January 12, 2021

Moden Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

As you know, I love the tarot - it is comforting, validating, and inspiring. While in Eugene visiting my daughter last year I bought the Moden Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

Some of the cards are exceptional, some seem like she was just trying to complete the 78 images. The cards are printed on plastic, so a very large deck for my small hands, and unwieldy to shuffle. Plus they won't get that lovely worn-out feel like paper cards. Nice interpretations in the LWB (little white book, but this one is blue). Below is a picture of the three cards I drew plus what she writes:

"XII: The Hanged One - True peace can only come from within. The Hanged One has found this inner zen in what seems like an unusual place. She hangs from the tree of life in a comfy sweater and equally comfy sweatpants. Maybe she seems a little odd, hanging upside down and perfectly poised, but she;'s also calm. The Hanged One is just simply relaxed and at peace.

Finally, it's the calm after the storm. You might have just had some tough battles or obstacles to conquer, but now it's time to relax a bit. Meditate, slow down, nurture your body and soul. You might have to sacrifice something in order to reach the state of zen, but don't worry. There's no right or wrong way to do it. It may even feel like your self-care routine is a little strange to others, but this process is crucial for you to embrace who you are and to Free yourself of other's expectations and demands." 

"Three of Wands  - Standing solidly on Earth, you've got your wands for support and you're contemplating your plans. You're working hard and getting ready for the future. It's working! You've got a solid strategy, so all you need to do now is put it into action. "

"The Sun - With sunshine comes new life. An innocent child, full of carefree joy and happiness, waves a red banner high in the sky. behind her, a gray wall is her past, and the flowers of memories Bloom and thrive in the Sun. There's wonderful and warm everywhere. The sun has turned the day into a promising playground ready for exploration. It's a time to feel totally alive.

Winter (2020) is over. The world is lush and full of excitement and beauty. Bask in the sunlight, embrace life! You might have just stumbled upon a big discovery or revelation that's astonishing, amazing and helps you see things in a new and beautiful way. This new perspective is the result of your hard inner and outer work, and now it's time for the reward. So treat yourself! Do something fun, have an adventure, the days are yours to fill with childlike wonder and optimism."

Italics are mine, to re-emphasize - This new perspective is the result of your hard inner and outer work. To all my clients  - I am so proud of you, I know you are on your path and I am both grateful and humbled to witness and be a part of your process.



Kayla Garnet Rose, Ph.D.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach

Click here to book your appointment online!

January 6, 2021


Nothing to say, nothing to do
Nothing unusual, nothing new,
Nothing on my mind, nothing on my plate,
Absolutely nothing happened on this date.

There's nothing on TV, or on the radio,
Bored of my CDs, nothing on the stereo,
Fridge is empty, there's nothing to eat,
No shoes or socks, there's nothing on my feet.

Nowhere to go, no one to see,
Nothing but time that's absolutely free, 
Nothing to do but love and a world of hate,
Nothing can do right now but simply wait, 

For the vaccine, jobs, electoral college votes,
Really nothing to do right now, but simply hope.
Congress will stop doing nothing, step up instead,
Jail the politicians, who all made their own bed.

Nothing but lies, corruption, and greed, 
Nothing but change can correct dirty deeds.
Nothing to do right now, but exactly this, 
Nothing but poetry, can save me from the abyss. 

Clearing my mine now, empty of all thoughts,
No - Thing - ness helps to connect the dots, 
Dropping into my center, nothing else to do, 
Everything is reborn yet nothing is new.

December 30, 2020

Letter from Deepak Chopra

Yay! I received a nice letter from the Chopra Institute:

Deepak Chopra, LLC

December 18, 2020

Kayla G. Rose

Dear Kayla,

Thank you for keeping the abundance of the universe circulating in all our lives with the gift of your book, Laphrodite's Guide to Mindful Menopause, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since you enjoy Dr. Chopra's teachings please consider watching at your leisure the free public service immersive lecture, The Future of Wellbeing with a meditation led by him and offered by The Chopra Foundation. Here is the link:

Dr. Chopra sends his warm regards and wishes health, success, wisdom and joy in the field of infinite possibilities!


Carolyn Rangel

Available from Amazon
or through Facebook

Pandemic Pages

In this moment I am sitting on a rather pleasant deck in Freedom California, mask on, waiting for my hairdresser, who has two other clients being coiffed or their hair colored. Her dog is pleasant company, the hum of traffic soothing, so different from the last month of wild tires, sirens, and the sound of helicopter whirring.

I had a nice lunch with one of my mentors, swapping notes about this particular interim, the affect of our practices, both business and what we were eating, exercising, getting along with our spouse. I'm so sorry it took all these deaths to get to this place, where we are talking about racism, sexism, the corruption in our system, just like we started this conversation thirty years ago.

I didn't start it, don't get me wrong, but in 1985 when I started college it certainly was the hot topic. Which in my youthful ingenuity thought could be resolved in a few years. How like many of us now during Covid-19 and the actually reciprocation of climate change, no longer just a theory.

I made a timeline a few years ago, listing significant events in my life such as moving to a new country or a cat dying. I added in a presidential timeline, recognizing how oblivious I was besides for Watergate and Reagan being elected. Interesting to note what was happening in my life during the Clinton and Obama years, let alone the Bush nepotism.

I adjust my mask, happy to present my new book, knowing I will get into the most politics in this next hour ham.i have in months and will in my next hair appointment, after the election. Pati is well read, well informed, and certainly one of my main sources for political discourse let alone a good hair cut which will last. I'd vote her for president or a seat on the Supreme Court any day.

My face mask hangs from one ear, ready to be slung over the rest of my fast in a jiffy, the fastest mask of the west. My friend Z gifted me three reversible masks, hand sewn, wonderful fabric patterns, the new love and lint. 

December 24, 2020

Day 22 - Joy


Day 22 - Joy

Hummingbirds, calicos, the Coretta Scott King rose,

Sun on my face compared to the chill on my nose,

The honking geese flying overhead,

Fresh clean sheets on a fresh made bed.

Tinkling wind chimes, soft fairy lights,

The sound of rainfall on a late summer night.

Living by the ocean, hearing waves and the seals,

Simple, organic, yummy, delicious meals.

Being in the garden, feeling at home,

Cuddling with my husband, tho'  I like to be alone,

Painting, drawing, using scissors and glue,

Writing silly stories, love letters and Haiku.

Singing in the car, dancing with the band,

Hiking in the redwoods, digging toes into sand.

Pet rocks, house plants, crystals and antiques,

Murals on my walls, artwork that's unique.

Collecting cat whiskers, cobalt blue bottles, and tattoos

More than anything else, living here in Santa Cruz.

The Boardwalk, Marine Center, monarch butterflies,

Surfers, tourists, friends, neighbors, and allies.

Good friends, good wine, good conversation,

Being a witness to an ever changing nation,

Wearing long skirts, tho' at heart still a tomboy,

These are a few of the things that I truly enjoy.

Blessed Be!

Kayla Garnet Rose, 2020

December 12, 2020

Pandemic Blues

Pandemic Blues

Leafing through my Pandemic Pages
Aware of all the lost time and wages
We all need a little more reassurance
At least I'm getting unemployment insurance
Got those Corona Virus Blues...

It's been nine months of lock-down, COVID-19
I've done 300 crossword puzzles in between
Doom scrolling, social distancing, wearing a mask
Shelter in place, trust me, you don't have to ask
Got those early morning drinking Quarantinis Blues...

Herd Immunity or herd mentality
Trump simply smacks of banality
Take a breath for George Floyd
There's lots of reasons to be paranoid
Got those Breonna Taylor Blues...

White fragility and confederate flags
No longer able to use reusable bags
Six feet apart, flatten the curve
Essential workers continue to serve
Got those Fake News Conspiracy Blues...

Hoax, flat-earther or anti-vax
Now the battle is about anti-mask
Protests in Portland, appeals to trust us
Now a new supreme court justice
Got those Ruth Bader-Ginsburg Blues...

Despite allegations, who to accuse,
Voter fraud dismissed, try to be amused
Every day the gap does widen
Will Trump ever cede to Biden?
Got those electoral college blues...

2020 has been a year of hindsight
Maybe we can change that into kind sight
The New Normal, face-time, vote by mail
At least we have toilet paper and a take out cocktail
Got those deep Pandemic Blues...

October 1, 2020

Rambling Rose October News

Rambling Rose October News

Dear Friend,

I hope this email finds you well. So much has changed in this last year it felt worth while to put together a newsletter. Don't worry, you won't be getting a lot of spam from me!

The last seven months have seen huge changes, certainly for me and my practice. Since the lock-down started last March, I'm no longer able to do sessions in my house due to the risk of COVID-19. I had to drop my class in Cranio-Sacral Balancing and stopped volunteering the Marine Sanctuary Center as they are closed.

Luckily I qualified for the SBA loan and was able to buy a new computer, upgrade my astrology software, and start offering Zoom sessions. I have been taking online courses through Cabrillo College, including certifications in Meditation and Stress Management.

I have also been restructuring my business to be more accessible and user friendly by creating a mini mindfulness page with daily affirmations, poems, and excerpts from my new book (see details below).

As always I am a part of your team, if you'd simply like to chat, text, or connect online. I wish you and your family the best for the upcoming season, and we are all already looking forward to a better 2021!

Blessed be, 



A few years ago I set the intention to put out one thousand prayers in the form of poems, prayers and meditations, and thus the Temple of Laphrodite was born. A place to just take a moment to pause and reflect. Affirmations, poems, prayers, rituals, sometimes just an image, a time for you to cultivate your own lightheartedness. Come, sit for a spell or two. Some of what you'll find here:
  • One minute of silence in nature
  • Guided meditations
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Podcasts of poems, prayers, and prose
  • Original artwork - photography, oil pastels, and collage
  • Excerpts from my new book (see below)
  • And yes, occasional cat videos!
Different from a world of selfies and a constant barrage of images, these serene moments allow you to feel calm, peaceful, more tranquil and relaxed. Let the nature sounds bring you to the quiet inside. Or turn off the volume completely, enjoy your own moment of quiet contemplation. Put it on a loop and enjoy for as long as you like. Remember to breathe. Use them as writing prompts for your journal, to spark your own creativity, or to simply be present.

Check It Out

Now Available!
Laphrodite's Guide to Mindful Menopause
or The Adventures of a Baby Crone

An enchanting collection of midlife musings, moon magic, and meditations for mindful menopause.Over the last three years menopause has brought me to my knees. In this humbled position, I offer anecdotes, potential antidotes, and some not so common advice.

According to the Mayo Clinic, menopause is experienced by over 3 million women a year in the United States alone. What makes this book different is viewing menopause as a time of incredible spiritual growth and creativity, rather than just a physical experience that needs a special diet or more exercise.

The book offers concrete tools such as guided visualizations, meditations, and rituals to honor this significant passage in a woman's life. Rather than a dry reference book, it includes humorous stories, inspiring poetry, and juicy practices to experience mindful menopause.

Feel free to contact me if you want any signed copies for those holiday gifts!

Order Your Copy Today
Woohoo! All five of my books are also now available on Kindle!

The two kid's books I wrote for my granddaughters, Adventures of a Baby Moon and F is for Family: A Unique ABC.

A book of cat poetry that my daughter took the photos for, Vibrissae: A Collection of Cats, Facts, and Whiskers.

Then my thesis, Journey Through the Tarot: An Integrated System for Holistic Health .

And now Laphrodite's Guide to Mindful Menopause or the Adventures of a Baby Crone is also available for your phone, tablet, or ipad on Kindle.

Buy Now
PS New office hours are Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 am to 3:30 pm. Click this link to schedule a Zoom session today!

PPS Yes! Gift Certificates are available for Tarot Readings, Astrology Readings, Distance Healings, or Mindfulness Coaching!
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