November 8, 2023

October Silent Retreat

The drive went well despite Route 1 being washed out past Lucia. I went to Cafe Ivita for a feta spinach croissant and a mocha for breakfast, plus a muffuletta sandwich for a picnic lunch later. I stopped at Nepenthe for a pricey beer and poked around the Phoenix gift store.

The monk who registered me was very kind and complimented my earrings. I unpacked, made my altar, went for a walk around the loop, picked up supplies from the kitchen, and read my new book This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal Rl-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. 

I saw plenty of quail, and the crickets were so loud this evening that I thought someone was playing heavy metal music nearby. I ate Pringles and cheese for dinner, along with the other half of the mocha. My word at the moment is “excellent” and my intention on this retreat is a connect with the lunar eclipse in Libra, taking in balance, moderation, diplomacy, justice, and harmony.

The three cards from the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and three runes (from the Ralph Blum set) I pulled for my heart, my soul, and my mind for today were: Ma’at- Justice with Berkana - Birch; Skuld-Future with Sowelu, The Sun; and Freya- Radical Acceptance with Wunjo - Joy.