Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts

November 26, 2007

After shock

Last night

you asked me
why I cried

Heaving naked sobs
against your chest

What can I say

After the earthquake

November 14, 2007

Yes! Anything is Possible

I am walking on my path, I am aware of my stride
I don’t know where I am because I’m really journeying inside
I know my intention is to gather up information
The more I travel, the more I know - The journey is my destination

There is cool blue sky above me, and the good old earth below
I walk the path in the middle of dark forest and sweet meadow
Golden hills of California dipping down to gray sea
Heat and sun in contrast to the shade of the redwood tree

Walking along, singing my song, snake quickly crosses my path
Out of the light, just out of sight, Coyote has the last laugh
Coyote, my guardian, coyote my love -
We no longer walk this path together
But we will always be true friends -
And see each other through any weather

I believe we create our destiny, I believe we create our own fate
Go back to the forest, Coyote - And find your coyote mate
For I am a bird woman - I take to the sky
In these moments of transendance, I know I was born to fly

It seems it’s been so long now, I have walked my path alone
But I have been feathering my nest - I have been building a home
Now I am in a hang glider, suspended in the air
I have a new perspective on my worries & my cares

Purple with rainbow edges, strapped in, safe as can be
The higher I spiral upwards, the more I leave my story behind me
I see pennants in the breeze - A festive village beckons below me
Flags & ribbons, music & laughter, a place filled with magic & beauty

I land in the center, I am in the middle of it all
At last I’ve found my circle - The place where I can stand tall
I am a leader without followers. I have been exiled in the past
I’m here to share, I’m here to learn - I’m here for as long as it lasts

I need to adapt, I need to adopt, I need my tribe, I need my community
I need my kin, to be one with my kind - And one of a kind, unique & free
I am here to serve, and here to give
I am here to receive - I am here to live

I am here for information - I go to see the shaman
She is wise, she is wonderful, the gypsy in her caravan
Laden with herbs, hanging from the ceiling,
satin cushions covered the floor
She reads the stars, she reeds the cards -
And then she shares even more

She anoints me with oil, every chakra, head to toe
Sweet lavender, clary sage, parsley, and a drop of mistletoe
I am grateful to be here - I am grateful to reach her
I have found my next home, I have found my next teacher

I set off on a journey, I knew anything was possible
I said yes to my self because I know I am capable
I am walking on my path - I am aware of my stride
I know exactly where I am - Because I journey inside.


November 10, 2007


Today’s early morning ritual
I am raven

of lavender

of the cards

of the stars

of cold pizza

October 27, 2007

Messages from Seaglass

Once I met a wind swept man
Who constructed his days
and spent his nights in craft,
And the time betweens
Sifting the beaches
For bits of precious sea glass.

Milky white, palest aqua,
Sea green, and cobalt blues,
Burnished browns, occasional reds
And the rarest of violet hues.

These shards of the past
Once raw and jagged
Now polished and refined
He would into make jewelry
Creating a holder,
A reminder of the divine.

Solidly set in silver
Skillfully soldered
Edges worked intaglio-
Stars and moons,
Cut outs to reveal
The treasured inner glow.

How like our hearts...

What was once a whole vessel
To whatever elixir
Ambrosia in the moment
Containing the promise of eternity
Infinity in a bottle
Or so we took for granted.

Suddenly smashed and broken
Tumbled by turmoil
Tossed by tides of grief.
Scoured by remorse
Cleansed of regret
These fragments of relief.

Shrapnel of the soul
Now soft, eroded edges
Worn smooth by patience.
Translucent, transcendent,
A constant reminder:
Time is precious.

Sea glass, see glass
See through the looking glass...
Salt tears and wisdom know-
Sand once melted
Sand now scoured
Even glass will flow.

Milky white, palest aqua
Sea green baubles
Hung on sterling chains
Reminding the throat
Reminding the heart
Cherish each moment that remains.

October 20, 2007

Litany of Lovers

Mercury Retrograde
And to calm my chattering mind
I recite a litany of lovers
A rosary of remembrance
Prayers for the lovers gone by

Mercury retrospect
And to calm my chattering heart
I recite a litany of lovers
Beading hopes & beliefs
Prayers for the lovers yet to be

Mercury reviewed
And to calm my chattering soul
I find the repeated pattern
In my litany of lovers
My rosary of remembrance
The common thread throughout
Is the lover in me

October 14, 2007


This morning I awake
To your sleeping face
Next to mine
So strong, so soft
So divine

You opened your eyes
As I caressed you
You really are
My perfect lover
My soul mate

And I thought
As you stretched, and purred
Now if only we were
The same species...

July 2004

October 6, 2007

Catcher Signalling Left Field

Talking out in the parking lot
After the softball game
I wanted to ask you

There is a light
In your deep brown eyes
That keeps me thinking
What sparks your fire

I know nothing about you
Except I like your car
And how every time I see you
My hips rotate
In your direction

Will you step up to bat?
Will you have follow through?
Or is it three strikes
And you’re out

And when you’re there in the field
I wonder
What else could you catch
And far could you throw

Meet me at home plate
There’s a lot I’d like to know...