting things done in this time of in between
Wildfires, elections, and covid-19,
Protest, people being mean.

So be kinder to yourself, be gentle my dear,
Pay attention to the truth, let go of the fear.
Take a walk every day, drink more water, less wine,
Keep loving yourself and it'll all be just fine.

You are doing exactly what you need to do,
You're having fun using your talents a new,
So expect that you'll live to be 104,
And in that good night you'll gently shut the door.

February 10, 2021

Impeachment Blues

While I believe in all things empirical 
Trump getting convicted will surely be a miracle 
Hard enough to convince a jury of 12,
17 Republicans sitting on the shelf.

I do hope to see Trump rot in jail,
Maybe better brooding in a self-imposed hell,
Deutsche Bank takes the Trump tower,
Who else will strip him of his power?

Mar-a-Lago, golfing in Scotland,
Acting like nothing's wrong, that's right man.
Every narcissist thinking like it's all swell,
Look at poor Ghislaine Maxwell.

There is no real trial by jury,
Everyone checks Twitter for the flurry, 
Epstein didn't kill himself, 
Yet another casualty on the shelf.

Of all the rewards, Trump trophies -
One more year of Covid-19,
Let's keep tally, how many are dead -
All are on Donald Trump's head,

Let alone the January insurrection, 
Riled by his lies continuously resurrected, 
He didn't win the last popular vote, nor the one before, 
His ire is that of the last election, bringing national discord.

His hate is worse than the pandemic, 
More virulent than the plague,
From BLM to disable folks not getting the vaccine,
And has Breonna ever been redeemed?

The spread of lies has brought a whole country down, 
But how we love to watch this orange haired clown,
So I sit, and observe the trial,
I wonder what will be final.

Thank the goodness for the few willing to stand,
They are what makes America Grand,
Not addicted to their party, but the truth, 
Hopefully they will act forsooth.

Farmers and essential workers are finally getting the shots,
While Mom and Pop businesses still continue to close up shop.
All this and more is what I know to be true,
I've got another case of the impeachment blues.

February 2, 2021

Pandemic Haikus


After three years of
Chronicling menopause
I get my period

Twenty Seconds
Dress, glasses, flip flops
Cats, keys, what I can carry

Pandemic Postcard
Pat my lap, the cat
Chooses to sit next to me
Feline distancing

Little Corner Store
Turning my back on
Promise of chips and beer, damn
I forgot my mask

Dearest Lisa G.
How do you feel now that Trump
Has COVID-19?

New Normal
Don’t feel like cooking
Hope husband will do it
Bless Delivery

January 26, 2021

Day 13 - How to Procrastinate

Day 13 - How to Procrastinate

Life should consist in at least 50% pure waste of time, and the rest doing what you please. - Isabel Patterson

Decide there is something you need to do today. Put it on a list. As the morning unfolds, notice what is being scratched off above and below it. Start to feel some anxiety. Now almost all of the list is finished. Start a new list. Decide it needs to be rewritten in sharpie. Add things to the list you've already done, have the satisfaction of scratching them out. Highlight project in yellow.

Decide it is time. Or that you have the time. Or that you are willing to do it for 20 minutes. Gather up everything you need. Too early for wine, maybe a cup of soothing green tea? Notice the kitchen counter is full of breadcrumbs, start cleaning. As long as you've got the broom out, might as well sweep the front porch, after all it is important for Feng Shui as it represents Career/Life Path. Prune the geraniums, consider what needs to be watered, add “wash car.”

Come back inside, go pee, observe project all laid out on the kitchen table. Better go brush teeth, shower, change clothes, make the bed, set the Roomba to work. Time to check emails, texts, Instagram, the guild competition, collect coins and crystals on June's Journey, do the Spelling Bee, Letterbox, save the New York Times crossword puzzle to be a reward for finishing the project.

Sit down. Align everything on the table. Think about all the other projects on your list, how great it will feel when they are done. Pick up your pen. Let the cat out. Let the cat in. Feed the cat. Wash the water bowl and put in fresh water with an ice cube because it's hot outside today. Smoke a bowl, have a little snack, notice the thermostat, put on the fan, add “replace filters.”

Pet the cat. Take pictures of the cat. Post to Facebook. Check other posts. Google “News.” Scroll through endless sound bites. Ask Siri to see more of this and less of that. Delete photos. Delete old emails. Delete old email addresses. Clear call history. Delete all old texts. Feel virtuous.

Sit down, organize papers, review what has been done, staple, collate, go look for paper clips in the junk drawer. Organize the junk drawer. Rearrange the cork bulletin board according to the principles of Feng Shui. Clean the trash can, look in the fridge, look in the freezer, look in the pantry. Almost out of almonds. Add to list. Empty the dish rack, the dishwasher, consider doing laundry, even though it's already on next week's list. Put on some music. Breathe now that everything is clean, tidy, organized, and just so. Let the cat in. Let the cat be on your lap. Now you're truly immobilized. After some time passes, move the cat gently. Put your project on your lap. Give it your full attention. Begin today's writing prompt, "Write about something you know how to do."

January 19, 2021

Day 24 - Loss

I don't often lose my temper or even my cool 
Unless someone makes me look like a fool 
Yes, the backs of earrings, countless pens, 
My way on the highway, one or two good friends.

The black and persimmon velvet scarf, that one sweater, 
Quite a few emails, as well as some important letters, 
My glasses at least a couple times a day,
When hiking in the Land of Medicine Buddha, I really lost my way.

Lost my best friend during the divorce, 
Had to close my bookstore in due course,
The recounts are done the electoral vote widens,
Will Trump ever cede he has lost to Biden?

The loss of lives, now a quarter million,
Will some fat cat makes another billion,
Sewing seeds of self-doubt, poverty and despair,
The nation's loss is a despot affair.

I've lost my job, my clients, and my wages,
All I can do now is write these pandemic pages,
In reviewing my losses, what do I find -
Of all the things I've lost, what I miss most is my mind.

January 12, 2021

Moden Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

As you know, I love the tarot - it is comforting, validating, and inspiring. While in Eugene visiting my daughter last year I bought the Moden Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

Some of the cards are exceptional, some seem like she was just trying to complete the 78 images. The cards are printed on plastic, so a very large deck for my small hands, and unwieldy to shuffle. Plus they won't get that lovely worn-out feel like paper cards. Nice interpretations in the LWB (little white book, but this one is blue). Below is a picture of the three cards I drew plus what she writes:

"XII: The Hanged One - True peace can only come from within. The Hanged One has found this inner zen in what seems like an unusual place. She hangs from the tree of life in a comfy sweater and equally comfy sweatpants. Maybe she seems a little odd, hanging upside down and perfectly poised, but she;'s also calm. The Hanged One is just simply relaxed and at peace.

Finally, it's the calm after the storm. You might have just had some tough battles or obstacles to conquer, but now it's time to relax a bit. Meditate, slow down, nurture your body and soul. You might have to sacrifice something in order to reach the state of zen, but don't worry. There's no right or wrong way to do it. It may even feel like your self-care routine is a little strange to others, but this process is crucial for you to embrace who you are and to Free yourself of other's expectations and demands." 

"Three of Wands  - Standing solidly on Earth, you've got your wands for support and you're contemplating your plans. You're working hard and getting ready for the future. It's working! You've got a solid strategy, so all you need to do now is put it into action. "

"The Sun - With sunshine comes new life. An innocent child, full of carefree joy and happiness, waves a red banner high in the sky. behind her, a gray wall is her past, and the flowers of memories Bloom and thrive in the Sun. There's wonderful and warm everywhere. The sun has turned the day into a promising playground ready for exploration. It's a time to feel totally alive.

Winter (2020) is over. The world is lush and full of excitement and beauty. Bask in the sunlight, embrace life! You might have just stumbled upon a big discovery or revelation that's astonishing, amazing and helps you see things in a new and beautiful way. This new perspective is the result of your hard inner and outer work, and now it's time for the reward. So treat yourself! Do something fun, have an adventure, the days are yours to fill with childlike wonder and optimism."

Italics are mine, to re-emphasize - This new perspective is the result of your hard inner and outer work. To all my clients  - I am so proud of you, I know you are on your path and I am both grateful and humbled to witness and be a part of your process.



Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach

Click here to book your appointment online!

January 6, 2021


Nothing to say, nothing to do
Nothing unusual, nothing new,
Nothing on my mind, nothing on my plate,
Absolutely nothing happened on this date.

There's nothing on TV, or on the radio,
Bored of my CDs, nothing on the stereo,
Fridge is empty, there's nothing to eat,
No shoes or socks, there's nothing on my feet.

Nowhere to go, no one to see,
Nothing but time that's absolutely free, 
Nothing to do but love and a world of hate,
Nothing can do right now but simply wait, 

For the vaccine, jobs, electoral college votes,
Really nothing to do right now, but simply hope.
Congress will stop doing nothing, step up instead,
Jail the politicians, who all made their own bed.

Nothing but lies, corruption, and greed, 
Nothing but change can correct dirty deeds.
Nothing to do right now, but exactly this, 
Nothing but poetry, can save me from the abyss. 

Clearing my mine now, empty of all thoughts,
No - Thing - ness helps to connect the dots, 
Dropping into my center, nothing else to do, 
Everything is reborn yet nothing is new.