September 1, 2011

Happy Lammas - The Time of the Unexpected Gift

Happy Lammas - 
The Time of the Unexpected Gift.
Traditionally a time of feeling blessed if a second set of lambs were born, in modern times it is associated with spreading joy by sharing the abundance. It's also a time to check in with your own self care before getting caught up in the whirlwind of Fall activities, from starting school to new athletic teams, let alone preparing for Winter and the upcoming holidays. Do you find your self:
  • Needing a vacation from your vacation?
  • Wanting to feel relaxed and rejuvenated?
  • Seeking balance and internal harmony?
I am always available to assist your process, combining tools for transformation, customized to your experience, drawing upon that which will benefit you the most:
    My regular offices hours are:
    • Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays mornings in Soquel
    • Monday and Tuesday afternoons in Santa Cruz
    Call or email for your appointment today!
    What was the most fun you had this summer? Take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and really remember a moment simple happiness. This will be a seed to cherish over the days and weeks to come.

    For myself, my partner and I made a series of short videos on self empowerment, starting our own company, Chayla Productions. The three first releases out, coming soon are short presentations on The Power of Journaling, The Power of Affirmations, a Chakra Balancing, and a full tongue in cheek spoof on hypnosis, The "Happy as a Clam" Meditation.

    I'm interested in creating webinars and videos based on my workshops and classes, including Creative Abundance, Beginning Astrology, Numerology, Radiate You Beauty, and Learning the Tarot. What would you be interested in? Your feedback is appreciated, and of course, private lessons always available

    May the Fall equinox bring you harmony, equilibrium and an abundance of joy.

    Blessed be,
    PS Spread the love! Gift Certificates are always available!