August 9, 2023

Random Advice

  • Compliment people- be sincere. See something you like - a piece of jewelry, the color of a shirt and say something. People love it.
  • Say thank you- send note cards by snail mail, have a stack of little gifts like painted rocks and bookmarks to give to clients- I hand out  a lot of hematite, rose quartz, and magnets (law of attraction) and gratitude
  • Take time for yourself- be intentional, don't fight just to get some space. Nor do you have to be sick or cranky. Make it organic.
  • Listen to music- turn on the radio, play CDs in the car, sing in the shower, notice that earworms in your head. Find the lyrics, watch the videos, and dance to them.
  • Love your pets. They are amazing. Enough said.
  • Don't listen to advice that does not resonate with you.