Showing posts with label self hypnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self hypnosis. Show all posts

March 26, 2014

March 19, 2014

Hypnosis for Trichotillomania

Have you heard of trichotillomania? It is the compulsion to pull out your eyelashes, eyebrows or hair. I had a 14 year old client come in, who had been engaging in this habit for about a year. Her smart parents decided to try hypnosis instead of putting her on medication. She stopped completely after just five sessions!

Hypnotherapy helped give her the insight that she was dealing with the stress of her parent's divorce (one year ago, hmmm) and she felt she was being "picked on". We discussed nervous energy being just that, energy, and she decided she'd rather pick on a guitar than pick on herself. She discovered she could take the turmoil in her heart and put it into words and music, allowing her an amazing way to share and express her feelings.

This is why I love what I do - guiding folks to discover their own solutions, for truly all healing is self healing, and all hypnosis is self hypnosis. If you have a nervous habit - such as biting your nails, chewing your lips or cheeks, picking at zits, or pulling/chewing hair - that you are ready to transform, give me call and discover your own personal, long-term, successful solution. I believe in you!



Dr. Kayla Garnet Rose, PhD, CHT
(831) 435-5182

January 27, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis

Hypnosis FAQs

  • Q: What is hypnosis and how does it work? A: Hypnosis is a very natural process of entering a state of deep relaxation. This helps your subconscious mind become more attentive, receptive to suggestion, and open to change. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. Over a series of hour long sessions, Kayla will guide you to master an ability you already have. Once you have learned how to enter and use your trance state, you can use it to change aspects of your behavior and achieve your desired goals.

  •  Q: How can I be sure I can be hypnotized? A: You enter some form of hypnosis several times a day, like when you are driving and pass your turn-off because you haven't been paying attention, or being absorbed in a good book. Everyone goes through natural, altered states before they fall asleep, and as they come into wakefulness. During your session you are aware, not asleep, and in touch with your core values and beliefs. It is easy to communicate and it is easy to come out it - you are always in control.

  •  Q: How many sessions will I need? A: Resolving your issue will depend on the issue itself, as well as on your commitment to change. Typically, you will know within 3 sessions whether Hypnotherapy is effective for you. Sessions may be recorded for home practice.

  •  Q: How often should I schedule sessions? A: The goal is to teach you simple, effective self hypnosis techniques. Depending on the client's motivation and commitment to change, some clients visit each week, some monthly, others come as often as they see fit to address their needs. 
  •  Q: How can hypnosis help me to quit smoking? A: Smoking is an interesting habit- people quit smoking for as many reasons as they started smoking, and hypnosis is helpful in changing any habit. Hypnotherapy allows you to discover the deeper purpose behind smoking and how to fulfill that purpose in a new, healthier, deeply satisfying way. Because all of this is happening in your own imagination, it is always the perfect right solution for you. 
  •  Q: What else should I do? A: Drink water; Practice what you learn in sessions, especially the self-hypnosis technique; Keep a journal; Balance work and play; Breathe deep; Check in with other healers for a holistic experience - ask for a referral for any service you may need at this time.   

  • Q. How well does hypnosis work for habit cessation? A. Just as people develop habits for many different reasons, people also desire to stop their habits for just as many reasons. Through a combination of guided imagery and regression healing, you will find changing your habits easy and with long term results.    

  • Q. What is Hypnosis used for? A. Anytime you would like to feel focused, have a goal to achieve, or want to check in with your deeper self. Whether accessing your inner coach for true motivation, or inner couch for deep relaxation, discover how hypnosis can serve you. 
 I have been going to Kayla Garnet Rose for approximately two years and have used most of her services, including self hypnosis, reiki, and tarot.  She is an insightful and understanding healer and has helped me with several personal issues.  I would recommend Ms. Rose for any of her services and especially her hypnosis.  I will be continuing to use her services in the future.- Minda Lee, Santa Cruz, CA

September 18, 2013

Self Meditate Instead of Self Medicate

When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, usually referred to as the fight or flight syndrome. Muscles tense, breathing becomes shallow, blood is diverted from the stomach and intestines, adrenaline and other hormones are released. We live in a stressful world that includes battling traffic, waiting in long lines, working long hours to pay bills as well as interpersonal relationships, whether parenting a child or taking care of an elder. Just hearing the news and feeling helpless about the situation in Syria can add to feelings of hopelessness, let alone looking at Facebook and reading about a friends pet dying or a favorite couple getting divorced. This type of low grade stress, like a low grade fever, is taxing on the body, causes poor digestion, lack of sleep and generalizing feelings of anxiety, anger, nervousness or depression.

It is no wonder we have a rise in alcoholism, over eating and addiction to prescription drugs, all ways to self medicate in order to experience some degree of comfort or relaxation. However, these are band aid solutions that do little to really alleviate the underlying stress and in fact in the long run only contribute more to one's problems. Learning better coping skills in order to handle stress is a form of emotional intelligence that brings ease, increase energy, creativity and simply joy in life.

Self-hypnosis is a prime way to manage one's emotions rather than letting emotions manage you. Just taking a few deep, calming breaths allows the parasympathetic nervous system to kick back in. Inviting deeper relaxation allows the muscles to relax, endorphins to be released, the blood to go back into the belly and the brain, so thinking is clearer and the whole body operates normally. In fact, twenty minutes of hypnosis is the same as a two hour nap, allowing the cells to regenerate, the mind to recuperate and healing on all levels to occur.

All healing is self healing, and really, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Working with a hypnotherapist merely allows you to be guided deeper inside and facilitates the process. Learning self-hypnosis is a key in each of my sessions so that you can experience feelings of deep calm, confidence, and equanimity no matter what - running late for an appointment, doing public speaking, or being stuck on an airplane with a crying baby. Imagine feeling blissfully detached while stuck in rush hour traffic, or allowing critical comments from a family member at Thanksgiving to simply wash over you like a cool breeze.

Hypnosis also enhances motivation, improves performance, and aligns the body and mind for long term successful solutions. So instead of self medicating, try self meditating. The power is within you, the solutions are deep inside. You can learn a simple self hypnosis technique from my video on YouTube, or come on in for a session to get all the heartfelt encouragement and guidance you need from a trained professional.
   Click here for a short video on Discovering Hypnosis with Kayla Garnet Rose