Showing posts with label Thoughts on.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts on.... Show all posts

April 15, 2009

Thoughts on taxes

Today as I faxed yet another form to my tax preparer, I thought, wouldn't it be great if we got a tax break for smileage each year, and the more you smiled, the bigger the refund?

April 4, 2009

Thoughts on Cats

In this particular moment
I am annoyed with the cats
Which is not good, since
They own me.

It is their exacting
That is so grating...

The sound of claws on upholstery
The unraveling of my material world
The stench of cat urine on the carpet
Well, I'm pissed off too.

They know I'm annoyed
Small faces at the kitchen door
Round eyes somehow even rounder
Melting my resolve...

March 3, 2009

Thoughts on TV

In general, people spend about 15 hours a week, or 38% of their free time watching TV. Children receive about 360,000 commercial messages by the time they graduate from high school. Only 3% of characters depicted on Saturday morning children’s fare are black, and only 1% are Hispanic. Only 13% of people surveyed said they prefer spending time with family over other activities, including watching TV. (from” Glued to the Tube: The Threat of Television Addiction to Today’s Family” by Cheryl Pawlowski, Ph.D.

I admit it. I'm one of those "kill your television" kinda people. I killed mine back in 1997, after realizing that TV was running my life. Literally, the day the new TV guide arrived in the mail, we would make a spreadsheet of the week's TV schedule: what we would watch, what would be taped, what my partner would watch when I wasn't home (in particular, cop shows). TV dictated when we when out, when we stayed in and when we went to bed. Remember, this was before the days of TiVo.

After getting divorced, I disconnected ye olde cable. I still had my hand dandy VCR, and expected to watch plenty of movies. To my surprise, I watched fewer and fewer, besides for the ones my kid chose. I attributed this partly to the lack of commercials - although indeed, suddenly previews had more meaning.

I live a pretty kooky, creative life, and often people ask me where I find the time for all my various and sundry projects. Well, imagine just the time saved in not making any more TV schedule spreadsheets...

Interestingly enough, it has affected my social life. Folks often talk about current shows at work, etc. and I feel left out of the loop. I just smile and nod politely, but inside I wonder if I'm this crazy reclusive hermit who is loosing touch with the "real" world.

But now I have discovered Netflix, and my life has changed. I love renting TV series - the lack of commercials, the ability to watch 3 hours and 35 minutes of Friends with no interruption, and the incredible backlog of TV shows after a twelve year hiatus...

I also noticed how central TV is for family bonding - last year my housemate would hole up in her room with the TV on all night for company. This year my new housemate & I deeply bonded over Battlestar Galactica, watching the entire series last fall. The ubiquitous drums still ring in my ears. We named the toaster oven "3/12ths" and when it bings we chime, "Cylon Says!"

In some ways, the TV is the new hearth to gather around, but I'll be curious to see what shifts and changes as TV evolves. Or to be more precise, how will projecting visions for entertainment change, just starting with the Internet - look at YouTube, the quality of streaming videos, the webcam technology improving constantly. Will we become more isolated, like the future folks of Wall-Es world, each with our private screen? Or will there be a return of the drive-in, the movie theater with balcony seats, as we gather together to experience the humanity found in being an audience sitting in the dark together?

Well, my little red envelopes of love and entertainment are beckoning to me. Sure wish I had some microwave popcorn. Oh, and a microwave, but that's another story...

February 5, 2009

Thoughts on Moomin Trolls

My mother is Swedish & I grew up reading all of Tove Jansson's Moomin troll books. According to the Wikipedia: "They are a family of trolls who are white, round and furry in appearance, with large snouts... The carefree and adventurous family live in their house in Moominvalley, in the forests of Finland... They have many adventures along with their various friends, who are each of various fictional species." This included the Mymbles, the Hattifatteners, and my personal favorite, The Snork Maiden.

Now that it is February, I face my longest month of the year due to SAD. Hey, I'd rather be depressed for 28 days of the year than 365, and it usually doesn't hit hard until mid-month, so I'm setting up my ducks now.

I think about the Moomins who would fill their bellies with pine needles and hibernate through the long Nordic winter. I fill mine with St. John's Wort and organic poptarts, steamed spinach and smoked salmon. I hunker down by the woodstove, feeling extremely grateful for the companionship of my housemate and all four cats, each of us curled into our personal ball of introspection. I notice that my current clients all reflect the need for withdrawal (8 of Cups), the need to retreat, renew & rejuvenate after drinking from the cup of disappointment.

I know California needs rain, but each sunny day feels like a reprieve, and I sit in the pale winter light trying to recharge my photoelectric batteries stored behind my third eye, the oh so important pineal gland. I notice I am sleeping a lot (10-12 hours a night) and have just given up completely trying to go out in the evenings. I count the days and mark off the calendar like a prisoner trying to reach parole.

5 down, 23 to go...

December 16, 2008

Thoughts on Work

I just finished reading The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss, which was recommended by one of my colleagues. There are some great ideas and excellent resources in this book, although it does tend to smack of yet another get "new rich" quick scheme. I am well aware that the author is only in his early thirties, and it remains to be seen just how sustainable his finances and lifestyle plan really is in the long run.

I think I would have been more convinced if the author hadn't bragged about winning his kick boxing championship by merely pushing his opponents off the ring, but who am I to look a gift loophole in the mouth. He has an entertaining website complete with worksheets to create your NR (New Rich) lifestyle, blogs & twitters on his latest escapades, which makes me wonder if he's bored without meaningful work to wake up to in the mornings.

I did get a lot out of the 80/20 rule. 80% of your profits come from 20% of your clients - send them love letters, if not chocolate (my advice, not Mr. Ferriss'). 80% of your problems come from 20% of your clients - fire them. Delete them from your mailing lists, etc, stop wasting time, money & effort. I can't tell you how good it has felt to fire a few of my clients, especially when I calculate the emotional price I have paid.

I loved Mr. Ferriss' break down on minimizing emails and his advice to simply avoid as many meetings as possible, and have switched as much of my work to be more remote as well as to create a more mobile & efficient work environment. Already my life is simpler. Now if I could only get my virtual assistant to take my mother out to lunch instead of me, my life would be perfect.

August 11, 2008

Thoughts on Moderation

Throw moderation to the winds,
and the greatest pleasures bring the greatest pains.
- Democritus

In one of my money meditations that I teach, there is the part:

I am wise with my money. I dedicate part to pay off my debts easily and effortlessly; part for my savings, which I then invest and watch grow; and the remainder I live on in comfort and moderation. I am now in a position to bless money as it goes out to pay my bills and pleasures, knowing it will return threefold.

Folks really resist that word, moderation. It's interesting to see them balk - no, I want EVEN MORE MORE MORE so I can live in lavish, luxurious excess!

It is exactly this greedy attitude that keeps folks in a constant struggle to feel rich, no matter what their current income or standard of living. We live in an age of American Obesity, of the 59 cent Happy Meal, where we are encouraged to "Super Size it" - is it any wonder people shudder at the thought of moderation? But what of it's opposite - excess?

Do you over eat, over drink, over work, over spend, over sleep, over do it or over extend yourself? Are you over sexed or are over sex? Are you over weight, over anxious, over limit, or over time? Are you just over it?

It is through moderation that we can nourish our financial dreams and plan for a comfortable future, rather than living in a need for constant, over indulgence as personified by microwave brownies (remember that commercial for instant, total, gratification, yeah! Ick.) Notice that in the meditation there is the affirmation of living in comfort, of paying for one's bills & pleasures. Moderation is not about denial. Living under one's means is just as stultifying as living over them.

Do you feel under stress, under strain, under duress, under paid, under fed, under nourished, under appreciated, under rug swept or just like the under dog? Under the weather or just under the wire? Under someone's thumb?

A visit to the Wikipedia brings these insights:
Moderation is the process of eliminating or lessening extremes. It is used to ensure normality throughout the medium on which it is being conducted. Moderation is also a principle of life. In ancient Greece, the temple of Apollo at Delphi bore the inscription Meden Agan - Nothing in Excess. Then again, Horace Porter reminds us Be moderate in everything, including moderation.

Ask your self this - do you control your money, or does your money control you? Moderation is a simple technique anyone can master, be it a moderate diet or moderate budget. Balance is key, rather than swinging pendulum like to the extremes. Practice balance in your steps, balance in your breath, balance your diet, balance your checkbook, balance in your mind, balance work & play, and remember:

Everything in moderation - but don't miss a thing. -Anon

Sketch: Bank Of K
kgr 2008

August 8, 2008

Thoughts on Online Dating

My dad surprised me last year by gifting me with a laptop. "'Chela," he says, in his Italian accent, "You know, you are a professional now - and you need professional tools."

Tools? How about TOYS!

Wow, I finally get it, at the ripe age of 41, how fun the net can be. Take a moment to consider that I am this radical feminist, crunchy granola, hippie dippie chick living in Santa Cruz, who hasn't watched TV in almost 11 years, and finally got her first cell phone. I am actually quite computer savvy, using the ones at work, but I have been technologically reluctant for years, to say the least.

I kinda just tinkered around at first, but after a couple of months I become addicted to Best of Craigs List. It was like waking up laughing every morning, but it sucked the time right out of my clock, and I finally had to limit myself to reading 10 posts a day, until I had read all of them. It's a good thing Post Secret is weekly - but I avoid the comments page or it could become daily.

I had always felt cynical about online dating, but of course, still checked the basics. First I did the mainstream: Match, Yahoo, Craigs. I went more queer for awhile, then became more risque, checking out alternative adult sites. Let's make that a hippie dippie kinky chick. Then I was over sex sites & "got serious" with some pagan & eHarmony type sites.

Much to my delight, I did find my true love on line - blogging - so maybe online dating has it's place. On one site, after receiving literally 10,000 hits on my profile, 7,000 hits on my blog, some crazy ass amount of emails (400?) from lonely men (which I faithfully answered, even if just to wish them good luck), a dozen excellent emails from women (with whom I'm still corresponding) my ego felt huge. What an endorphin rush! At the peak of my madness I had five or six different blogs, let alone commenting on 10-12 blogs per day, literally spending hours on the computer, until I developed bloggers elbow. I kid you not. It was painful. But dang, I loved the mental connection.

In real time, I went out with a couple of women, three men, and had one complete no-show (but a great day ice-skating in San Jose). What I really learned was how many lonely people are out there - and that we all need companionship, intimacy & affection. One of my affirmations: I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

Thoughts create reality, but the internet projects those thoughts a thousand fold. I'm over the dating sites and I've deleted all my profiles, all my past blogs, though I'm sure they're archived somewhere in the blogosphere. Hopefully they'll make someone smile a thousand years in the future. While I definitely met someone special on the internet, I know myself, and it'll be awhile before I fish in those waters again.

Instead I spend my online time working on my business, joining LinkedIn (which has been a fun experiment), now using ConstantContact for my emails, or my own websites, like Rambling Rose Studios. I have more Herland memoribilia I plan on posting soon. I was recently invited to join FaceBook and Classmates, and have the same endorphin rush reconnecting from folks from my past, including old loves I thought would never speak to me again. Time really does heal all wounds.

What I enjoyed about dating sites was creating a profile - of defining who I am, what I'm looking for, etc., as well as blogging, feeling that part of the community - hence being on Blogger. While I haven't joined blogaholics anonymous yet ( I am powerless before the blog) I am following a path of online moderation, and now just have two that I still post on daily Enchanted World and it's little sister, Cruzio's mini blog: Tendrils of Belief.

So, I love my laptop, I love blogging, and I love feeling connected. That's what I've learned from online dating. And I give myself (you know it): Gold Star.

Blessed be.

June 7, 2008

Thoughts on Happiness

Happy: characterized by or indicative of pleasure, content, or gladness; delighted, pleased

(My friend found this left by accident in a photocopy machine and gave it to me. I decided to sit and make a list & wrote the following.)

What makes me happy? When do I feel happy? How will I make myself by happy?
  1. Looking things up in the dictionary makes me happy
  2. Journaling, writing, blogging makes me happy
  3. Drawing, sketching, painting makes me happy
  4. Organizing and being efficient makes me happy
  5. Gardening makes me happy
  6. Walking makes me happy
  7. ZUMBA makes me REALLY happy lately
  8. Biking makes me happy
  9. Rollerskating makes me happy
  10. Dancing makes me happy
  11. Singing out loud makes me happy
  12. Listening to new music makes me happy
  13. Listening to people makes me happy
  14. Telling jokes & stories makes me happy
  15. My car (& it's gas mileage) makes me happy
  16. Talking with Mango makes me happy
  17. Playing with Poppy makes me happy
  18. Snuggling with Sharkey Rue makes me happy
  19. Brainstorming on meta tags with Amber makes me happy
  20. Going to the Boardwalk makes me happy
  21. Stretching makes me happy
  22. Eating sushi makes me happy
  23. Eating chocolate makes me happy
  24. Masturbating makes me wake up happy every day
  25. Reading erotica makes me happy
  26. Watching erotica makes me happy
  27. Reading science fiction makes me happy
  28. Keeping things clean & tidy makes me happy
  29. Making it all beautiful makes me happy
  30. Being massaged makes me happy
  31. Having sex makes me feel good
  32. Doing rituals makes me happy
  33. Building altars makes me happy
  34. Chanting makes me happy
  35. Memorizing prayers makes me happy
  36. Releasing old energy - mental, emotional or physical clutter - makes me happy
  37. Being tattooed makes me happy
  38. Having piercings makes me happy
  39. Dressing femmy makes me happy
  40. Getting my hair cut by Pati makes me really happy
  41. Smoking the kindness makes me happy
  42. Drinking wine makes me happy
  43. But I really prefer beer, making my Buddha belly happy
  44. Laughing - belly laughs in particular makes me happy
  45. Jokes - verbal & practical jokes makes me happy
  46. Romance makes me happy
  47. Being in love makes me happy
  48. Poetry makes me happy
  49. Writing love letters & making cds makes me happy
  50. Sharing my heart & telling my truths makes me happy
  51. Concerts makes me happy
  52. Going to plays, ballet, theater makes me happy
  53. Going to the flea market makes me happy
  54. Going to Women's Morning at Kiva - sauna & hot tubs - makes me happy
  55. Being a big dyke makes me happy
  56. Being out, loud & proud makes me happy
  57. Wearing essential oils makes me happy
  58. Wearing my jewelery makes me happy
  59. Wearing any clothes I want to makes me happy
  60. Wearing skirts & dresses makes me happy
  61. Doing tarot & astrology readings makes me happy
  62. Doing workshops & lectures makes me happy
  63. Doing Reiki & hypnosis makes me happy
  64. Playing on my website & virtual store makes me happy
  65. Being good at business & marketing makes me happy
  66. Connecting with other professionals makes me happy
  67. Feeling respected as a business woman makes me happy
  68. Being a part of a team makes me happy
  69. Having breakfast with Dr. Z makes me happy
  70. Taking care of my body makes me happy
  71. Fantasizing makes me happy
  72. Paying for amber's school makes me happy
  73. Volunteering at her school makes me happy
  74. Going back to school myself makes me happy
  75. Playing softball, going to the batting cages, and the after game hang outs all make me happy
  76. Feeling myself improve & get stronger makes me happy
  77. Feeling in control of my life makes me happy
  78. Buying used books & music at Logos makes me happy
  79. Reconnecting with Andrea makes me happy (delta delta!)
  80. Buying art books for inspiration makes me happy
  81. Lighting fires in my wood stove makes me happy
  82. My brown & white polka dot dress I wore for Pride makes me happy
  83. The coral reef bathroom makes me happy
  84. Living with my excellent housemate makes me happy
  85. My alone time makes me happy
  86. Office supplies makes me happy
  87. The smell of band aids & freshly peeled bumper stickers make me happy
  88. The fact that I have follow through makes me happy
  89. Leaving myself love messages on the answering machine makes me happy
  90. Cheesy poofs make me happy
  91. Watching Scrubs on DVD makes me happy
  92. Going through my photo albums with someone makes me happy
  93. Sharing my poetry & journals with someone makes me happy
  94. Decorating everything makes me happy
  95. Painting the back fence makes me happy
  96. Taking hot baths makes me happy
  97. Taking long showers makes me happy
  98. Hot coffee makes me ridiculously happy
  99. Chai makes me chappy
  100. Having & using sex toys makes me happy
  101. Going to music festivals makes me happy
  102. Traveling makes me happy
  103. Camping makes me happy
  104. Hanging out with Jen (my Idol) makes me happy
  105. Being friends with the local barristas makes me happy
  106. The Grateful Dead makes me happy
  107. Making stickers & passing them out at shows makes me happy
  108. Taking mind altering substances occasionally makes me happy
  109. Lighting a candle everyday makes me happy
  110. Being connected with Mom again makes me happy
  111. Angel cards, Medicine cards, Affirmations all add to my happiness
  112. Playing guitar makes me happy
  113. Having money in the bank makes me happy
  114. Having all my bills & taxes paid makes me happy
  115. Creating lists & then checking things off makes me happy
  116. Buying myself flowers makes me happy
  117. Believing in Magic makes me happy
  118. Being a Priestess makes me happy
  119. Being a Mom makes me happy
  120. Being lovers makes me happy
  121. Being a wife makes me happy
  122. Being a fairy mermaid at heart makes me happy
  123. Having Elizabeth as my soul sister makes me happy
  124. Knowing I give my best in my love relationships makes me happy
  125. Being kind makes me happy
  126. Practicing forgiveness makes me feel happier
  127. Hugging & being hugged makes me happy
  128. Kissing & being kissed makes me happy
  129. Holding hands makes me ridiculously happy
  130. Believing in myself in those hard moments, like changing the fluorescent bulbs at Herland all by self, or washing the bedroom windows by myself, makes me happy
  131. Clean windows makes me happy
  132. Not feeling addicted to anything makes me happy
  133. Folks buying my artwork makes me happy
  134. My friend Ginger makes me happy
  135. Putting fairy messages inside my bills makes me happy
  136. Doing my own book keeping makes me happy
  137. Creating my own ads & other graphic design makes me happy
  138. Working by myself makes me happy
  139. Going down to the ocean makes me happy
  140. Making lists like this makes me happy
  141. Taking naps makes me happy
  142. Remembering my dreams makes me happy
  143. Being friends with Jill again makes me happy
  144. The yellow paint on the wall by the stairs makes me happy every single day
  145. The rainbows from the crystals in the windows make me happy
  146. Freshly grated Parmesan cheese makes me happy
  147. Being with Dad makes me happy
  148. Mike the Dragon makes me happy
  149. My beautiful new, queen size bed, with the "Sacred Plush" mattress makes me happy
  150. My peachy keen bedroom
  151. My new curtains makes me happy
How about you? What makes you happy? Add to the list...

March 20, 2008

Thoughts on Elephants

I was doing some spring cleaning, going through a bunch of old schoolwork in Amber's room. In a typical homework session for the first grade, the final assignment was to write one sentence about elephants—in the zoo, at the circus, whatever. I flipped to the last section, where she had neatly printed her sentence,

“I have nothing to say about elephants.”

February 26, 2008

Thoughts on Gandhi

We all know that Gandhi was a peaceful visionary who led a simple life. What some folks don’t know is what were some of the effects from his chosen lifestyle. For example, he walked barefoot, and his feet were often sore, despite toughening up. He ate little and a vegan diet, which caused him not only to feel weak at times, but also to have kinda bad breath. In essence, you could say that Gandhi was

A super calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis...

February 25, 2008

Thoughts on the Presidency

It was a Saturday, Inauguration day, and my five year old and I were out for pizza downtown. “Look, Mom!” Amber cried excitedly, “Puppets!” Indeed, huge puppets of George Bush, along with papier-maché missiles, were being carried by protesters as they walked down Pacific. We quickly followed the parade to the town clock, where I tried to explain how every one there was angry at the people in power for putting money into armaments instead of education and health care. For the rest of the day she would ask me, “Momma, can you tell me more about missiles?”

Recently in an interview I was asked how did I plan on teaching my child about gender. Gender? How am I going to teach her about war? That day I tried as gently as I could to tell her about greed, and hatred, and killing, and testing bombs underneath mother earth…And I also talked about anger, and rage, and activism, and hope…

It is one thing to have your child ask about an atrocity, it is another when she asks you what you are doing about it. In the time of Georgie Porgie eroding women’s rights faster than you can say “Oh, Fuck!”, it is a gratifying experience to do some small political act like opening the doors of Herland everyday, and feeling that I serve a purpose. Blessed Be. (2001)

January 19, 2008

Thoughts on Desire

The desire of the man is for the woman,
but the desire of the woman
is for the desire of the man.

- Madame de Stael

The path
to your
heart’s desire
is never
—Kigezi proverb, southwest Uganda

Nothing is sexier than being desired,
and the complete feeling of helplessness I get
when I am overwhelmed by my longing for someone...

Main Entry: 1de·sire
Pronunciation: di-'zI(-&)r, dE-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): de·sired; de·sir·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French desirer, from Latin desiderare, from de- + sider-, sidus heavenly body
transitive verb
1 : to long or hope for : exhibit or feel desire for (desire success)
2 a : to express a wish for : REQUEST (they desire an immediate answer) b archaic : to express a wish to : ASK
3 obsolete : INVITE
4 archaic : to feel the loss of
intransitive verb : to have or feel desire
synonyms DESIRE, WISH, WANT, CRAVE, COVET mean to have a longing for. DESIRE stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or aim (desires to start a new life). WISH sometimes implies a general or transient longing especially for the unattainable (wishes for permanent world peace). WANT specifically suggests a felt need or lack (wants to have a family). CRAVE stresses the force of physical appetite or emotional need (craves sweets). COVET implies strong envious desire (covets his rise to fame).


is a vertical
of a horizontal

And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery;
for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

-Charge of the Star Goddess Starhawk

No longer the slave to intensity
I am now the face
Of satisfied