July 17, 2024

Seed Ritual

Seed Ritual

Find some seeds - pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, wildflowers

Whatever floats your fancy

Hold them in your palm and whisper your wishes

Imbue them with your hot breath

Walk around your house, church, or favorite field

Clockwise or counter, notice what feels right

At each of the four directions (and the cross directions)

Throw your seeds, scatter them

To the wind that they may find fertile ground

To the ants to feed the hive mind community

To the squirrels and chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with abundance 

To the birds, who will fly into your dreams 

Invite in the rain 

Release any frustrations, cry 

Welcome the sun f

Feel a sense of energy begin to build.

Trust that you'll be able to weed out 

What is weak or ineffectual 

Focus and simplify 

Nourish your dreams 

As they unfurl from a mere thought to full manifestation 

Shelter your dreams - tell no one 

Until you see sure signs of growth,

Ready for assistance

Immune to criticism

 Of the naysayers

Just like the rose is immune

With its thorns.

Seeds of hope

Seeds of change.

Seeds of peace

And seed money

Flourish into abundance 

Benefiting all the creatures of the earth

This or something better now occurs 

For the greatest good

So mote it be. Blessed be.