October 9, 2009

Day 9: Who are my resources for Abundance?

I am currently teaching a course on Creative Abundance: Nine Weeks to Greater Prosperity at Twin Lakes College. In the first class we did a meditation to answer 9 essential questions and to come up with 9 essential answers to each. The homework was to finish the lists & then illustrate each section with a drawing, photo, or collage. I decided to post mine to my blog over the next nine days, as the internet has an amazing way to amplify energy and put thoughts & energy out to the Universe. The last question is: Who are my resources for Abundance?

1. Santa Cruz Women's Chapter of Leads Club
2. Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts
3. Dr.Z's MindBody Shop
4. My current clients
5. Chamber of Commerce
7. Pantheacon/Pagan Community
8. Herland customers
9. National Guild of Hypnotistss and other local hypnotherapists

Blessed be my Abundant Life!

Take a moment to ponder & then tell me, who are your resources for Abundance?