Showing posts with label Beautiful Unknown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beautiful Unknown. Show all posts

May 15, 2024

Hidden Moon


Hidden Moon

I give her the name of the hidden moon -  David Whyte

For most of my life, I have hated being cold

Now I welcome every ounce of cool

Waking up, feeling the heat move from core to thighs

Prickles of sweat on my neck, upper lip, between my breasts

Rather than a flash more of a hot sw

Leaving me soaked

I imagine leaving a steaming eucalyptus sauna

On a cold winter night, a spark

Rolling my body in the snow

Like wrapping myself in a cloak of

Soothing lunar cycles, full and flushed

Drifting with the stars, back into restful

Content with the celestial

What is this veiled female form, the crone within