In this moment I am sitting on a rather pleasant deck in Freedom California, mask on, waiting for my hairdresser, who has two other clients being coiffed or their hair colored. Her dog is pleasant company, the hum of traffic soothing, so different from the last month of wild tires, sirens, and the sound of helicopter whirring.
I had a nice lunch with one of my mentors, swapping notes about this particular interim, the affect of our practices, both business and what we were eating, exercising, getting along with our spouse. I'm so sorry it took all these deaths to get to this place, where we are talking about racism, sexism, the corruption in our system, just like we started this conversation thirty years ago.
I didn't start it, don't get me wrong, but in 1985 when I started college it certainly was the hot topic. Which in my youthful ingenuity thought could be resolved in a few years. How like many of us now during Covid-19 and the actually reciprocation of climate change, no longer just a theory.
I made a timeline a few years ago, listing significant events in my life such as moving to a new country or a cat dying. I added in a presidential timeline, recognizing how oblivious I was besides for Watergate and Reagan being elected. Interesting to note what was happening in my life during the Clinton and Obama years, let alone the Bush nepotism.
I adjust my mask, happy to present my new book, knowing I will get into the most politics in this next hour ham.i have in months and will in my next hair appointment, after the election. Pati is well read, well informed, and certainly one of my main sources for political discourse let alone a good hair cut which will last. I'd vote her for president or a seat on the Supreme Court any day.
My face mask hangs from one ear, ready to be slung over the rest of my fast in a jiffy, the fastest mask of the west. My friend Z gifted me three reversible masks, hand sewn, wonderful fabric patterns, the new love and lint.