Showing posts with label Prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayers. Show all posts

September 9, 2008

Marie Laveau

I heal my voice
I heal my heart
I speak my truth
First and foremost unto myself
I sing the words
of Afia Walkingtree:

I am Alive
I am Beautiful
I can do anything
I put my heart and love in to...

Marie Laveau
Queen of Voodoo
Lives in my helpful people corner

I honor her with
Two black feathers
For the Raven’s nest in the east
Red and pink candles
For Romance and Passion in the south
Two white cowrie shells
For Yoni love in the West
A black velvet pouch
filled with love herbs in the North

I cut the red tape
And write my respectful request
On a parchment scroll
Pay with blessed money
And seal the spell with wax

As Venus goes direct
This is the center
As above, so below

She smiles at me, arms crossed
Chanticleer and red medicine pouch
Papa Legba and Zombi the snake
Gentle Jesus and Fierce Gabriel
The magic of New Orleans
Mother, Healer, Priestess, Consoler, Counselor
Your legacy lives on...

June 2004

August 2, 2008

Today's Affirmation

I am Balanced in my Heart:

I am here to give Love

I am here to receive Love

Happy Lammas!

April 3, 2008

Money Tree Meditation

Money Tree Meditation
• Draw a tree (or copy one of these) with branches reaching into the sky, and roots going into the earth. What kind of tree comes to mind? Oak, bamboo, willow, fir, pine... notice which feels right to you. Make it simple, add a little grass or a backdrop with mountains, whatever you like.

• In the trunk of the tree, put in your face or whole being, a favorite quote or affirmation, the meditation below or even just the words, “I am the Source”.

• In the branches, write in all your sources of abundance, including income, trades, dividends, inheritances, gifts, alimony, all other sources of financial support, etc.

• In the roots, write in all your resources, including education, past jobs, family, property, investments, fields of expertise, experience, etc.

• For the leaves, go around each branch with a green pen and make dollar signs. Cover it!

• In the mountains, write in your financial goals and dreams.

• In the grass, write in what you are providing to the universe, for example:
• I provide food, clothing & shelter for myself & my family
• I provide space and energy for my clients
• I provide jobs in my community, from restaurants to utility services
• My taxes provide for community services including schools, parks, roads,& health care
• I provide stability for myself, knowing the seasons turnings.

I am a
Money Tree.
I am the Source.
I let go of suckers, prune away dead wood,
make room for new growth.
I dig my roots deep into the rich soil and
open my leaves to the rich air
to draw in what I need
to grow and blossom into my fullest potential.
In return I give my gifts generously,
knowing my thoughts & ideas
are like the leaves on the tree -
I let go and give the gift of usable energy.
I am provide shade and beauty,
a place to nest, and
a way to recycle, renew & revive.
Blessed Be.

March 19, 2008

Just for today

Just for today
I let go of anger,
knowing I can gently express my inner needs
I let go of worry,
choosing to trust that I have been heard
I am deeply thankful,
to a kind and benevolent universe
I am focused on my work
in creative & productive ways
I am kind and loving,
to myself and all beings.

Blessed Be.

February 24, 2008


Boundaries. They are good. Use them. Here’s what our Goddess Oracle has to say, “Durga (Hindu goddess of boundaries) is here to assist you in nurturing wholeness by creating and fixing the limits of your physical space. Establishing clear boundaries is an act of self-love. Having no boundaries gives others the message that you are limitless and want to be treated in a limitless way... Durga says that boundaries are vital because they let others now who you are and where you stand.”

February 21, 2008

Chakra Balancing Meditation

I am balanced in my mind.
I am focused and engaged in creative and productive ways.

I am balanced in my vision.
I allow myself to dream and I follow through on my ideas.

I am balanced in my communication.
I listen attentively and I speak my truth compassionately.

I am balanced in my heart.
I am here to give love and I am here to receive love.

I am balanced in my belly.
I am beauty and I am laughter.

I am balanced in my boundaries.
I take in what I need and I let go of what no longer serves me.

I am balanced at the root of my being.
I attract what I need to grow and I fulfill all my desires.

Blessed Be.

January 4, 2008

Light as a Feather

Ma'at was the Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice and Order. Her headdress ostrich feather served as the ultimate arbiter of the goodness of a man's life, and was balanced against a newly deceased person's heart on the scales of justice as a precondition of being permitted to pass into the Afterlife. Those whose hearts were heavy with wicked deeds had their souls devoured immediately by the demigod Ammin. Only those whose were lighter than Ma'at's feather were permitted to pass through into immortality with the Gods.

Is your heart light as a feather, or ready to be devoured by a demigod?

November 25, 2007

Sooner or Later

Sooner or later a person begins to notice that everything that happens to her is perfect, relates directly to who she is, had to happen, was meant to happen, plays its little role in fulfilling her destiny.

When she encounters difficulty, it no longer occurs to her to complain—she has learned to expect nothing, has learned that loss and frustration are a part of life, and come at their proper time—instead she asks herself, why is this happening?… by which she means, what can I learn from this, how will it strengthen me, make me more aware? She lets herself be strengthened, lets herself grow, just as she lets herself relax and enjoy (and grow) when life is gentle to her.

Strengthened by this simple notion, simple awareness, that life is perfect, that all things come at the proper moment and that she is always the perfect person for the situation she finds herself in, a person begins to feel more and more in tune with her inner nature, begins to find it easier and easier to do what she knows is right. All chance events appear to her to be intended; all intentional actions she clearly perceives as part of the workings of Chance.

Anxiety seldom troubles her; she knows her death will come at its proper moment; she knows her actions are right and therefore whatever comes to pass as a result of them will be what was meant to happen. When she does feel anxiety, she realizes it is because of that thing she’s been meaning to do but hasn’t been done, some unfulfilled relationship she’s been aware of, but… She perceives the anxiety as a message that she’ll have to stop hesitating if she wants to stay high…

(author unknown)

November 6, 2007

October 24, 2007

Money Meditation

I am a skilled practitioner of the healing arts and an excellent businesswoman. I have many, deeply satisfied repeat clients, who pay me highly, and who spread the kind word to their friends and family who would also benefit from my services. I know that work is love made visible, and I enjoy my chosen path in creating right livelihood for myself and my loved ones.

I am wise with my money. I dedicate part to pay off my debts easily and effortlessly; part for my savings, which I then invest and watch grow; and the remainder I live on in comfort and moderation. I am now in a position to bless money as it goes out to pay my bills and pleasures, knowing it will return threefold.

I live each day feeling wealthy, open-hearted and free. I trust that I will have what I need because I trust the financial wisdom within myself. I trust that money comes into my life to provide what I need. I am responsible with my money, and I am generous with my money. I contribute to all that I want to see flourish in myself, my family, my community, & my charities.

I am now truly at peace with money.
Blessed Be.