September 9, 2009

Thoughts on Values

It's 09/09/09 and spam texts (spexts?) about what a lucky day you will have by forwarding this message. "Luck is being prepared for opportunity when it comes" is what springs to mind, this Moon in Taurus and Mercury Retrograde Tuesday.

I started the day around 6:30 am posting on Twitter that now was a good time to re-assess all you value most. Health, time, money, possessions, resources or laughter? Send thanks.

At 7:30 am I began my Leads group by writing on the board "What do I value? In myself, in my business, in my clients?" and had the members meditate upon this during our 60 seconds of silence. At the end of the meeting, during our second promotional, members shared what it was they valued.

It was so powerful to hear these 20 women affirm over and over how much they valued being connected to their clients, for being in service, and for being able to give their gifts, whether the ancient art of acupuncture, sound advice on healthy nutrition, or the ability to bring ease and organization into someone's life.

Taurus rules the second house in astrology: our physical bodies, physical homes, gardens, possessions, money, all that we "have" in our lives. We hear a lot about "family values" as some sort of moral staging, but to value something means to take care of it, to cherish and tend to it. I'm getting ready to teach my class on Creative Abundance in a few weeks, and what came to me today was: "In order for your Assets to Appreciate—Appreciate your Assets." Just watch - it'll be my next tweet.

Mercury is just kissing Libra before sliding back into the arms of Virgo, who could be aptly named Sweeping Beauty. All of my appointments today had the theme of "cleaning house", those psychic cobwebs of the mind. What with Jupiter retro all summer, a lot of folks have felt stuck in a glut - Jupiter can be the gourmet or the gourmand. The gourmet wants the finest in life - the gourmand just wants to have his cake and then eat two. The opportunity for reviewing one's health and in particular one's habits is really up for grabs right now. Notice what used to be comforting is now just comfortable. It's time to stop medicating and start meditating. Value your body, value your personal space, and begin to make small gentle adjustments to ease yourself into a sense of well being.

So what do I value? Here's what I shared:

I value myself, my business and my clients.
I value the trust my clients put into me.
I value the stories that they share-It keeps me humble and it keeps me helpful.

I value being a helpful person.
I value being a resource.
If I can't help you, I probably know somebody who can.

I value sharing the tools that I have learned.
I know they have made a difference in my life
and that they create ease in the lives of others.

I value my education.
I value my 23 years of experience.
I value myself as a good listener.

I value my integrity.

Blessed Be.

And remember, you create your own luck!